Welcome to TortellinoTime! Today, I’m sharing a delightful recipe for Chickpea Polpette with Orzo Pasta. This dish is perfect for anyone who needs to eat soft food but doesn’t want to compromise on flavour.

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Key Chapters:

00:00 – Introduction
00:08 – Preparing the Chickpeas
02:42 – Making the Chickpea Polpette
03:18 – Cooking the Sofritto
05:15 – Adding the Pasta
06:37 – Final Touches and Tasting

List of Ingredients for 2 people:

1 tin of chickpeas (drained, water reserved)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Pinch of salt
Some pepper
1 medium-sized clove of garlic
1 egg
40g Grated Parmesan cheese
1 Fresh mozzarella (chopped into tiny cubes)
3 tablespoons of dry breadcrumbs
Generous amount of parsley
1 small carrot (chopped finely)
1 small white onion (chopped finely)
1 small celery (chopped finely)
Olive oil for sautéing
Chicken or vegetable stock or water
1 Bay leaf
120 grams of orzo pasta or any pasta of your liking

Cooking Instructions:
Drain the chickpeas, reserving the water, and blend with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic until smooth.
Transfer to a bowl, add an egg, grated Parmesan, mozzarella cubes, breadcrumbs, and parsley. Mix well.
Form the mixture into small balls (polpette) and set aside.
In a saucepan, sauté finely chopped carrot, onion, and celery in olive oil.
Add the chicken or vegetable stock and reserved chickpea water. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer, add a bay leaf, and carefully place the polpette into the stock.
Ensure the polpette are covered with stock, cover, and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add pasta, stir gently, cover, and cook for another 10 minutes. Adjust consistency with additional water if needed.
Once cooked, let it sit for 5 minutes before serving. Garnish with Parmesan and parsley.

#TortellinoTime #ChickpeaPolpette #OrzoPasta #SoftFoodRecipes #ItalianCuisine #EasyCooking #HealthyMeals #Tortellino

if like Julie you’ve been to the dentist and you’ve been told to eat soft food but you still want something delicious then this recipe might be just what you’re looking for Theo chickpeas I will be draining it in a bowl and uh but I will keep the water just in case I need it later and I’m adding them to a jug and 1 tblspoon of olive oil pinch of salt some pepper and a medium siiz glove of gallic oh and here it comes trouble how are you feeling not too bad to I live you live okay you’re gardening I can see you’re dressed good good she’s uh she’s feeling better in case you’re worried good good I’m cooking your dinner lovely she’s gone couple of spoons of water from my cheekpiece and I will be blending everything together with the hand blender let’s see job done it’s a bit thick which is what I’m looking for I did strangle a little bit at the beginning so if you too solid add a little bit more water but in my case was okay just took a little while to get going so job done and I’ll transfer my chickpeas now into a larger Bowl I’m making some chickpeas pet so I also be breaking an egg and I’ll be cooking the pulet with some Oro pasta cuz it’s very soft it will be ideal for Judy and tooth I’ve also grated some Parmesan cheese which I’m adding to my paste this is a a fresh bowl of mozzarella which I’m chopping into tiny little Cubes but um you can use any cheese you like any cheese like cheda or Edom in up to you or mozzarella of course but do ensure that it is in nice little cubes and I’ll be adding it to the rest of the mix I will be adding some breake CRS next but before I do so I want to see the consistency of uh the chick piece so that I can use the break GRS as a way to regulate I’ll think I want them and I’ll start with a couple of tablespoons to see how it goes interestingly the predominant smell at the moment is the GAC the little GAC I put in you can definitely smell it the paste is still a bit wet so I will add a feather spoon there it is and while I’m at it before I forget I will also be adding um generous amount of parsley this will give lots of flavors and lovely color yeah I think it’s good look I can make a a little meatball no a little chickpeas ball not a meatball po Peta quite easily without getting stuck to my hand so it’s done and I start making my puleta and here there are approximately a couple of centimeters in diameter each there isn’t a rule or a science entirely up to you I’m making them relatively small because Alo pasta is not very big and uh I think they look better if they’re not disproportionally big but if you want to make them bigger entirely up to you there you just roll them in your hand and uh off you go very very easy and yeah there job done I’ve made 21 the same as my age so I’ll put this on one side to rest in the meantime I’ll start my Sofrito small carrot small onion I will be using a white onion today because it will balance better the sweetness of the cheekpiece and also some this is just picked from the garden we got massive plant I will not be using it all though and I’ve chopped all of my vegetable very very fine mostly to ensure that they’re not too intrusive for Julie olive oil in a sauce span and I add my chopped vegetables and I will leave them to sizel for a good couple of minutes I will be using some chicken stock which I’ve got left from the other day when I cooked some pasta and I kept thinking of doing something different so there it is and uh I’ve warmed up in the microwave and this is the remaining water from my chick piece which I also kept and I will be adding it to the vegetables if you’re vegetarian by the way you can use a vegetable stock if I didn’t have the chicken stock was probably I would have made some vegetable stock or straight water as soon as the stock reaches a boiling point turn the temperature down to a medium to low add a bay leaf and start adding the little PETA ensure that if you’re making a similar quantity to mine you have a large enough SAU spin so that they’re not on top of each other also ensure that the level of the stock is above your puleta not a problem in my case like more than better judgment but uh if you do need more liquid just add a little bit more hot water until all of the pet are covered I’ll put the lid on and I’ll leave them to sim for a good 10 minutes so 10 minutes and uh they are pretty much well on their way and uh actually most probably they’re good enough to eat as they are and uh make sure that you keep the heat as low as possible because the chickpeas B pet are fairly fragile and if you have them on a very high setting they will lose their shape and I’m not sprinkling some oo pasta here I’ll show it to you you might be familiar with it this is approximately 120 Gram I’m choosing Oro pasta for two reasons number one because um it is a big creamier than a normal pasta and also because of Julie and uh this is the sort of pasta that you can eat when it’s warmer rather than that’s hot but of course if you’re making this you can use any pasta you like short pasta is advisable something like macaroni would be IDE deal and without trying to upset everything I’ll give it a good Shake I’ll go in with my wooden spoon and try and ensure that the pasta is covered by the stock and if it isn’t all of it don’t worry because we’re going to be putting the lid on and uh we’ll leave it now to cook for another 10 minutes 5 minutes in and I’ve noticed that it’s a little bit thicker than I would like it to be so I’m going to be adding a little hot water useful to show you that rather than uh trying to be clever at the end so the pasta is nearly ready it’s been cooking for 10 minutes and it’s not quite done yet but what I’ll do I’ll turn it off and I will leave it to cook in its own heat so another 5 minutes and it will be ready and it is ready and it looks good and the smell is amazing and starting with the Peta I’ll put a portion [Music] together I’ve been very careful because as I mentioned before they are quite fragile and I don’t really want to break them but they are maintaining their shape and I’m now adding a little sprinkle of Parmesan cheese on the top again optional you don’t have to and I will garnish it with a little parsley on top as well and I’ll try some and I’ll try and get hold of a piece of a chickpeas Peta that really nice exactly what I was aiming for something creamy and that not too liquid it but also something that you can eat warm in Julie’s case she would be able to keep it on one side of her mouth because it’s not liquidy but also very very tasty if you want to make it more liquidy just add more stock or more water entirely up to you and of course as I said before you don’t have to use H pasta you can use some macaroni or shells anything you like so I think it’s a success thank you chow chow see you later bye


  1. Very nice recipe. I like the idea of using or orzo. I may use 50% orzo 50% brown rice. Will make Monday. Happy Father’s Day Francesco and Julie. We are heading over to my cousins house tonight to have a family dinner for about 11 of us. Thanks for your videos. Gary

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