Toum is a traditional Lebanese garlic sauce that’s rich, creamy, and packs a strong garlic punch. It’s often served with grilled meats, shawarma, and vegetables, and it’s known for its fluffy texture and intense flavor.

Here’s a basic recipe to make Toum:

– 1/2 cup garlic cloves (or more, depending on taste)
– 1 1/2 cup vegetable oil (or a neutral oil like canola or sunflower oil)
– 2 tablespoons lemon juice
– 1 teaspoon salt
– 2-3 tablespoons of ice water (optional, to help emulsify)

1. **Prepare the Garlic**: Peel the garlic cloves and remove any green shoots (these can make the sauce bitter).

2. **Blend the Garlic**: In a food processor, blend the garlic and salt until finely minced. Scrape down the sides of the bowl to ensure all garlic is processed evenly.

3. **Add Lemon Juice**: With the processor running, slowly add half of the lemon juice in a steady stream. Blend until the mixture is smooth.

4. **Add Oil**: With the processor still running, very slowly drizzle in the oil in a thin, steady stream. This slow incorporation helps the sauce to emulsify and become creamy.

5. **Alternate Lemon Juice and Oil**: After about half of the oil is added, drizzle in the remaining lemon juice slowly. Continue to alternate adding the oil and lemon juice while the processor is running.

6. **Emulsify**: If the mixture looks like it might be separating, add a tablespoon of ice water and continue blending. Repeat as necessary until the sauce reaches a fluffy and creamy consistency.

7. **Adjust and Store**: Taste the sauce and adjust salt if needed. Transfer the sauce to an airtight container and refrigerate. Toum can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator.

### Tips:
– The key to a successful toum is the slow and steady addition of the oil and lemon juice to ensure proper emulsification.
– If the sauce breaks (separates), you can try to fix it by blending a fresh egg white until frothy, then gradually adding the broken sauce back in.

Enjoy your homemade Toum with your favorite dishes!

#Toum #GarlicSauce #LebaneseCuisine #MiddleEasternFood #HomemadeRecipes #Foodie #CookingTips #SauceRecipes #HealthyEating #FlavorfulDishes #feastqueen #asmr #authentic #recipe

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