Peanut Butter & Sugar Sandwich

by MusicalDecomposition


  1. Training-Ad-4178

    I’d try it.

    tho u can buy some gross peanut butters that achieve the same effect.

  2. Certain_Passion1630

    Peanut butter and honey is awesome. Not the same, but probably not that far off

  3. grieveancecollector

    All you need is some plain Lays potato chips…

  4. Ecstatic_Reference32

    Mmm. Hit it with that brown sugar dood! A whole different texture and flavor profile. All jokes aside.

  5. MechanicSad728

    As a kid I did that but added marshmallows and chocolate chips…

  6. Calm-Improvement5545

    I did a sandwich once that was peanut butter, sugar, honey, mini marshmallows, and sprinkles. And it was actually pretty good.

  7. dadoudelidou

    As a proud Canadian here, i substitute the sugar for Maple Syrup.

    That’s the stuff! eh.

  8. CombinationThis671

    Add some cinnamon would taste even better.

  9. WaterJuice7

    I used to do it as a kid and honestly pretty good.

  10. In the Netherlands it’s quite common to eat peanut butter with chocolate sprinkles. Or regular butter. However, most Dutch peanut butter isn’t sweetened. So, it’s not too sweet but quite balanced.

  11. Ambitious-Mortgage30

    That amount of sugar is probably less than what’s in your jelly anyway so probably a health benefit to doing it this way

  12. Sillybumblebee33

    I used to do this as a kid. it hits a very special place in my heart

  13. PinkyGurl2002

    I’ve had peanut butter and sugar sandwich, but I prefer peanut butter and honey. Theres this unsettling texture to the sugar with peanut butter, like there’s sand in your sandwich

  14. TasteDeeCheese

    I mean like the only difference between this and pbj is fruit and pectins

  15. dogtriumph

    I make peanut butter & sugar sandwiches when I don’t have honey or jam and it’s delicious.

  16. MelanieDH1

    I’m 50 years old and you just sparked a memory! I used to eat this as a kid and I never would have remembered if it wasn’t for this post! I didn’t make a sandwich, though, I just ate the two slices separately, each with peanut butter and sugar.

  17. NdamukongSuhDude

    My mom made this for us as kids and I loved it ngl.

  18. momdadimpoppunk

    put it on a flour tortilla and microwave it! so good

  19. breeeeeez

    Hell yeah i used to take a spoonful of pb and dip it in the sugar dish and mow down delicious

  20. kekhouse3002

    I hate peanut butter as is, this just kills me

  21. ContentInsanity

    We used to mix peanut butter and sugar as a kid. Almost like raw cookie dough for peanut butter cookies or the filling inside a reeses cup. On a sandwich sounds crazy.

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