Spice Up Your Taste Buds with Moroccan Chef, Bouchra Savard (Ep 131).

What does spice have to do with it? The fusion of tastes from all over the world (and originating from Morocco), chef and co-owner/operator Bouchra Savard, of the Swept Away Inn, thinks that the taste of food depends on the right combination of spices.

Food is celebration, and eating together with friends, family, and strangers who become friends, is what the Swept Away Inn prides itself on.

Join us for this lively and engaging discussion with Bouchra all about food, the importance of eating together, and some spicy stories to entice you.

For more information about the Swept Away Inn, click here https://www.sweptawayinn.com/

You can also find them on ⁠Facebook⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ under Swept Away Inn.

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this is your last call for my wife The dietitian the show is just about to start come on let’s go hurry up I’m trying I can’t get my shoe [Music] on Welcome to my wife the dietician a fun weekly podcast about nutrition and healthy lifestyle I’m Rob and together with my wife Sandra we invite you to join us on this informative and entertaining Journey Through The Complex world of healthy eating join us each week as we strive to help you with transforming your overall health and relationship with food through upto-date evidence-based nutrition [Music] information what spice got to do with it you’ve heard of the Spice Girls well bura from the Swept Away Inn is our favorite Spice Girl today we discuss cooking with spices flavoring foods to make them traditional authentically Fusion plus the importance of slowing down eating together and celebrating over delicious meals we are excited to welcome bura sard from swep away in on today’s show enjoying the show you can help others find it and enjoy it too by giving us a five-star rating or review if you feel like reaching out to us with a question or comment you can send us an email at mywi the Rd atgmailcom and don’t forget to visit our website at mywi theed dietician dcom as well as our social media Pages we’re on Facebook Instagram and YouTube enjoy the [Music] show Welcome to my wife the dietician hello Sandra hello Rob how’s it going good today we’re interviewing Bushra Savard from the Swept Away in Bushra yes so excited we do Zumba together she’s a Zumba instructor but uh what she really does is she is a chef she cooks from the heart she’s a magician she’s a food magician absolutely oh my gosh her cooking is so spectacular and so delicious and I think she’s probably the only person I know that’s got more like fire and passion than you do that’s funny she’s she’s a lot of fun I like bura she’s just always like full of energy and positivity and yeah and and she brings that to her cooking if that makes sense you know spicy yeah just yeah she she adds that energy and that love into her cooking and it shows when you eat it and everyone’s like oh my God this is the best thing I’ve ever eaten and so good yeah so we’re going to share that with you today we’re going to talk to bura she’s going to share not her Secrets but just I don’t know we’re going to walk you through the whole experience and uh she runs a super cool floating BNB with her husband on an old old 100 foot Tugboat from the 1940s it’s the coolest thing and they serve these amazing Moroccan dinners a Brer from Morocco so she’s got all her old recipes that she’s remembered from when she was a child cooking with her mother and her grandmother and and that’s what she’s sharing with all her guests and there’s people from all around the world that stay on their boat and it’s just such a really unique experience and uh yeah we’re really excited to talk to Bucher and have her share that experience with us today so let’s uh let’s go track down bu and uh yeah get her [Music] talking well we’re here with bua saard owner and operator and Master Chef of the Swept Away in Tugboat thank you for joining us bura can you tell our listeners what you do and uh your extraord AR unique and unconventional lifestyle yeah thank you guys for having me here uh so uh yeah so I am a chef uh co-owner of the swept way in uh the tugboat that is located in Port alurn on the Centennial Pier my husband and I were were run the the business together so I’m a chef I’m nutritionist a fitness instructor personal trainer many other things but my main main love and passion is for food as a chef and tell everyone where you’re from because you have a unique like your business on the Swept Away in is is unique because of your background so tell everyone about that yeah so uh so I was born and raised in Morocco I lived there a short period of my life because I I now I live my life in Canada is much longer so I came here I was 21 years old and uh to Canada I moved to imig ated to Canada and that’s why uh My First Love is Moroccan food of course and and that’s why uh we chose to uh to uh to make or create Moroccan food on the tugboat because it’s my first love it’s something that I’m so familiar with uh I can cook it without a recipe uh all the recipes are stored in my head from my childhood Hood all the recipes that I have uh that I remember from my grandma and my mom in particular so yeah so we uh uh specialize in Moroccan Cuisine that’s amazing oh wonderful yeah yeah and looking at your website I love your bio bua grew up in Morocco and learned to cook at her mother’s side her passion for real slow food is apparent in each dish that is presented at her table buha believes in sourcing local organic ingredients and takes the time to prepare her own combination of flavorful spices and uses the fermentation method word has spread both near and far as diners extol the virtues of bucher’s Cuisine I love that you know we we’ve uh experienced bucher’s uh amazing cooking um on several occasions over the last decade and wow like we go to the tugboat it’s it’s so cool like they’re Swept Away in is a 100 foot Tugboat in the port Al Bernie Inlet like in the port and and it’s just it’s so cool to walk out on the dock and get on a boat to have dinner like it’s just amazing thanks Sandra that’s so true can can you describe kind of like like a typical night on the tug just so people can visualize I mean like describe the tugboat itself because it’s it’s pretty cool it’s like a it’s like a floating I don’t want to say hotel but it’s like a house on water it’s a really cool boat and and then just the the dinner experience is quite intimate and then some of the food that you cook maybe and just sort of for someone who’s never been to sort of describe it if you can yeah so from the outside of course you can see it’s a it’s a converted tug boat it’s vintage uh the boat was built in 1944 and that you can tell it’s vintage it’s old however when you go inside the boat it’s completely it’s so different it’s not your typical tugbo because we made it at home since it it is our home we’ve lived on the tugboat uh since we purchased her I like to call her she she’s a strong female and U so when you go inside uh it’s like a home and of course what we hear from our guests when they arrive is that when they open the door it’s that smell of spices that hit them right in the face right away even though when I’m not cooking because it’s we’ve been using those spices for so long long that they’re actually everywhere you can smell them wow amazing yeah yeah so uh you enter the boats um when we have a guest we have a table when we we are doing dinners we have a long table and it’s a family style so we do family style dinners so basically people are really forced to sit with each other uh but when we don’t have the dinners it becomes our living room where we sit okay then of course uh you pass the uh the The Saloon or the living or sitting area there is the galley where I do all uh the cooking and you pass the galley then you go there are all the cabins where the BNB guests stayed so we have the the house and we have the upper deck where we have three cabins that we use for our guests so wow yeah that’s fun and it is quite intimate like you’re you’re like a busy night would be like 16 people maybe or have you done bigger well it can be bigger if we use the galley so we can see we can seat eight people in The Galley and we can sit 14 people and in the dining area wow so that can be a really that’s a big night for us like that’s the last but in the summertime sometimes we use the outside too so we have six seedings as well outside so that’s a really really big one and we’ve had that many times especially when we had like uh uh we hosted the wedding dinners or so right right big group Gatherings yeah yeah when we had some celebrations or uh when we had the all the the cabins uh rented or Taken like occupied like so because we have seven cabins that means it’s 14 people so when we are full we have the 14 people and and these people they when they stay with us they always want dinner so we that we have that 14 dinners guaranteed for our yes then then you have the locals who who like to have dinners with us as well so sometimes we end up using the outside or that Galley so you know to make it work for the locals as well so can I don’t know how it’s running now but um when we used to go it it was kind of like if you had space anyone could anyone could come down for dinner is that still kind of how you do it so you’d have a mix of of guests plus locals yes always that never changed actually awes we’ve always we always invite locals to come or anybody who’s actually driving through or if we have seats available definitely so that we make sure that our guests get the first seating first of course and uh yeah so sometimes you if we have just six people here while we still have the other eight seats available nice love that it’s not just for groups and I know it’s been kind of a uh some people they’ve had this misunderstanding about that you had to have a a group uh to dine with us but it’s not true sometimes you can call and you you know we might have couple seats available or maybe one seat available because somebody cancelled or somebody didn’t you know didn’t make it or you know or we just had only six people who booked so it’s it’s very that’s why we are so unique we’re not just like any restaurant yes and I you know and yeah so every time it’s different but the food is always amazing so that never changes that is for sure oh I can attest to that and and with your meals like there’s it’s like a five course meal like it’s just amazing and you’ve done everything from like the very start to the very end all by yourself you guys just do it alone and it’s uh yeah like what’s an example of like I don’t know on Saturday night what’s dinner on Saturday night so you know when you mentioned it’s like the courses and so if any Moroccan who’s listening to this will understand we we Moroccans we just eat like we are born to eat and make food like literally and it’s never enough I might be part morocc and bura I think I’ve got I think I I’ve witnessed that with my own eyes yes you are yeah you guys like to feed me that’s for sure yes so we do like uh food for us is celebration so we make lots of it that’s the way it should be absolutely yeah right so we celebrate with food and when we have guests it’s not just one meal it’s meals meals meals we really have to kind of uh we just go until we can’t go anymore I remember uh I I a long time ago uh some Canadians were in Morocco with us and uh I remember we were invited for for dinner and and I was very young at that time I didn’t even kind of pay attention to the the rule of thumb about when you go to a Moroccan home not to eat all day uh so took these people with us and uh uh friends who were living in Morocco and uh and the first course came out and and and I’m talking about four course uh the first one it was so large like really big and so these people they ate lots and I was eating with them not even paying attention to it the second meal came out the third the fourth the fifth the sixth and these people they were just embarrassed because they couldn’t eat anymore but they felt so bad because they didn’t want to you know make the host feel like you know they were feeling just guilty they just felt like they’re obligated to eat so and and I’ve witnessed with my own eyes zippers being open because they could not do it um and and they so they turned to me it’s like thank you for telling us I’m but anyways yeah so yeah lots of food so how how how do we do the food here uh you know you come in you have you know you you would start with drinks of course so everything is cooked at once so we put everything on the table so the idea for us doing this in the first place is just bringing people together now these days people are not eating together and we’re missing that and it’s something I grew up with and it’s so dear to me very important because it reminds me of that love and kindness that we Shar and those conversations that we had at the table they’re so important because we’re so busy everybody’s so busy and everybody’s so stressed so busy and have no time to sit down with their own family and stress and have nobody to talk to about those stressors as well so it’s so beneficial at many ways and uh of course insisted on doing it family style knowing that we might take that risk of not to many people are going to be open to it but really that that forcing that change really really really brought l lots of people together and kind of get them out of their comfort zone so we know for for fact that there are some people will never eat with anybody else but we’ll come here and do it anyways like they’ll you know they’ll sit beside a stranger and uh get to know stranger and we’ve you know we’ve witnessed before where we had four continents or five continents sitting together at the same table that was amazing that was really really cool love yeah really cool so yeah so we do we do the appies first then with then the main comes like the uh the protein with a variety of side dishes like variety variety of side dishes and then we ended with our homemade desserts again like everything is homemade here that is awesome what’s what’s an example of of one of the of one of the dishes just like a typical Moroccan dish what would that be for me personally my favorite protein uh is a lamb for me I know a lot of people people are not too found of lamb but uh I believe uh based on uh the experiences we’ve had here I because I always ask people why don’t you like lamb and they go because it was really tasted really bad or it smelled bad like some something they connected to a bad experience okay um and uh and I’m very very proud to to tell everyone that you know I’m the best one at making l oh there you go no I you know it’s true so some people had bad experience and they will never try it again and I really like asked them like what if you can just take a bite first and and see what do you think and um most of those people uh actually they’ve never had lamb before or had a bad experience they tried the lamb that we make here and and they really really told me that this is completely not what we expected and they really fall in love with lamb again because I make I the lamb I cook is so different our spices are so different and they’re so organic and the way I trm my lamb too I don’t cook it with all the fat and I think like the fat really it’s because it’s very strong and if it’s cooked with it it really like it it goes right into the muscle and it it just what you taste is just fat and so that’s why people had bad experience I the way I I handle the lamb it’s different so I trim my fat and of course I I always marinate my L lamb overnight to to allow for all those spices to really really you know mix and make the lamb really nice and tender nice so yeah so that will be uh yeah the lamb will be the one that that brings me to ask about the spices like tell me what uh like what type of I know that you guys like did a trip to back home to Morocco and you brought some spices home because you wanted to Source them from you know like the organic um like exactly like where you know that they’re good and like what are some of some of the examples of the spices oh yeah so if even if we don’t go to Morocco so my family still live in Morocco and we we bring spices we you know we ship them here everything so all the spices we use so cinnamon is number one spice used in Morocco cinnamon and turmeric ginger um dry uh Cor ER I said cumin already probably uh paprika and uh Spanish paprika cayenne pepper uh oh and safron of course I can’t forget about that one and even my zatar comes from Morocco which is a wild time zatar is wild time oh I like to have wild time on Friday night that’s tonight and it’s a full moon too Friday night it is so yeah it’ll be it’ll be really wild time it’s tonight exactly the longest day of the year or yesterday was but the saffron’s a really delicate uh it’s a more tender like it’s very like the actual plant that you or I don’t know do you know about saffron because I it’s not something I use regularly MH you you never cook with it no I haven’t I mean it’s just that’s one of the things I think a lot of people I talk with they’re not familiar with using a lot of the spices and that’s why I wanted to talk to you because you are a Master with the in the kitchen and you’re just the spices you guys use and all of your meals are just so delicious and flavorful and it’s the combination I guess e like there’s like the saffron it’s like um it’s like a yellow color yeah so saffron is a spice derived from the flour of crocus oh really okay so yeah so it’s the you know the inside of that flower that is picked honestly and it’s so small and delicate okay so it’s known as the soft round crocus okay and they are small threads very tiny threads they’re collected and dried and they use and we use them for seasoning and cut and for you know like for me I I I don’t use them for coloring cuz I know some people will use them for just coloring but they actually do have a taste okay so so I use them for seasoning for me okay okay and and some of the uh like I know that you have a lot of like uh Bean like chickpea dishes too and would you use the saffron in that or where you know what like in a Moroccan Cuisine is really it’s not just Moroccan Moroccan Cuisine is many many cultures put together many many different foods put together so saffron is really used a lot in Spain as well and there’s like uh our food is very influenced by spanish cuisine so we we tend to make lots of it so yeah it I really it doesn’t matter where you use you can use it with anything you want but you just have to be careful with the taste because it’s really potent it’s very strong if if if it’s not used or if it’s misused oh okay so you don’t need lots of it oh and I’m thinking like also like with the lamb Greek like I know in Greece um with like suvlaki and other Greek dishes like that lamb is I don’t know if they use I don’t think they use that I don’t think they use the the safron in the suaki I don’t know I don’t think so but maybe I mean by all mean everybody has their own way of making food or or seasoning it or fusing it like we say because my food even my Moroccan food is Fusion I don’t just make it very just uh traditional or authentic because there is no such a thing called authentic anyways like now there’s so many cultures mixed together oh yes yeah true and here even for me being in Canada for 32 years I have learned many many many methods or many ways of cooking as well so I bring those and with the traveling as well we go somewhere and I like to bring you know what I’ve learned from the food that I ate there and kind of mix it with Moroccan food and it becomes fusion and it’s so delicious combining them together and it’s fun too right and it’s a lots of fun to play with food so it is like food is just it’s art it’s it’s a play it’s a you know it’s like having a a piece of painting and just start with the you know with the a clear canvas and just go from there and you can create whatever you want so there’s no specific ways of using sofron but uh you know some dishes you know like like traditional uh like let’s say paa or Pella the Spanish one yeah definitely every one of them has the the saffron in it right some of the Moroccan dishes have safron and some don’t have safron do you know what I mean yeah yeah oh my gosh and and getting back to when you said uh like just how food just is it’s like art and uh you know with the flavors and I know that you Source your food locally like your produce and your meat and your fish so that makes a difference too I mean you’re helping you’re supporting the local community by you know the local farmers and we’ve been to some of your um dinners where the farmer is at the table um you know and and she’s like you’ve gone to her farm and got some produce and even maybe some of the like the chicken and then that is the food that we’re eating so like truly the the what is it Farm to Fork but Farm to Table Farm to Table and with your Fusion of the the spices and your culinary methods of cooking oh my gosh it’s just like it’s an it feels like a different world like it’s just so delicious the food is like it’s truly nourishing like it’s it’s so you know like it just it the whole experience and like when you’re sitting at the table with people that you’re not normally with or even strangers from a different country it’s just amazing I just love the whole experience and so good it is it is a great experience it’s very unique it’s very different and again uh it brings people together and that is so important and that’s what food is all about it’s bringing us together and we’ll go back to that why are we doing this in the first place yeah okay well you’re doing it for that reason yeah yeah the thing I find really unique about dining on your on your is it a ship or a boat what do you guys call it on your tug we called her lady songi okay you can you can call her ship yeah sh okay so dining dining on your ship you’ve got people from all over the world literally and you said typically a lot of Europeans right so you’re not sitting with your neighbor you’re not sitting with the with the the guy you work with you’re sitting with complete strangers from other countries other cultures and you’re there for this exciting celebratory meal and you’re sitting beside them for hours because that’s you know like it’s not a quick dinner right it’s you’re sitting there you’re on you’re in this kind of intimate setting and you’re right it is a really interesting opportunity to get to know someone from a different part of the world and you know different background and whatever and it’s that’s what makes it unique and memorable I think and and for people who want to go there that’s probably the experience you’re looking for because we don’t get that like you said it’s it’s something that the eating together even with your family is something that we’re losing you know so an opportunity to have a special night in that kind of setting like the boat is amazing too I mean it’s just everything about it is unique it’s it’s amazing that you guys are doing that oh thank you yeah we love we love doing it we love it like from the beginning and we still we still love what we do uh yeah and you’re right like Dan and I we got to be with people who actually come to us MH right from all over the world yeah yeah they’ve chosen here or from here and it’s true like you come here and the chances are so slim that you’re going to find somebody here that you know you know really Slim unless you come as your own group of course you’re coming together but you know it’s it’s not the case like for us it’s like whoever comes everybody’s welcome right like everybody’s welcome but the idea of all the people coming to from all over the world and we get to be with them we have we get to experience that you know get to experience the world with their own stories you know and to be part of it and to be part of their lives because we’re in it as well right and and be part of celebrations because it’s not just a dinner for 14 or two or or five it’s it’s a celebration it’s an expence we to be part of it and it’s an experience because sometimes we’ll have you know a group celebrating anniversary and they bring in their families and their friends or sometimes it’s a retirement party we’ve even we even had weddings here you know yeah that’s amazing yeah so it’s a celebration whether and of how about funerals like when people they don’t want to when you know dealing with funerals and so they don’t want to be cooking as well so we take that burden away from you know from them and they’ll come here with their their families and have dinner and have couple laughs and you know and we are part of it too we’re witnessing this you know yeah exactly and you guys you guys are amazing hosts too I mean you’ve got your own unique backgrounds and you both bring a lot to the table so as far as being part of it like you said you guys are right in there with everyone else I mean you’ve got a lot to offer from that side so that that adds to it as well yeah it’s like Mom and Dad they’re right in the kitchen and they’re right with you yeah exactly totally oh yeah yeah I know I know it’s amazing and I love it cuz I I’ve seen you in action like with your like you know literally the steam is Raising and you’ve got your um apron on and you’re in the the you know the middle of a major meal that you’re trying to uh get the food out and you always have a smile and you’re always like it’s just like your it’s like the Muse is running through you you’re just like this is what you’re meant to do you’re so amazing at hosting so is Dan I mean you guys are just uh incredible host and I see on your website like you have earned awards for that like the super host designation from Airbnb and uh oh yeah I forgot about that and we actually end up with the we got the that the tourism and Hospitality uh Community Excellence as well that we’ve received uh um I believe it oh here in Port alurn with the support from our community as well so we are uh we really love what we do and it’s uh you know when you do something that you’re passionate about it makes all the difference so this is a passion it’s not because we’re we’re not like making like tons of money or anything but we’re doing it because we’re passionate about it and it’s you know that’s the main reason have you got any uh have you got any fun stories from uh different experiences you’ve had with uh over the years we do you know um funny you said that we have lots of you know our guest books that we we you know uh we give them when they you know after breakfast when they’re about to leave you know we we make sure that they write us a story or tell us you know or write something about themselves and and we have I don’t know how many now how many books we had over the years but uh really nice to in the winter time that’s when we kind of each grab a book and go you know and we kind of reminisce on how did our summer go and you know because at that point we’re really exhausted right and and then kind of some stories when we remember who wrote this we we’re laugh about it but uh stories endless stories there’s always a story there’s always somebody out of those 14 people who is going to be funny or has a or with a character you know there’s always that and you know over the years really every year it brings some some experience sometimes it’s you know what I mean it’s sad or or you know or I don’t know it’s just but most most most of the experiences are really happy and funny funny funny like yeah um I can the one that I can think really will always stick in my mind is uh uh this uh this guy who who who was he was from uh Sweden he was from Sweden and really really um the barrier in the kitchen like we have a glass so you know for uh food safe um so people don’t come inside the galley inside where I cook and this guy had such his boundaries were like all over the map so he’ll come close to me and he wants to talk to me and I’m like and I’ll push him kind of without pushing him with my hand I kind of just you know with my body I kind of keep like getting out of my space so he can get out and uh he wants to talk to me and talk talk talk talk talk and and I’m chopping and he’s talking and telling me all these stories la la la la I mean like literally and he just and his wife come to me and she’s like she said my husband he’s going to drive you crazy she said he talks a lot he talks a lot and I like it’s okay we’ll tolerate him but anyways and we they stayed with us I believe for three days oh wow and he shared so many but he was fun he was funny um at the end when he wrote in our book in our guest book yes he drew his face and he drew the glasses and he drew exactly how his face looked and he put blah blah blah blah blah blah and he’s like to to remember him that’s that’s he knew he knew I mean there’s there’s so many stories to share there’s so many there’s one that I actually I really really like to share we had a group of uh a group of ladies who came here a few years back and uh at the beginning uh kind of I didn’t feel that love from them you know like that connection I was like okay and I’m cooking I’m doing my thing and uh they they sat outside of you know on the deck and uh they had some wine and so and they were part of the dinner so anyways we made the dinner and they had the dinner and kind of things have changed after because they were sitting with other people and get to know them a little bit and one of those ladies the so these ladies they were all in their 70s and one of the ladies her hair was I would never forget her hair her face I can still remember remember it all today her hair was silver white to the like it actually looked silver and it’s not colored silver it was natural beautiful silver her skin was so tan and her eyes were very blue like ocean blue just a beautiful beautiful lady and I think this happened in the story happened in September I was starting to feel worn out little bit and exhausted next day when they were leaving she came to me in the kitchen and she held my hands and she said to me I just want to say something to you I don’t think you know who I am and I said no I don’t and as at this point I’m already starting to have tears in my eyes she just touched my hands okay she held them and she said I they call me the cancer Angel and I said wow and I and and she said you know why they call me the cancer Angel she said I just go to hospitals and I sit with people who are dying and I just talk to them and my tears started just to come down like like I was just like you know I I was so emotional and she said to me can I put my hands on your shoulders and I said yeah you can absolutely and she put her hands on my shoulders and she closed her eyes and she she did a prayer right right it was not a loud prayer and and she said to me you give so much energy you’re so you’re such a hardworking woman and you don’t have to worry about anything because you are so protected and I’m like I’m like what is going on here she said to me don’t worry about anything she said just keep doing what you’re doing and work from your heart and give that love because you’re changing a lot of people’s lives wow and I just started to just ball and she H she hug I was like can I hug you and you know and she hugged me and still still till today I I keep telling then and anybody I tell the story to her and I was like that woman was not human woman no doubt she was an angel wow wow that is incredible oh my gosh I’m totally crying of course like like I said to you guys earlier uh in September the end of SE September um yeah I do become emotional because I I start feeling the exhaustion because this is not uh it’s not a it’s not a a business that you just say I’m tired and you leave yeah yeah life through the summer right you have to walk through the summer and you have to push through and and say yes I yes I can yes I can yes I can yes I’m doing it yes I’m doing it yes I can until the end of the season and you know like you wake up 6:30 in the morning and you’re the last person to go to bed of course so you know sometimes it’s not till midnight or 1:00 so and you repeat for you know so but again I’m not I’m not saying this to complain or anything is it is it is what we chose to do and we do it because we’re passionate about it like the passion takes over and it makes you forget about those pains that’s amazing yeah oh yeah and I bet that the cancer Angel the the woman you were talking about I bet she could sense like the night before that you were it was almost like uh the balance was off like you were giving giving giving and you weren’t getting the love back like you weren’t getting the connection from them really or just you know like there was something off maybe and you just probably felt so like okay this is like I’m drained and I’m like giving you everything I got here I need something back and maybe she could sense that maybe oh yeah that’s why I’m saying she’s an angel because she sensed that she really picked on my energy and she knew that I was just tired it’s not because I’m somebody who just if not a bad person or anything it’s just she knew and she gave me that that was that was what she did was to encourage me to empower me to give me that boost that I needed yes to make me believe in myself and it’s I’m gonna be okay and I’m gonna get through this oh exactly it was almost like like this little energy boost that uh just the prayer and just like the gratitude that she and she knew that you were doing this um from a place of love and passion and this is your you know you’re so good at this and she wanted you to know that because maybe you weren’t feeling it and your your cup was empty at that point so oh my God I love that that’s like the best story he rob yeah it just goes to show you too how simple it is to boost someone’s you know like like she took you from where you were to like way up right with just a few simple words and disconnecting and and like it doesn’t take much and I mean we all need to be doing that to each other and it’s people think oh it’s you know it’s so much work to whatever but no it’s not like you just have to be nice to people show a bit of gratitude and show some love through a few simple words or just gestures right and it can make a huge difference yeah great story the difference it makes to to to just smile at even with a smile you know you don’t have to make a lot of effort you know how sometimes when somebody Smiles at you and it just boosts you right away and it’s yeah such a simple gesture that makes a whole difference in someone else’s life because we don’t know what anybody’s going through when we see them and when we meet them because she I didn’t know what they were going through and you know and obviously they can see based on how much running I do they can see it visually they can see it physically that I’m running around and yeah uh I needed that boost that day and not to mention like you you are doing like your personal trainer and you also do classes uh Zumba classes like at least twice and I go to those and it’s like high energy and like like we’re you know it’s um sculpting and all that and so it’s amazing I mean I guess it’s a way for you to also keep yourself your own physical health and mental health you know uh toned up and and you know so that you have all of the uh resources and energy to give to your guests in the summer yeah yeah I’ve I do yeah exactly when and anybody asks me how do you do all these things I’m like okay everything balances itself okay I know when I have had enough I recognize that I recognize it and that’s when I go to my classes or I go for a walk or I go home back to Morocco so yeah so I do teach Zumba Zumba is just guys it’s a fun thing it’s a fun you just dance and and and as you saw Sandra our group of ladies they’re just just beautiful empowering women and nobody cares about you know how you’re dancing or how you’re moving it’s just you listen to music and you let go and that’s my time for me to let go as well yeah so uh Training Fitness and all that it’s it’s you know balancing off everything it’s not just you know for the sake of looking good or losing weight or so it’s the whole package it’s like it’s taking care of my mental health it’s you know dealing with the stage of life that I’m going through right now which is uh menop cause you know dealing with uh my life my children my family everything and and and being a chef as well so I know I know it’s incredible all the all the things you’re jungling in life bu and uh and speaking of like well not speaking of it but if you I guess you probably can’t go any to any potlucks in the summer but when you do a potluck we’ve been to potlucks with you at other people’s houses and when you go to a potlock what is something that you might bring uh for a dish to share well I definitely have to bring my green humus definitely we we go to potlucks that you go to we we say is berer gonna be there and if you’re going then then then we go going yeah yeah then we go so I really like to take if if really if I don’t have leftovers uh lamb because lamb is best when it’s actually you know the day before like it’s a day old or two days old it really all those spices they really kind of come together really nicely so what I do is this is my favorite thing and I’ve you know if it’s available uh I will shred the you know because I normally will make a leg of lamb and I take the I I shred that meat and I just separate it together and I mix it with the Jew from from it and I will put that on either my homemade uh bread or sourdough bread and uh with a Greek yogurt with lemon and a little bit of honey and I put this Moroccan salsa with the red onions uh parsley and cilantro and cumin and sea salt and that will go on top with the Greek yogurts that will be my dish to to take wow wow and Olive and good olive oil we cannot forget about good olive oil because a bad olive oil is makes all the difference in your in dishes yeah yeah you’re right interesting oh that’s yeah holy and the green hummus what’s in the green hummus so the my green hummus actually which is I actually sell here from the the tugboat and uh and I actually today is you know is the day that people come and pick it up so you you make you pre-order it so what’s in it it’s uh anything that’s green um uh it’s a fresh uh dry chickp or garbanzos that I pre-soaked and um I cooked them I cooked them in some Moroccan spices and I add lots of garlic lemon juice anything that’s green if I have kale available I would put kale in spinach and everything by the way I call it organic green hummus because everything in it is organic and uh and some heat from either jalapeno or chili peppers and uh some scallion and uh uh lots of good olive oil again and uh there you go you get green organic green homus and I sell it on Fridays nice I’m just looking at it on your Facebook page it looks delicious so we had some technical difficulties and lost berer there but uh we will fill in her contact information and uh just kind of wrap things up here well technically bu and I lost you well that’s we were still talking and you were gone and you weren’t recording anymore so so I’m going to say one thing she did mention at the end she mentioned that uh for their meals and their kitchen uses the local CSA box and we actually did an episode with Joanne from Rome Market Garden episode 115 eating local so people can refer back to that one yeah there was a ton of great information in that as well so be sure to check that out and like Sandra was saying uh the Swept Away in where Bushra is uh her and her husband run the Swept Away in that’s what they’re using just local organic fresh keeping it real yeah that was so great having bura on we’ve known her for so many years and the work they’re doing and the amazing Hospitality they are offering uh visitors from around the world is just incredible yeah it really is a unique experience it’s it’s just so we’re so lucky to have that in our hometown here and to be able to partake in that from time to time it’s uh I think we gave a pretty good impression of what happens when you go for dinner down there and hopefully people can sort of get the feeling of what happens and it really is a a neat a neat experience yeah and it really uh shows that food is celebration and that everybody’s welcome to eat together with uh friends and family and strangers that become friends MH and it’s really an amazing experience yeah they’ve got some pretty amazing using uh social media Pages uh with lots of great pictures of everything we discussed so there’s all her food that uh that she makes all the uh there’s pictures of the ship on there um yeah so that will give you the visual you can check them out on Facebook under swep wayin and on Instagram as well under swep wayin and if you’re traveling give them a call it’s uh a a one-of-a-kind experience and uh definitely worth it if you’re if you’re passing through uh Vancouver Island area so that is it for this week we will be back on Wednesday in the meantime you can check out our website we’ve got lots of great information there we’ve got a great blog you can sign up for our Weekly Newsletter if you have questions about the show or ideas or you just want to say hi you can drop us an email at mywife TH rdma.com and the website is my wifethe dietician tocom you can also find us on social media we’re on Facebook Instagram and YouTube and we’d love to hear your reviews as well your comments your feedback that’s just so important for us it keeps us moving in the right direction and uh we want to make sure we’re giving you the information that you want to hear so yeah don’t be shy let us know what what your thoughts are you can do that through most of the social media pages that we’re part of as well as the podcast platforms that you listen to there’s always a function there where you can drop a comment don’t forget to share the show with your friends too that’s always uh super helpful for us and like we always say your friends like to know what you’re listening to so thanks again to bura we will be back on Wednesday with our nutrition nuggets so until then have a great week [Music] everyone thanks for joining us today on my wife The dietitian if you like what you heard don’t be shy leave us a comment or review and be sure to share our podcast with your friends if you’d like to hear more hit that subscribe button you can also follow us on our social media Pages for updates episode trailers and other odds and ends for more info and links on what we discussed on today’s episode check the show notes we’ll be back next week with another informative and funfilled episode [Music]

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