John souls food beef steak
John souls food chicken fajitas
Belle peppers all colors
1 onion
Garlic powder
Chili powder
Cayenne powder
Seasoning salt
Cheese (whatever kind you like)
Recommended cheese
For steak quesadillas provolone cheese
For chicken quesadillas 4 cheese Mexican

hi guys welcome to my channel and today we will be making chicken and steak quesadillas yes a quick little snack when you need something right quick okay all right stay tuned [Music] all right so here we have beef steak and we’re gonna be using the ones in the bag and we’re gonna be using the chicken that’s in the bag as well this is a quick snack we love making stuff from scratch but this is not a perfect world sometimes we forget to put out the meat sometimes we just need to make something quick and go okay so here we go i’m gonna go ahead and i’m gonna add a little bit of oil to old salad and i’m gonna go ahead and i’m gonna put the steak on the stove okay you guys like i said this is a quick snack you know you know in the perfect world we could make everything from scratch we could go get the meat and but sometimes we we ain’t we all got time for that okay this is a quick snack when you forgot to put the meat out to the frost you see the stuff frozen i put in there frozen and all the heat going d i’m gonna throw it out okay all right so we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna let that cook we’re gonna cover it up so that it could have more heat in there and it could defrost and cook at the same time okay while that’s happening and it’s working this little magic we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna get some bell peppers and onions we’re gonna cut up some bell peppers we’re gonna cut up some onions for the um for the um quesadillas i’m using all the colors i’m using green yellow red and i’m just going to cut them up and i’m going to cut them up real real small you guys okay and this is how it look when i’m done chopping them up i got them in separate bowls one for the steak one for the chicken okay so now what i’m gonna do is start seasoning the meat you guys okay a little meat in a little bag don’t got no flavor y’all it’s bland like blah so we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna add a half a cube of maggie so we could put some flavor in that bad boy okay we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna add some salt and pepper on that as well so we can make sure that thing has some flavor and here what i’m doing is i’m cutting up the steak because remember it was frozen when i put it in there so i couldn’t really cut it and i feel like some of the pieces are too big so i just went with my kitchen um cutters when i’m cutting the the um the the steaks into some smaller pieces some of them are already small but some of them were too big you guys okay i’m going to go ahead and do that and then after that i’m just going to go ahead and um add my bell peppers and my onions with the steak i’m not adding too much seasoning the salt pepper and maggie is enough we’re not trying to do too much okay that’s enough so now we’re just going to go ahead and we’re going to mix everything together make them become one as a unit and we’re gonna let that bad boy cook then we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna add some lime juice you guys you know i’m haitian i cannot not add the lime juice i’m sorry if you don’t want to do that part baby then that song you don’t do it but i always gotta add a little lime juice i just got to do it it itches me if i don’t okay so i’ll go ahead and i’m gonna let it cook and look at that bad boy that thing looking so scrumptious yeah all right and it is done cooking so i’m gonna go ahead and i’m gonna remove it from the pot and i’m gonna put it in a separate bowl and put it to the side you could put your um you could um turn on your oven at warm and put it under the oven so it can stay hot if you would like okay so now i’m gonna go ahead and i’m going to start cooking the chicken i put some oil on oh sally then i went ahead and i added a little bit of lime juice you got to especially for the chicken yeah that’s the haitian in me chad yes then we’re going to go ahead we’re going to mix that thing all around make sure all the pieces of chicken get some of that lime juice chai yes all right and i had already cut up my chicken so it could be in small pieces okay then i’m adding half a cube of maggi which is chicken flavored bouillon i’m going ahead and adding the um half a cube of that in there then i’m gonna go ahead and add some more seasoning you guys for the chicken it need a little bit more seasoning and the steak did okay so we gotta put a little punch in it make it taste like something okay so we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna add some cayenne give it a little spice you know put a little spice in there we’re gonna put a little bit of cayenne we’re gonna put a little bit of chili powder we’re gonna go ahead after we put a little bit of chili powder we’re gonna add some seasoning salt to that bad boy after we add our seasoning salt we’re gonna add some garlic yes chad this thing about to be scrunches i’m trying to tell you and all these little beautiful seasoning we put and it’s gonna add some color to that chicken make that chicken look like something shy yes all right then when we’re done we’re gonna add a little bit of salt and pepper as well you guys okay and then we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna mix everything together okay mix everything together so they could become one as a unit so every piece of chicken could get some of that seasoning shy yes let the church say amen whoo yes all right so we’re gonna go ahead and mix everything together yes and let that chicken cook you guys i’m gonna go ahead you um cover it with the um with the lid so that the heat could get in there and the chicken can’t cook you guys all right yes all right so then i’m going to go ahead and add my bell peppers and my onions into the chicken and i’m going to go ahead and i’m going to mix everything together so they could become one as a unit shy yes this thing about to be scrumptious you guys this oh la la la i already know it yes and look at how beautiful this chicken look you guys yes yes let’s give this chicken a moment of silence for the beauty that it holds yes shot so now the chicken is done cooking we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to remove it from the pot and now we have our chicken is ready we have our steak that’s ready as well so now we’re gonna go ahead and start making those quesadillas and this is the flour tortilla that i will be using the jumbo one the big ones okay so i’m gonna go ahead and i’m gonna add some oil to the pot so that that tortilla do not stick okay we all want that business we don’t need that in our life we don’t need them type of problems okay so then we’re going to go ahead we’re going to um i’m going to show you guys the cheese i’m using okay i’m using mozzarella for the steak but if you have per pervalone cheese use that instead but this is what i had you guys it’s a quick snack i was just using what i had in my house okay this is a quick snack so i wasn’t about to go to no store to get no no cheese no nothing like that baby ain’t nobody got time for that like i said it’s a quick snack you make when you need to make something real quick and you don’t got no idea what to make okay all right so i’m gonna go ahead and i’m gonna add the steak to the quesadilla you guys don’t be selfish with the meat okay we love the meats don’t be selfish with the meat put some meat on that quesadilla don’t give me no meat quesadilla with no meat on it come on now so now we’re going to go ahead and put some cheese at the top as well you guys okay then we’re going to do we’re going to um we’re going to fold it and that’s why you see i’m only putting the um the stuff on the ingredients to the steak the cheese on one side because we’re gonna fold it because it’s easier to flip when you fold it then when you um when you try to do a whole tortilla with another whole tortilla like oh you know what i’m trying to say like the um like yeah whatever you get what i’m trying to say all right so it’s better when you fold it okay so we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna fold it as if it’s like a omelette okay then we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna let it cook you guys are gonna let that side cook don’t have your heat too high now yo he could be like out of three okay if you feel like it’s not hot enough then you could go ahead and um put it up a little bit because the tortillas brown pretty quick okay and you want to at least give it some time for the cheese to melt and you don’t want to burn your tortilla okay so we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna let that side cook for a little bit and when that side is um done cooking we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna flip that bad boy right on over so the other side could cook and the cheese that’s on the other side can melt as well okay be careful when you flipping you guys don’t let that flip get you for what you got okay all right so here we go we went ahead and we flipped that bad boy and we’re just gonna push everything inside if anything had fell out is getting back inside that quesadilla and you guys just like that boom we are done one quesadilla down and now i’m gonna go ahead and show you guys for the chicken the chicken we’re doing the exact same thing oil oil on the tortilla we’re gonna go ahead add the cheese we’re gonna go ahead and add um the chicken then we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna um add some more cheese on top of the chicken okay you guys and like i said prior don’t be selfish with the meat okay let them people see that meat and that tortilla okay and we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna put some meat um on some cheese on top of the chicken you could put what kind of cheese you like it don’t matter i believe this is triple cheddar or mexican one of them okay you add whatever kind of cheese you like okay then we’re gonna go ahead you’re gonna fold it again like a omelet you’re gonna fold that bad boy just like an omelette just like that then we’re gonna go ahead and let that side cook and when that side is done cooking we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna flip it as well so the cheese can melt and the other side can get a little color all right hey yes just like that and you just continue to do this until you have used up all your meat you guys okay everything is done and it will look something like this yes yes yes yes shy yes y’all see that i did that oh yes this is a quick little snack like i was saying for when you just want to run and do something your man tell you he’s hungry and you just want to make him a quick snack or you’re for your kids whatever you guys okay i hope you guys like this video and don’t forget to like comment and subscribe thank you for [Music] watching [Music] you


  1. I like how you tell us what not to do in the videos because I get a little nervous when cooking something new ! Thank you everything turned out so yummy !! 😋

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