The other day I picked up a summer fun platter of different kinds of sausages meant for BBQ grills, they've been feeding me for the past few days. 100g of these weenies is 1,7g of carb, which equals to 3 sausages. I tend to eat 4 in a serving , just heat them up on the skillet. As a side dish I prepped some simple coleslaw with herbs from my herb garden. I didn't have onions, I tend to steer clear of carrots. Two handfuls of chopped green cabbage, few stalks of cilantro, bunch of chives and my secret ingredient – MINT. completely changed my coleslaw game with the inclusion of mint. I used a tablespoon of mayo and a squeeze of lime. Pepper and salt to taste. The whole prep took me 5 minutes and I was ready to eat. I hope you try it and let me know, I think it was delicious.

by RominaAndDot


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