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Delicious Lobster Soup


guys welcome back to my channel fusion food big up on the idea himself cooking is a vibe so i’m about to just clean up these lobsters and getting ready for you guys all right fresh lobster remember to like subscribe share them on welcome back to my channel fusion food today i’ll be making lobster soup so you know in in jamaica when you’re a liquor boy i grew up when i make crayfish soup but no we are man lobster soup will make stay tuned guys so guys um here i have a lobster that i just cut important i haven’t cleaned him up as yet so in here you want to clean out all of this and you want to look down here i’ve already pulled it good but you want to ensure that you’ve got this pull out from down here as well all right now what i’m going to do is just get some water and we are going to wash all the head of the lobster after throwing off that water you just want to catch a first stick of water just to wash the lashes again give it about two watts now you want your inside your lobsters to be clean and pretty like this all right all right now the next thing i’m just going to cut off these tentacles here [Music] and so my lobster meat is ready for my pot all right now guys in my pot i have some peas about quarter cup of peas it has been cooking for about 35 minutes now so i’m gonna add two cups of pumpkin i’m gonna add two cups of pumpkin to my red peas and you just want to let the pumpkin and the red peas cook for another 15 minutes or so together all right so i have four chopped garlic in here you want to put in your garlic early so that the flavor from the garlic can be boiled out into your garlic and lobster well so one is soup we have a lot of garlic kind of flavor going on all right after after pumpkin and peas is fully cooked and start to disintegrate into the water you can now add your lobster all right i’m not going to season these lobsters or anything i’m just going to add this laptop like that i’m using about 3 cups of water at the moment all right it’s going to go up to about 5 cups of water so you’re going to let the lobster the red peas and the pumpkin cook for another 10 minutes right now what five minutes um so now i’m gonna add some yellow yum that’s right here i am here i’m gonna add some a cup of area you can cut them to the size that you desire all right now to this lobster soup i have some dumpling here i’m going to roll up some spinach i have some flour so it’s basically flour salt you know a little bit of cornmeal and we’re gonna roll it up into some some spinners you know we roll it like this you just that’s your spinners man so we’re gonna drop a couple of them in there now we have some carrots here about quarter cup of carrot i’m going to just pour in that next i have some escallion i’m going to pour in my escalade in here this is um 2 stock of scallion i have some i have some time i’m gonna put my time in here as well simple easy lobster soup i have a green scotch bonnet pepper here for some flavor i just make up a few punches in there don’t want to cut it just some punches to get the flavor out so i’ll let that simmer now free seasoning here some maggi fish seasoning i’m going gonna use about a teaspoon of fish seasoning pimento berries to this about four or five berries my soup is tasting delicious at this stage however i have some fish tea soup mix i’m gonna add to this really a big noodle fan so i’m gonna add a little bit of it but not all right so all right whatever number is that out there is fine now i’m going to use a strainer just let’s see for the remaining and as i said this is optional guys but just to add some more flavor to my soup i’ll be using some of this seasoning to add some flavor also remember we didn’t we didn’t really season our lobster so i think you would need this this second batch of seasoning to add a little bit of flavor to the lobster all right lobster meat is kind of clean um it’s all of it’s all left up to how you want to seize it but it’s mean a clean kind of meat you know all right so nice and lovely you know now we’re gonna let this simmer for it to 10 minutes and our soup should be ready lobster soup maverick style dumpling them cherry yum guys my lobster soup is done beautiful soup here got this one so beautiful my soup is finally done rich delicious guys i’m telling you try this recipe remember to like subscribe share them on lobster soup to die for wow guys try this recipe


  1. ———————🌶🥕🥬————————-
    Check Out Fusion Food Maverick Style on Instagram

  2. You cook amazing. Why don’t you add your recipes on khal, com. Your recipe will be in the top videos…….,

  3. Going to be making this this evening…Looks dam good 👍….I'll also add king Prawns to my lobster soup. Thank you brother 🙏 ❤

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