The last one is a bonus. It doesn’t contain any recipes, only info about the evils of “Intestinal Fatigue” and miraculous healing powers of Fleischman’s yeast, with pictures of slightly sinister doctors

by JustSoLackingInBear


  1. JustSoLackingInBear

    I haven’t tried any of the recipes but would love to share pictures of any the booklets that anyone would like

  2. Prestigious_Carry942

    These are so beautiful!

    Sorry, got excited there. Nice stash.

  3. caffeinated_raven

    I’m curious what’s in the “Season Meat with Sugar” one, but I bet they’re all interesting.

  4. Kitannia-Moonshadow

    Can we just go with

    ” I’m curious to see all of them?”

    These are so beautiful and in such amazing shape!

  5. Jscrappyfit

    Oh, I’m so envious! I collect those recipe booklets and I don’t have too many that are as old as those. Most of mine are from the 40s onward. I especially love the Jello booklets; they always have bright and beautiful artwork.

  6. redditsuckspokey1

    Wish we could have another sugar ration.

  7. Maleficent-Music6965

    Is Wheatena the same as Cream of Wheat?

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