What is your favorite type of onion and why is it Vidalia? Discuss.

by OkNose292


  1. aspect-of-the-badger

    But my favorite onion is shallot though.

  2. aggravatedsalt

    love vidalia onions but i also love red onions. they’re neck and neck

  3. Donnaandjoe

    The best! Second place goes to the Walla Walla.

  4. SeaBus1170

    i just ate half a vidalia today

    daily quota met

  5. The_Bingler

    This is like asking my favourite child.

    Like theres an answer, but im never gonna make that public.

  6. Yithmorrow

    Red onion when I want a raw pop of color. White when I want raw without the color. Yellow when cooked.

  7. Zera1930

    What’s the liquid at the bottom? This looks so good I want to try it!

  8. Champagne_Pirate

    Going through a big green onion phase, love them all obviously but each has their place to shine. Red onions in my sandwiches and salads, yellow in cooked meals.etc

  9. OmChi123456

    Definitely not Vidalia. I like more punch. White onion is my favorite.

  10. Uncle_Submarine

    I don’t discrimonionate, I love them all.

  11. Full_Ad9666

    Walla wallas from Washington. So fat, juicy and, sweet.

  12. DumbNTough

    Heck no. Reds all the way.

    You can always cook them to make them sting less

  13. ChildhoodLeft6925

    I love vidalias but true vidalias are only available 2 months of the year. That I don’t love.

    What recipes do you recommend

  14. zapatitosdecharol

    The thickest pieces of a raw onion with lemon and salt as a side to some really good spicy Mexican food.

  15. Cipolli

    No, wait, gotta be ramp!!

    But I sure do love onion rings

    Hard question, man

  16. Laser-Nipples

    Roasted red onions are so surprisingly sweet and tasty.

  17. Standard_Wooden_Door

    I mean it definitely is a great onion but use different ones for different purposes. For French onion soup I like regular old yellow onions, other wise it’s too sweet. For a lot of sauces I prefer red or shallot because they cook a lot quicker and generally add better flavor. They’re all great if you use them correctly.

  18. flactulantmonkey

    My favorite onion is the one I’m enjoying at any given moment.

  19. Ethan084

    Vidalia sweet onions are trash compared to Walla Walla sweet onions.

  20. Hallelujah33

    Tie between red (purple irl) and shallots. And maybe green onions. Oh! And pearl onions.

  21. mephistopholese

    Walla walla is a vastly superior sweet union.

  22. Bigram03

    I don’t know, Sweet Vidalia always makes me cry.

  23. Lurchislurking

    Red! Thin sliced with lime juice olive oil salt and pepper so good with anything.

  24. LockeAbout

    Maui and walla walla, haven’t been able to have either for years. Do like all onions in general though.

  25. 99CHZPZZA

    Whoa, I love every allium, but how am I the only one saying white? They’re the onioniest onion.

  26. regolith1111

    There’s more sweet onions than Visalia

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