PASTA C’ANCIOVA di Betty e Marco – Ricetta facile e veloce

#ricetta #pasta #anciova


Good morning friends of Betti and Marco and have a nice lunch. Today we will make pasta with the original anciova. I put it there. The other time I suggested it but I didn’t make it because it wasn’t the original because it wasn’t. it had tomato extract Today we have it I’ll show you how to make pasta with anciova friends we’re going to cook we here call them daisies it’s called that but I’ve seen that in many parts of Italy it’s called differently anyway we are going to cook this type of pasta then we have pine nuts tomato paste then tomato extract onion and raisins which I have already put in water to soften the anchovies and oil then it is a very good pasta it is really good We are going to cook it in frying pan or you can also make it in a saucepan. Let’s cook it immediately. Meanwhile we have already put the pot with the water because it is also a quick pasta friends. Let’s start making the pasta with the anciova then a good drizzle of oil, plenty of extra virgin olive oil, let’s add half an onion it can also be made with garlic. Today I make it with the onion. Let’s turn the heat on and brown the onion and then add our anchovies. The onion is browning. Let’s add the anchovies, plenty of anchovies and let them melt with the onion. I can already taste a good perfume is a traditional Sicilian pasta, this one Ok let’s lower the heat so the onion doesn’t burn at this point let’s add our tomato extract I’m using 200 g Wait I have a small piece left in the bowl and I have to take it Ok Let’s let it melt for a few seconds. Then mix the anchovy and everything else with the oil. Mom, what a scent, let’s raise the heat a little. At this point, let’s add a little warm water and let it melt. I don’t add a lot of water. Ok, let’s let it melt. all the concentrate well friends once Look how wonderful once the concentrate has melted we’re going to add the raisins directly inside and our pine nuts and we’ll turn it depends on the consistency of the sauce obviously you can add a little more water I like it like this maybe I’ll add a little more but I really like it thick Look how wonderful the water is almost boiling Now as soon as we’re going to remove our sauce from the heat let’s go and make some toasted breadcrumbs Ok we’ll add a little more water that’s fine and let’s let it cook You saw the concentrate has melted everything we added the pine nuts the raisins I made it a little softer by putting it in water now we have to cook it on a very slow slow fire friends In the meantime that our our sauce is cooking let’s go and make some breadcrumbs but we have to toast it so a drizzle of oil and a bit of breadcrumbs let’s toast it well friends we have made the Muddica atturrata So we have toasted our bread now Look at the seasoning it is still cooking on the heat very slow but eh guys Believe me a wonderful scent let’s wait for the water to boil Then we’ll go and cook our pasta friends let’s add our pasta how much is added 250 g of T only which is a little as I would have added 300 I don’t put much salt because the fact that we added the anchovies makes the pasta very seasoned, what a delicacy so I add a little salt canua pasta a marvel pasta with anchovy however Have you seen how simple it is to make it eh You salted it Yes I have already salted now let’s cook it and then we’ll define it he closed the video I said reopen he’s letting me cook add another 50 g of pasta I mean you realize guys no these are 45 45 I said okay It’s just me and you say 150 me and 150 you but Gioia but I’ll eat 150 g Okay 200 me and 100 understood the pasta is ready let’s turn it off and put it directly in the pan mum what a delight I was right that it needed 300 g per So Gi 300 g Why 200 You want to eat them you And of course Giò on Saturday at least 200 g of pasta on Saturday but what on Saturday what is something new for you every day you eat this pasta every day every day and then we add the rest Look how delicious, how beautiful we add more but all of it you have to give it your all of course Eh Give me the time turns Let’s love it well Look how wonderful it is because the sauce comes with the tomato extract it comes out different How wonderful how good it is so good my goodness if I had more pine nuts I would have also added them to finish our mudica landed on top of this it goes too what goodness Look at this marvelous rag, it’s a work of art, the famous ganciu pasta from Palermo, as simple as pasta, very quick. You’ve seen, it doesn’t take long to make it, but it turns out really good, tasty, tasty. But I have to tell you that I put a little cheese in it. well I don’t put cheese because then guys Thanks for everything We saw yesterday how much you liked the cake it turned out Believe me a marvel of a delicacy But then fresh good good we’ll see you tonight with Betti and Marco’s recipes a hug to everyone Have a good lunch, hello from Betti and Marco. Hello friends, have a good lunch. Have a good lunch


  1. Ciao betty erano 2 giorni che non ti vedevo come è andata la causa di Beatrice ? La pasta con l'aggiornamento La faccio spesso anche io un abbraccio buona giornata ciao ❤❤

  2. Brava! La mantecatura và sempre fatta! Le migliori paste : rummo molisana, Poiatti, Vallolmo grano italiano o Siciliano! Olio locale di frantoio! Abbiamo meravigliosi frantoi dove a 9 -10 € vedi uscire in diretta olio d'oliva ! Prodotto siciliano! Vicino Palermo ci sono i frantoi! Lasciamo stare certi oli che vendono!

  3. La pasta Poiatti lo usata e buonissima io vivo al nord mia cognata è siciliana ha Torino c è e me la portata mi trovo bene buona giornata a tutti voi 💗

  4. Cari Betty e Marco questa pasta è una bontà come dice Marco sempre giustizia per Beatrice Dio vi benedica ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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