I noticed these splotches on a few of my jalapeños. This is my first batch I've ever grown. I'm planning on letting them ripen to red.

by THEAdamWest


  1. Dangerous_Boot_3870

    If you are referring to the streaks of lighter color that is called corking.

  2. Elephant_Jones

    To be clear, you are talking about the lighter green sorta circular spots, not the tan vertical lines? The lines are just corking and they’re normal. The spots I usually cut around because the stink bugs inject a chemical which pre-digests it which are the light green splotches. Not sure why I’m being downvoted, this is the correct answer.

  3. SoMuchCaseLaw

    Any chance it could be sun scald? Where ya located?

  4. bolonga16

    Could be pest damage. Could also be calcium deficiency. Just my personal guess

  5. UnderwateredFish

    Check one for pepper maggots. I had hundreds of peppers ruined last year due to them. Not even growing them this year because they ruined every single pepper. The peppers had spots like this as well as swirling lines where they burrowed.

  6. Homunculon

    Stink bug sucky spots, tis the frikkin’ summer and they just keep on suckin’!

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