Red White and Blueberry Angelfood Cake, testing it our before the 4th of July. Filled with whipped cream strawberry compote, fresh blueberries and decorated with extra cream and strawberry stars.

by WickedWitchofWTF


  1. TexArmadilloTroll


  2. WickedWitchofWTF

    Testing out my cake for an Independence day pool party! A good first attempt, but I have some tweaks in mind.

    Angelfood Cake with firework print, filled with whipped cream, strawberry compote, fresh blueberries and decorated with extra cream and strawberry stars.

    Next time, I think I’ll do a strawberry cream for better contrast (it’s hard to see the swirl as is with white cream next to white cake), and maybe a blueberry compote? I also need to use a different food dye. My blue turned a little green. I’m open to other suggestions if you have them!

    I also need ideas for what to make with 9 leftover egg yolks. 🀣

  3. Green-Cockroach-8448

    Sounds delicious and I love your little strawberry stars.
    I need to try a roll cake one day. It’s on my ever growing list of things to make πŸ˜…

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