At the Table with Chef Jyll: Summer Sizzler

hi everybody Chef Jill here from at the table with Chef Jill and I am so excited about today’s episode it is all about summer honey we have got these local farms with the best produce the best Dairy the best Meats all the things so let’s find a way to take your normal barbecues your normal Grill outs your normal summer dinners appetizers all the things Elevate them make them delicious now I’m going to start with the best appetizer I want you to make this at home please let me tell you what we’re making here first of all I’ve got some strawberries here some fresh strawberries I don’t know if you go strawberry picking but my mother does and she makes me jam and it puts me in a good mood so I got some fresh strawberries here and I’m going to drizzle them with a little bit of maple syrup and what I’m doing here is I am making a crustini an appetizer really beautiful appetizer that we’re going to be serving with a little goat cheese but the problem with strawberries is they tend to be they’re flavorful are they the most exciting fruit not all the time but now we’re going to roast them have you ever roasted a strawberry in your life telling you right now I’m going to toss them in that maple syrup and I’m going to get them onto a sheet pan and I’m going to get them in an oven and we’re going to roast them down until they’re Jammy and absolutely delicious of course I already have some ready to go for you here so let me show you now what I love about roasting strawberries is what you’re doing is removing the water so when you remove the water look what happens here they get soft they get jammy the water comes out of them and therefore they are just this super concentrated Berry here and it’s delicious I accidentally forgot these two we’re going to put those to the side didn’t get them all so I’m going to get these back into the bowl and let them hang out for a minute see they how they’re super smooshy that’s what you’re looking for now if you felt like roasting strawberries but you’re not in the mood to make a crustini let me tell you there are so many uses for roasted strawberries I muddle them into cocktails I add them to Strawberry Shortcake for a beautiful depth of flavor get those all in here gorgeous now let me go ahead and add a little flavor a little balsamic vinegar just like that deep in the flavor stir that up let these sit for a minute look at that now let’s go ahead and make our sauce so over here I have a log of goat cheese let’s add that in there along with 4 ounces of cream cheese to this I’m going to add a little honey let’s sweeten this up a little bit and I’m also going to add just a dash of heavy cream just to kind of loosen it up a little bit and we’re going to whip this all together all right do your thing and while that’s working I made some crustini I just sliced up a little bit of French bagette slice it up toast it up whip this up I see it needs a little bit bit more cream just to bring it all together and now let’s go ahead and add a little salt little pepper now what I love about this appetizer you’re going out on the deck you’re going out on the boat you’re doing something entertaining what I love about this you can make this ahead of time you can make this ahead of time you can make this ahead of time and all you have to do is assemble so I’m going to go ahead do a little shmear of my goat cheese on here and if you’re not a big goat cheese person Brie Brie Works fantastic and then I’m going to go ahead and get a little spoon grab some of that balsamic berries you can serve this warm or cold right over the top I’m going to continue making these I’ll show you what these look like when we get back and when we come back I’m going to teach you how to make the most wonderful bacon creamy corn dip you’re going to love it I’ll meet you back here when all these are done all right before we get into our next recipe I just have to show you how gorgeous these crustini are with the h honey in the pepper in the salt in the goat cheese but then you’ve got that sweet Jammy strawberries you will not be disappointed if you make this so looking forward to eating all of those when I’m off camera all right so next it’s all about the corn dip it’s about the corn dip in the bacon so I’ve got this gorgeous bacon from Pelin Smoky meat you can find them in critz or in swo their bacon is barn and I get the thick cut stuff and I sauteed it all up and now I got to add some stuff to it I took the bacon out I’m letting it drain on a little paper towel and then I’m going to add in some red onion do you hear that Sizzle anytime you add anything to a sauté pan you need to hear a Sizzle if you don’t hear a Sizzle take it back out start over now I’ve got some garlic on the side that I’ve been chopping up but I’m also going to throw down some jalapeno while that cooks up now I want you to notice my knife isn’t she gorgeous isn’t she beautiful this sof knife I got this at my favorite kitchen store seasoned to taste that is out in swam as well it literally is the the best kitchen store in Green Bay my friend Katherine runs it she’s got these gorgeous knives and what she told me yesterday woff has finally decided to come out with colors and she showed me the colors and there was uh this wild blueberry color this dark navy blue that I will be definitely getting but I love my white one too so if you’re needing a good knife go see my girl over at season to taste in swo all right chopping up a jalapeno here cuz we want to add a little spice to this so I’m going to go ahead and get my garlic and see if I can get it all over there and my jalapeno all in here yes here that Sizzle it is my favorite sound in the world people are always like what’s your favorite sound mine is my children laughing sauté pan all the way all right so I’m going to go ahead and stir this up it’s all getting coated in that Bacon Fat so that way it’s adding a nice depth of Flavor now corn now you can obviously use frozen corn or canned corn if you want I got some beautiful fresh corn from the farmers market I shucked it it’s ready to go I’m going to ahead and add that in there let that start searing off as well I’m going to increase the heat on this I want a little color on that corn but I will tell you the corn in this state man I swear this is what got my husband to move from California to Wisconsin I brought I was smart I brought him in the summertime had fresh corn from the farmers market he made his decision then now for this dip I’m going to use two different cheeses from wga Star dare I’m going to go ahead and use their textb and their monterey jack I have that on the side ready to go I’ve also got a little cream cheese little sour cream little salt and pepper this could not be easier I’m going to bring this over and take a look while all of this is cooking down you can see the color in there the jalapeno starting to pop if you’re not crazy about spice you do not need to add in that whole jalapeno or just cut out some of the jalapeno cut out some of that white the seeds in the middle I’m going to stir in some softened cream cheese I’m also going to stir in a little bit of sour cream let’s go ahead and hit this some salt kosher salt nice and up high little pepper I’m going to get a little cheese in here as well and let this all get melty over the stove and when we come back I’ll show you how to finish this up all right before we move on to our next recipe let’s finish up this corn dip now it’s all creamy and delicious I’m going to add that bacon back in there you can always save a little sprinkle on the top as well but that Pelin bacon is so thick and delightful I’m just going tohe and stir it in now as always you always want to give it a little taste make sure you like the seasoning yes honey I’m going to go ahead and get this in an oven let flavors combine let that all melt together now for the next recipe panzanella if you’ve never had a panzanella salad before let me take you to Italy it is most beautiful bread salad which screams Jill because I’m not really a salad person I don’t really want to eat a big bowl of greens it’s just not my jam I know it’s everybody else’s I’m sorry but a salad that’s just bread and tomatoes and mozzarella let’s go however we’re going to put a Midwest Twist on this so how we’re going to do that we’re going to still use the local produce but we’re going to get some beer BRS going here from Pelin and then we’re also going to do our W Wego star Dairy we’re going to use some white cheese curds instead of the mozzarella but we’re going to go ahead and make a very traditional vinegarette First we’re going to go ahead and do some red wine vinegar you are welcome to use balsamic as well but I’m going to get some red wine vinegar in there don’t forget you can find these recipes if you scan that lovely flow code or you can also go to wegreen to get these recipes you can tell I’m really big on measuring I just mitg honey I just make it taste good mitg that’s all you want to do make it taste good make it taste it love it you’re in a good spot little Dijon mustard little olive oil while that olive oil is going in there I’m going to go ahead and hit it with some salt some pep now this is an absolutely lovely vinegarette as we’re already speaking about it use it for any salad you want but tossed with these veggies and the bread Cube oops I’m making a mess and the bread cubes delightful so I toasted up some bread big chunks of bread cubes whatever you like get them nice and crispy and toasty cuz that’s what’s going to go ahead and soak up these flavors I’m going to make a big bowl here I’m to I’m going to I’m going to not go crazy we’ll come back if I need them tomatoes from the farmers market get them in some garlic get it in some thinly sliced cucumbers delicious so easily accessible at the local farmers markets grab those now I want to add a little shallot in here a lot of times panzanella salads will have red onion for me I love a shallot shallots are a super super mild onion and I just give them a nice thin slice and if you’re not a big onion person leave this part out if you love onions go ahead and add them in but look at these are just mild and delightful let me sprinkle these in add as many as you’d like you can’t mess this up and then a couple more things here we’re going to toss this all together and let it sit for a few minutes so those bread cubes soak it all in let’s go ahead and add in some fresh basil I know a lot of you have Gardens out there right now with basil overflowing this is a wonderful way to use up that basil get that in there now we’ve got our BRS off the grill you go to Pelin they have 5,000 kinds of BRS there are so many go crazy use what you want but I’m going to go ahead and get these BRS in here instead of doing like an Italian sausage or something and then the last thing we’re going to add to this is going to be the wga star Dairy white cheddar curds the cheese curds cuz they’ve got such a great flavor so this is just a wonderful way to take BR wor that you eat all the time and you’re going to go ahead and add it into this salad we’re going to call it a salad there’s Greens in here there’s cucumbers and tomatoes I call that a salad I’m one of those people every time without fail I will pick too small of a bowl it is what it is you’re going to be able to see the colors if I make a mess that just means it’s going to taste good the Messier it is the better it’s going to taste let’s go ahead and get our w we star Dairy cheese cards in here and this salad I’m telling you you bring this to a barbecue you put this on the side with some roasted corn on the cob put this on the side of anything you want it’s going to be delicious and those bread cubes are going to soak up that vinegarette I’m going to carefully toss all of this together get it in a beautiful Bowl I’ll show it to you when we come back all right so I was smart and transferred to a larger Bowl because I picked way too small of a bowl look at this salad and tell me you don’t want to eat this sitting outside with a beautiful glass of white wine we’ve got the Pelin BRS we got the wga star Dairy cheese curds but the fresh tomatoes in the basil and then the garlic in the vinegarette this is delicious it’s so good I’m going to set this to the side start you on our shrimp rolls everybody loves a lobster roll everybody loves the lobster roll sometimes Lobster not the easiest thing to find around here but shrimp is easy to find so let’s get that started right away over here now go ahead and make these on the grill if you want to but I’m going to go ahead and give these a quick boil in my water here I have a quarter of a lemon or a quarter of lemon in there and I’m going to add a little Old Bay Seasoning I always like to season up my water and I’m just going to throw some medium shrimp in there use whatever size you like ahead and toss those in they’ll take about three minutes or so I’m going to give them a little stir they are deined they have no shell on them they’re just good old shrimp and what I love is frozen shrimp is fine get the frozen shrimp frozen shrimp actually is fresher than the stuff you see in the deli case the deli Cas it’s probably been sitting there for a day or two maybe up to 3 days the Frozen fresh frozen just use the Frozen it’s totally fine now I’m going to go ahead and get a few things ready for our rolls here now the first thing let’s get some crunch in these rolls so I’m going to go ahead chop up some Thin slices of celery now you can serve this two ways I’m doing it today as a gluten-free dish cuz sometimes barbecues outside activities when you want to go out to eat it’s hard to find some gluten-free stuff everything is Burger burgers and BRS and all the things so I’m actually going to make these in lettuce cups but these are delicious in little potato rolls like you would a lobster roll so do it do both do it however you want so I got my celery here I’m going to chop up some fresh herbs I’ve got some chives again if your garden is rolling Now’s the Time I love a buttery lobster roll it puts me in the best mood we don’t have enough of them in this town There’s a couple restaurants that do really good lobster rolls around here but shrimp rolls are an easy way go ahead and get kind of the same feeling at your house and then I’ve got Teragon this is my secret ingredient Teragon it smells like licorice don’t let that scare you a lot of people get freaked out about licorice it adds this beautiful flavor these soft leaves we’re going to chop up and it adds this beautiful flavor that people can’t quite pinpoint they eat the shrimp roll or a lobster roll I always add it into the Mayo mixture and people are always saying how wonderful it is but they can’t figure out why Teragon secret ingredient and don’t just use it in lobster rolls these are wonderful in salad dressings and marinades and all the things so I get a few fresh leaves of this Teragon here don’t use the stem just kind of pick off the leaves and I’m going to give that a nice little choppy chop now don’t forget you can find these recipes on uh wegreen or just go ahead and scan that flow code now in my Bowl here I’ve got some mayo I’m going to add some Citrus look at this fun Citrus squeezer I just got at seasoned to taste I love it cuz it’s flat my Citrus squeezer at home is not flat and then Katherine pointed this out the other day thought it was so cool it’s all juice out going to start with about a half a lemon here and I’m going to add in my celery my chives my Teragon all the things just like that little salt and pep give these good stir let all those flavors combined and then we’re going to toss this shrimp which is probably just about cooked let’s go take a look at it let’s go see you’re looking for pink you’re looking for curled that is beautiful so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to go ahead strain them off get them right into some ice we need to cool these down now again what I love about this recipe go ahead and make this a day or two ahead of time keep those shrimp chilled and you can go ahead and toss it with the sauce right before you need it there we go toss that with the ice now these shrimp are small enough that I’m going to go ahead and leave them whole and toss them with our sauce and when I do that once these cool down a little bit they’re just going to fit perfectly in these cups if you’ve never been together on Broadway before I highly encourage you to take a look at our website or socials because we are an event venue dedicated to making every event special and memorable and we are known for incredible weddings and corporate events along with amazing public events but did did you know that we also offer corporate off-site catering along with private cooking classes you can contact gather for more information on all of our catering options and if you want me to cater for your event just reach out and I’d love to talk to you about it all right so now look how beautiful this is we got to taste it see how we feel about it oh that Teragon makes it so delicious all right next steps chill that in your fridge till you need it if you want just eat it right away like I’m going to do so here’s what I do I love to get the bib Boston lettuce see how it comes comes growing it’s fresh and all you do is just tear off little lettuce cups and this is delicious for a very light appetizer or a light lunch or any of your friends who are gluten-free it’s fabulous but like I said you want to stuff a little potato roll honey you stuff a little potato roll and I’m going to go ahead just get it in there chilled delicious if you want to add a little extra uh chive over the top of this I highly recommend it hit it with a little lemon zest if you want to all the things and when you come back here I got one more trick for you it’s a grilling trick I know I wasn’t able to show you anything grilling here today but I have a trick that’s going to change your life it’s going to change how you grill burgers steaks pork tenderloin so meet me back here I’m going to show you my favorite grilling trick all right my final tip trick that you need to know first go get yourself a squirt bottle at season to taste you need a squirt bottle in here I have a cup of Weser sauce now a lot of people don’t know this but what makes Weser sauce so delicious is anchovies it adds a salty Umami flavor that makes all of your grilling food taste amazing so in my bottle here my squirt bottle I have the warer sauce I’m going to add in a little crushed garlic don’t chop it up just crush it we don’t want it to clog the end here so we’re going to add that in and then I’m going to go ahead and add in just whole spray of Rosemary a lot of people have Gardens right now we talked about this get your who here has a garden where everything has taken over my mom planted a little bit of fresh time it’s like a football field at this point use use your neighbor’s Garden sneak in if you need to not that I’ve ever done that um fresh time in here Rosemary garlic that’s it and what you’re going to do is you’re going to keep this in your fridge for couple weeks it’ll last a couple weeks and when you’re making your steaks your Burgers all you’re going to do you squirt them just once or twice on each side this imparts this gorgeous Herby Umami flavor don’t tell anybody your secret they’re just going to think you make the best food speaking of the best food look how we elevated this summer menu the summer Sizzle we’re talking about our corn dip here I got some chips because I’m digging in all that bacon and fresh corn is so delicious we’ve got our cool and refreshing creamy shrimp rolls right here the roasted strawberries with that goat cheese oh my gosh this is so delicious and I think this one’s my favorite favorite the panzanella all the fresh ingredients plus the Broz plus that bread that soaked up the vinegrette this is so delicious I would like to thank my very special sponsors gather on Broadway seasoned to taste Pelin Smoky meat and wga star Dairy and don’t forget to look at the gorgeous florals behind me from Petal Pusher thank you for being part of this show I am so excited to dig into all of this thank you for bringing my food to your table thanks for joining me at the table

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