Please keep showing them, I’ve never had success with summer squash vertically. I do put tomato cages on them, really helps.
Looks really nice. I like the spacing. My area is really small so it gets pretty tight.
Looks great. I stake mine, but maybe a cage or fence is better…. I know they grow better vertically, but I feel like I’m fighting them to get them to do it. And honestly, they beat me up with their pointy leaf-stems!
Looks like a lot of work. It’s working though.
Please keep showing them, I’ve never had success with summer squash vertically. I do put tomato cages on them, really helps.
Looks really nice. I like the spacing. My area is really small so it gets pretty tight.
Looks great. I stake mine, but maybe a cage or fence is better…. I know they grow better vertically, but I feel like I’m fighting them to get them to do it. And honestly, they beat me up with their pointy leaf-stems!
I have used [these]( for tomatoes and long beans, they worked really well. I wonder if they make bigger ones for your squashes.
Looks slightly graphic with those yellow zucchini just hanging in the wind there
I grow mine up against a stake. Just put a 6” bamboo pole a few inches away from a young seedling and tie off every few inches as it grows
Can I send you a pair of mating squash bugs?
Curious, if this helps against those evil bugs?
Slick setup.