It's a castella cake (Taiwanese, not Japanese). And he says the online resources mention its "eggy flavor," but it tastes more eggy than the one we've gotten at H-mart

by Genhald_Sedai


  1. GlitterBlood773

    It could taste more eggy due to the H Mart cake being more processed and made with food product instead of, assuming here, real food.

    It looks great. I hope someone more knowledgeable chimes in. It looks lovely!

  2. Good-Ad-5320

    (No offense, just giving tips)

    The air bubbles are way too big, because the meringue was beaten too fast and/or too long, until stiff peaks. This recipe should be done with very soft egg whites peaks, to create tiny bubbles which will lead to a dense but airy cake. Try the recipe (and the process) shown in this video if you want a perfect Castella :

    For the eggy taste issue, i suggest baking it for longer or adding vanilla extract or whatever flavor you like. This kind of cakes (like japanese cheesecake, chiffon cake, genoise …) obviously taste a bit like eggs because it’s full of it. However, if the eggy taste is really too strong, that means the cake is undercooked.

  3. bipanic8o8

    Any cake that tastes good turned out right, even if it’s not 100% accurate to what your husband was trying to make.

  4. cucumberwatermelon_

    Idk if its your camera, the cake looks a bit pale to me. Usually I’d want a brown caramelised top.
    Maybe longer baking time would’ve that outcome 🙃

  5. Salty-Reference4512

    I’ve had the same issue with it tasting very eggy? I haven’t found a solution but now I add an insane amount of vanilla to try to cover it

  6. Existing-Recipe6895

    That look soooo delecious 🍰😊

  7. parzinstrano

    It’s beautiful! Looks so moist! I’d eat it in a heartbeat 💓

  8. kittyykkatt

    A trick I learned years ago was to put all the egg yolks through a sieve to remove the outer skin to make dishes taste less eggy.

  9. milesyeah

    It looks fluffy and soft like a cloud and I bet I would have eaten half the tray before realising I’d eaten half a tray!

  10. TooObsessedWithOtoge

    Taiwanese person here! A bit of vanilla extract will help with eggy-ness. But it IS supposed to taste somewhat eggy.

    It looks quite good to me though a bit pale, and the crumb isn’t quite as fine as they usually are. I recommend tapping on the counter before baking to get big bubbles out. Straining the yolk part of the batter before folding the meringue may also be helpful to achieve the perfect fluffy/fine texture.

    The one at Hmart I assume he’s talking about is made with just egg whites because I’ve seen that but have never seen an authentic Taiwanese castella at any Hmart.

    My favourite channel teaching this recipe is MoLaLa Cook on Youtube. They teach [small batch]( too. It always turns out well for me and is almost as good as it is when I go overseas to Taiwan.

    I can’t post mine (made with reference to that channel) on the thread so I made a [post](

  11. Such_Teach_8881

    That looks soo soft and delicious. Next time to try and reduce the egg flavour you can try using a favouring of choice and also add a splash of vinager to the eggs when beating them which will help both stabilize the eggs and reduce the flavour of the eggs.

    Hope this is helpful.

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