Fried Pork Chop, Hoe Cake and Deviled Eggs
Good morning Sweet Friends. This soap is amazing for my skin. PLEASE SHARE

hey sweet people I’m hungry I’m starving let’s cook us some lunch look at me am I not the cutest thing look at that kiss the cook I could use a good kiss give me one all right we’re I’m hungry I’m just cooking for me so if you could stay with me if you’d like to and that’s what we’re going to do all right so what I did is I’ve got me two eggs in here I’m boiling them m going have me a devil egg I’ve got me a half an inch of water in that pot right back there because I am going to cut me a about a half a cabbage to eat for lunch I need to sharpen my knife anyway I’m going to have cabbage we’re going to cook us a pork chop we are going to cook us a little tiny cornbread H cake and we’re going to make us a devil egg and that’s going to fill us up all right but anyway I thought this was the cutest apron y’all remember what was her name Betty Boop wasn’t that it or something like that she’s so cute uh we had rain this morning I didn’t know it rain cuz I had my sleep acne machine on and you know when you put that thing on you you’re gone to the world you don’t know what’s happening I remember one time my a Evelyn uh that lived down the road they slept really soundly too and they had a screening porch on the side of their house well the house was here then you had the screen in porch hook to it and then a carport and the screening porch was kind of like in the middle of the house so anyway the next morning they got up and there were shoes two pair of shoes big shoes in their screened in porch and the furniture had been moved around and there were some drink bottles so what happened y going to play this what happened was that um Somebody went in that screening porch and had a party that night while they were sleeping sing and um they didn’t even know it they did not even know it now had no idea what was going on all right so we’ve got us a half a cabbage and yes I can eat a half a cabbage I’m out of bacon grease so I am going to just put I’m going to put a pad of butter in mine I am going to put some salt in my cabbage all right when our eggs start boiling we’ll cook those a few minutes in the meantime let’s go ahead and friy us up a pork chop this is a pork loin chop I’m going to put pepper on both sides I am going to put some salt on it excuse me and let’s use a little olive oil in our skillet y’all this is a little tiny Skillet right here so it’s going to be perfect for um a pork chop cuz it’s so little put your oil in there excuse me I think that I got some pepper in my throat let me throw that away um so anyway um we’ve got um some Skillet full of olive oil we’re going to put it right on the back I’m going to turn it on high and we’re going I am not going to flour this today I’m just going to cook it plain like that I got some leftover biscuits from breakfast would y’all like one all right now in this Skillet right here here we’re going to make us a little tiny H cake let me stir that up a time or two all right our eggs are boiling hard right now y’all can kind of see them a little bit right here as mama would say they’re cutting and Rusty that’s what she would say oh my goodness all right now then we are going to make us a little ho cake and to do that I got a skillet that’s even smaller than the one that’s back there and I’m going to put just a little olive oil in it about I don’t know tablespoon two tablespoon something like that I’m going to get my white lily cornmeal mix I’ll show you what it looks like if I can find it so you’ll know what I’m using well I don’t even see oh here it is here it is here it is here it is it’s this that’s what I’m going to use is that buttermilk cornmeal bit white lily and so what I’m going to do is get a little tiny bowl and yeah and I keep mine in here so this is what I’m going to do it in right here I’m going to get out of some cornmeal and how much how much would you say that is right there a four of a cup something like that about a four of a cup maybe just a little bit more let to make sure maybe put one more tablespoon in there and y’all say gosh BR that a’t very much well it’s not but it’s just me so let me get me out my buttermilk Shake It Up We’re fixed to make us like a little tiny Patty now this is self-rising so that smells good all right let’s see this is hot back here so I’m going to put my pork chop on turn it down you don’t want to overcook your pork chop to death if it just cook it how much you need it all right so here is our uh cornmeal right when you put your buttermilk in it y’all don’t put too much you want it still so I’m going to put just a little bit I just want a little bit and it’s almost like I’m making me like a little Hush Puppy looking thing okay that’s it’s getting there see y’all don’t make me mess up trying to show you something might put a little more that was that’s not quite enough let’s see if that’ll be it just don’t get in a hurry with putting your buttermilk in there because you you got to work it and see if it’s ready or not one more little thing ought to do it [Music] let me get you something to turn my uh I got to be able to turn my uh pork drop and take at it okay this looks good that’s how I want it right there so what I’m gonna do is take it out of here like that I’m going to put it in this Skillet right here and I’m going to press it down like that and I am going to cook it and right here where these eggs have been boiling you put it right here I’m going to turn it down and we’re going to cook that little bre let’s turn our meat over to the other side all right we coming right along right y’all can come around this way we’re going to work on our eggs we’re going to make some deved eggs for me to go with my lump so you’ve got these two two B eggs I say I boil them probably 5 minutes maybe six and what here’s how to here’s how to do it can y’all see all right take your water and pour it out immediately fill it with cold water like that immediately pour it out fill it up again pour it out leave these eggs in that thing right there and do them around a little bit all right and then get fill it up with with uh about halfway with some water and now we’re ready to pee them I’m going put them right over here where you can watch okay turn back around this way okay you ready all right what you want to do is this take out of take out your eggs and remember this you want your eggs to be at least a week old because they peel easier so take your egg it is already crushed up from knocking around that pot and I’m just gonna do it real gently my fingers like that and I’m going to try to find that membrane and there it is if you get under the membrane it peels really super easy look at that and this water is in here to help you as a lubricant put it down in the water and it gets it wet and slicky and it helps you to peel them that’s all it is to it there you go take your thumb work it around a little bit now don’t go to the store and buy fresh eggs to make devil eggs all right get under the membrane there it is see that little thin membrane right there can you see that right there that’s what it is and you want to get get under that once you get under it you hold free stick it back down in the water so to work like a lubricant and you’re done all right there’s our two eggs let’s make a devil egg then and while I’m doing this you keep asking me how to get this Amish farm soap this is what I use y’all it I had got three bars in here but it comes with it comes with um five bars they’re huge look at that thing look how th this is what I wash my hair and my body with and my face and everything else that let me wash my hands off so I got so fall over it it’s got um Bentonite plate in it I’m going to turn our cornbread y’all right here it needs turning to the other side okay now then I think we can work let’s get us out a fork and a little butter knife I’m about to starve over here all right you cut your um egg in half like that then you get y little bowl or whatever size Bowl you need and I like to use my teeth spons for this somebody sent me two teaspoons the other day they were so pretty thank you this is one of them but I but they did these long teaspoons All Right Scoop out the center looks like I could have cooked it maybe a minute longer that’s all right it’ll work and put it in your bowl okay then take take your four crush this up [Music] good put your mayonnaise in it where’s my mayonnaise here [Music] you I’m going put two spoonfuls about like that I think that’ll be cleany just kind of got to you got to make a judgment call y’all know what a judgment call is it means you don’t know what you’re doing but you’re going to just do it you’re going to make a call and do it all right now I’m going to put my pickles in some people use um deal pickles I use pickle relish in mine and I use the sweet but you use whatever you like darl cuz you’re the one that’s going to be eating it if you want some kind of spice in yours then put it in there okay now you put it back in your egg all right everything’s coming along good [Music] all right there’s our deviled eggs we’re going to have for lunch yes sir I’m hungry and I am fixing to enjoy myself all right now then let’s get out our plate [Music] let me shake the pork chop see what it’s doing my [Music] cabbage and our little cornbread the cornbread’s ready I’ll show y’all what it looks like that’s what it looks like it’s a little H cake now other words it’s got all that little crunchy all around the side which I love going get let y’all have a bite there’s your okay let’s put our devil eggs on there all I got today is water I’m out a sweet tee so I’ll have to drink water today and get some I get me some water all right let’s take up our pork chop it’s ready get off of there all right let’s get us some some cabbage I’m going to use my um scoop that’s got the holes in it because I don’t want all that soup in mine today it just doesn’t take cabbage long at all to cook I need a little knife and a napkin turn all this off woo H and here’s our our plate that we have made in probably less than I don’t know what you say 15 minutes here you go cabbage H cake pork chop from a loin chop four little devil eggs is that not a feast is this this is a feast to me this is good to me I love it I love just regular stuff you don’t have to buy something in a box y’all go in the grocery store and get you something just regular stuff this is just regular stuff but it is so good you’re going to love it don’t forget to order your soap I’ll put a link in there where is it here it is they sell it at three places here in Andalusia so I don’t have a problem but you people who if you’ve got some skin issues please try this it is going to work for you I I just it works for me and uh so I know it’ll work for you I’m going to go and I’m going to eat this good meal I wish you were here to eat with me we need to have we had need to have a I don’t know y’all y’all have been good to send me your recipes some really good stuff have you tried the cabbage casserole in my recipe book have you done that yet is it not to die for it is so good you’re going to love it I’ve had so many ladies to say that they made it and took it to a church function and came back with an empty pot because everybody ate all of it they ate it it ain’t that great that they ate all of it y’all don’t forget to order my third cookbook time is drawing nigh for you to get your name on the list and remember you’re not charged until the book is delivered or till it sent rather to your address this fall so get it in there it’s called live each little moment y’all shouldn’t we be doing that y’all say bye to Betty Boop and Brenda Betty Boop and Brenda love you vaa


  1. Today is Friday, June 21, 2024 summer soltice & 1/2 the year is gone & today is the longest day of the year. Full moon tonight. Plant above-ground crops today! Love your wonderful, delicious recipes❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉

  2. This is a delightful re-run video uploaded again today, Friday, June 21, 2024. Today is the Summer Solstice, marking 1/2 of the year & is the longest day of the year, with a full moon tonight. Plant above the ground crops on a waxing moon; and below the ground crops like potatoes are planted on a waning moon as per the almanacs' recommendations.

  3. Hi from Diann (Arlington,Tx) Love & Enjoy Everything about YOU and your website. At 79 I am still learning about cooking & preparing simple individual meals along with special fun recipes. Husband passed away in 2004 and were married for 32years. He was in the Secret Service at that time. He was such a special person, husband and father. After he passed away there is that void, but I am so blessed with a daughter and two sisters. I live alone so at the end of the day , when I sit down to do my meds I spend the evening enjoying your website. You, your stories, the tours of the yard, your trips etc. You are such a special person, teacher. We are All Blessed that you share yourself in your videos. You are such an inspiration and amazing person. Take care and God Bless🙏 23:08

  4. Miss Brenda I like that you use salt and pepper. I like how you use salt in your vegetable water. So many cooks that I have watched don't use salt and pepper. Also I like how you put a generous amount in pasta water. Ontario Canada 🇨🇦

  5. That looks yummy….all is missing is a sliced fresh tomato. Sure wish I was there to share. Love watching you cook…..thanks Brenda. This soap is great…..give it a try y'all. 🥰

  6. Hi Brenda. Love you and your videos. I’ve ordered all of your cookbooks and can’t wait for them to come in.
    I live in Krotz Springs , Louisiana.

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