After a night of scandalous revelations, the chefs tackle an “American Classics” challenge on the football field. Later, Family night dinner service exposes weaknesses, leading to a strategic but futile elimination attempt. Chef Ramsay won’t be fooled!

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In Hell’s Kitchen, two teams compete for the prestigious job of head chef at a top restaurant, all under the guidance of world-class fiery chef Gordon Ramsay.

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ANNOUNCER: And now the continuation of "Hell’s Kitchen." Now f*** off. Michael, he didn’t belong here. He was our weakest person in the kitchen. Peace, duces, Michael. Come see me in Atlantic City, and I’ll give you a job prep cooking. [inaudible] we lost our first roommate. Push the beds together. Wanna switch sides? I was thinking about just sharing a bed. That’s fine. We can push two together. We’ve already kind of touched each other’s hearts. BRET: We did. Well, I see you guys aren’t that beaten that Michael’s gone. Who’s Michael? [laughter] Back out, you motherfucker. Didn’t even skip a beat. Nick, where’s the cervezas? OK. Everyone, go to the patio. Everyone was planning on going to sleep. But we needed to loosen up a little bit. That’s it. That’s it. Perfect. This is the first time we’ve actually had an opportunity to mingle and hang out like this. You guys, let’s played Never Have I Ever. You have five fingers. You put down one every time you’ve done something. All right, never have I ever had sexual intercourse with a female. Oh, well, that’s not fair. Too sad. [laughter] Bret, you’re up. Are you playing or what? Bret, what’s up, Bret? Never have I ever played this game, so switch. Bret likes to be the center of attention. And when he cannot be the center of attention, he gets salty. You won’t catch me down there embarrassing my mama. T, go on. Meghan, Never have you ever met a guy on the first night, went home with him, and slept with him. That’s going to put Nick out instantly. [laughter] Wait, unless she’s done it as well. Oh! [laughter] ANNOUNCER: After a late night of letting loose, the chefs have an early morning. Guys, can we get everybody gathered around, please? Yes, chef. ANNOUNCER: And another surprise from Chef Ramsay. Chef wants you guys to put these on and run downstairs right away. Let’s go. Come on, guys. Like, wearing jerseys, oh, my gosh, these things are super cute, got the HK, got the name on the back. Chef Ramsay, he’s got something up his sleeve. Let’s go, guys, come one, get in the car. Girls up front. Let’s go. Thank you, chef. Line up, please, guys, line up. Football, are you serious? There’s like a huge American flag. There’s balls everywhere. Chef Ramsay’s in denim. CHEF RAMSAY: Right. Good morning. EVERYONE: Good morning chef. As we all know, football is America’s favorite sport. In many ways, it’s an American classic. I’m going to be perfectly honest. I am scared shitless of playing football. I’m usually the food nerd. So for your next challenge, I want you to work with some great American classics, an amazing mac and cheese, a pizza, a burger, and delicious spaghetti. It’s up to you to put your modern twist on those American classics. Got it? EVERYONE: Yes, chef. Good. Now, each of these footballs represents an ingredient. So 200 footballs will be launched, and then you’ll pick the ingredients that you’d like to work with by gathering up the footballs. Clear? EVERYONE: Yes, sir. Now, two of you will be making the same dish. And on the blue team, because you have one fewer chef than the red team, Randy, you are going solo, young man. Yes, chef. You’ve all got 30 seconds right now to decide which of these dishes you’ll be cooking. The time starts now. [whistle blows] [chatter] Meghan and I get burgers. Yay, I’m happy. Pizza, that’s mine. [chatter] I’m going mac and cheese. I’m good with pizza. Me and Nick get pizza. Pizza’s are what I do, Italian food. I’m not losing this game. OK, ready? Set. [blows whistle] ANNOUNCER: For the first part of today’s challenge, each pair of chefs will work together– [inaudible] ANNOUNCER: –to catch or gather nine ingredient-labeled footballs. Ground beef! [inaudible] mushroom. ANNOUNCER: That they will both use in creating their own classic dishes with a modern twist. Got it. I’m definitely an athletic guy. I mean, I played sports my entire life. But those balls were coming in with velocity. I mean, they’re heavy, too. Pasta, how about pasta? ANNOUNCER: Josh elbows his way to the board first with pasta that he and Milly will both use to create mac and cheese dishes. Salami. Salami. I’ve got great hands. I played wide receiver. I’m good in my ability to catch balls. Red pepper. Bacon. American cheese. Greek yogurt. Watch your head. Watch your head. Watch your head. Actually, I’m feeling a little nervous right now. I don’t have a plan. Comfort food is not really my forte. I ate burnt fish sticks and green beans out of a can growing up. That’s not comfort food. That’s not good food. Randy, here, sesame buns. Sesame buns. I have no problem flying solo. I was pretty confident on the burger. It’s comfort food, but you’re supposed to make it all fancy-dancy. Anybody see bacon? I wanted to make sure I got the bacon because bacon makes the world go around. Come on, Randy. ANNOUNCER: While Randy gathers ingredients that will elevate his burger– Nice. Let’s go! Come on. ANNOUNCER: –T and Michelle are making sure that they are both happy using the ones that they have chosen. OK, listen to what we have. We have pizza dough. We have tomatoes. We have pineapple and chicken. T picked pineapple and chicken. So I was a little nervous about the pineapple, but she wanted to go with it. And I knew that I could do something with it. – I’m all set. – OK. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [blows whistle] Excellent. There we are. That is it. Let’s get back to Hell’s Kitchen and get changed. EVERYONE: Yes, chef. Let’s go. Come on, speed up. I’m beat right now. I ain’t athletic. I want to just cook food and eat. ANNOUNCER: Each pair now has 40 minutes– Come on guys, to pick it up. ANNOUNCER: –to work individually with the ingredients they have chosen as a pair. – Want to do the panko? – Yeah. ANNOUNCER: And put their own spin on their classic American dish. Ow! Fuck. BRET: I’m actually going to go very rustic Italian on this one. And mine’s going to a non traditional Italian. I was OK being paired with Bret only because we didn’t actually really need to work together. I always enjoy chicken-pineapple pizza. My Italian grandmother would have fucking rolled over in her grave. Get that charry, smoky flavor on there, Nick. ANNOUNCER: While Bret is feeling confident that his pizza will have the edge for the blue team– 20 minutes to go, guys. Yes, chef. ANNOUNCER: –over in the red kitchen– Sorry, dude. ANNOUNCER: –Sarah is still trying to make sense of the ingredients that she and Monique selected for their spaghetti. I’m feeling a little bit frazzled, eggs and ham with spaghetti? Something special, ladies. Yes, chef. I was just trying to, like, make it smart and work together. 90 seconds to go. Ladies, are you y’all plating? I was staring at Alison’s dish, when I see mac and cheese on the bun. It just– it didn’t work for me. CHEF RAMSAY: 30 seconds to go. Coming through, hot! Earth to Randy. Bring the plate to the burger. Good point. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and serve, guys. Good job, guys. Come on, man. OK. I know each of you have prepared a dish. However, for judging, I’ll only be tasting one dish from the each pair. Decide which dish you’re dropping. Work it out. Hurry up. What do you think about my mine? I think it’s traditional pizza. I think yours is too sweet, T. Who’s got the flatbread. Flatbread was me. He did a really classic Italian one. I made a new school. I would have put mine up. Somebody tasted mac and cheese. I kind of like this one. It’s on a roll. I feel really good about mine, guys. My team wasn’t really wasn’t even tasting my dish. – Which one? – Here. Mine? T, which one? Mine? OK, mine. Just because someone’s louder than me, doesn’t mean that their dish is always going to be better. – With Bret’s? – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Excellent. Today, I’ve invited two of the most talented chefs in America. Our first chef is a restaurateur who owns Lucques and AOC. Please welcome Chef Suzanne Goin. [applause] Nice to see you, my darling. Thank you so much. Our second judge has literally just landed from New York, the owner of many fine restaurants, including David Burke Prime, David Burke. [applause] Meeting these superstar chefs in person– Welcome. Nice to see you, too. It’s incredible. ANNOUNCER: The esteemed guest judges will have to decide which chef has done the best job at executing a modern take on an American classic. And let’s start off with the battle of the pizza. [applause] ANNOUNCER: First up are Michelle and Bret. Go get them, Bret. You’ve got it, baby. CHEF RAMSAY: All right, Michelle, would you mind explaining? I have zucchini, chicken, pineapple. And then I have goat cheese on there. And there’s also a fresh mozzarella on it. Wow. I know right off the bat as far as looks go, I got this. Very well seasoned. And I like pineapple. I was very nervous about the pineapple. But I think that it actually does really work. – Thank you. – And Bret, please explain. I prepared a capricciosa pizza, an old rustic Italian with some chiffonade basil and fresh grated Parmesan on top. It’s delicious. Thank you very much, chef. I like the salami and the olives, a little high on the seasoning maybe. That was cooked a little nicer. Thank you, chef. Let’s start off with David’s. Time for flag. Blue, wow. Interesting. Thank you very much, chef. Suzanne. CHEF RAMSAY: Wow. Thank you, chefs. Once again, I fucking murdered it. Good job. ANNOUNCER: While the blue team celebrates an early lead– Good job, baby. Come on, Randy. ANNOUNCER: –Randy and Meghan face off in the battle of– –the burger. ANNOUNCER: With Randy hoping that his cheese and chili-stuffed burger– Did you want to cook it well done? I would have liked it about a medium Sure. ANNOUNCER: –will top of Meghan’s burger made of spicy lamb. All flavors I love, really tasty. Thank you. It’s almost a gyro in a hamburger bun. David, is it red or blue? CHEF RAMSAY: Wow. Thank you, chef. I promise I’m not just copying David. [laughter] I know that my dish was good. I’d eat the shit out of it. Battle of the mac and cheese, please. Let’s go. I’m feeling, like, pretty good about my mac and cheese. Let’s hope for the best. – Alison? Yes, chef? I’ve never seen mac and cheese in a bun. I just wanted to do something a little bit different. Different is good. But just being different for the sake of being different is not a good enough reason. Yes, chef. How’s that, David? Taste-wise it’s a little too crunchy. SUZANNE GOIN: Yeah. Joshua, please explain. I have a three-cheese bechamel, elbow macaroni, and artichoke hearts. That’s delicious. I like everything that’s in that. Thank you, chef. Let’s begin with Suzanne, please. I’m going to go with blue. Woo. Thank you, chef. Tell CHEF RAMSAY: David, please. Yeah. I knew that that dish did not look right. It was kind of the confirmation that I wasn’t nuts. Time for the battle of the spaghetti. Let’s go, please. ANNOUNCER: With the men up by two in the final round, Brendan is looking to clinch a victory for his team and avoid a third straight challenge loss. This is a play on traditional spaghetti carbonara. It has shitake mushrooms, shrimp, finished with a fried egg on top. Pretty well-balanced. I’d be happy if I went to a fine dining restaurant and got something that looked like that. SUZANNE GOIN: It’s good. Sarah, please describe your dish. It’s a little bit of Parmesan, some fried kale on the bottom, some prosciutto that I fried as well, some cherry tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms, zucchini, and then the egg. Too much. Too much. Oh, and lobster as well. It’s got more ingredients than a puttanesca. [laughter] It was actually really delicious. And I was afraid at each ingredient. [inaudible] make her stop saying ingredients, please. I really like it. Thank you, chef. Thank you. Thank you, chef. Suzanne, David, is it red or blue? You guys make it tough. But I have to go with the– Thank you, chef. And David. Wow. We have to break the tie. So I’d like to see Sarah’s dish, Meghan’s dish, Bret’s dish, and Joshua. – You go, brother. – I’m confident. I knew I had a great macaroni and cheese. Back in line, please. Thank you. So the best dish out of these four will win the challenge overall for their team. Across the board this evening was incredible. Yes, amazing. DAVID BURKE: And between the two of them, I think– SUZANNE GOIN: Mm-hm, yeah. You’re happy with that decision? Yes. Well, there is an overall winner. Congratulations, Sarah, the red team, well done. [cheering] What? I didn’t come here to fucking lose. I’m fucking furious. David, great to see you. Thank you. It was great. Thank you, guys. Very Thank you, guys. Thank you both. Red team, well done. Today you’ll be heading to Long Beach to sail aboard an incredible 130-foot long historic ship named "The American Prize." There are more surprises that I feel it’s apt that I don’t release that here in front of the boys. There’s only so much pain that Bret can take on his face. Ladies, get changed. And don’t forget your sunscreen. Off you go. Well done. Thank you, chef. And Sarah, great job. – Thank you, chef. – [inaudible], Sarah. Good job, Sarah. Like, I always do like jumping jacks in my head. Good job. Thank you. Not jumping jacks, that doesn’t make sense. I was maybe a twerk or two. Bret’s face? I thought he was going to cry. Men, you may not be crying now, but you will be shortly because I have a shipment of over 500 pounds of onions. Fuck. When the shipment arrives, carry them all inside, unpack, and then start prepping them. Off you go. Head out to the patio and get some fresh air before you start crying. Ah! Come on, team. I’m not taking this shit by myself. Doing this a team effort. It was an individual effort, I’d have fucking won already. I don’t need to be swearing and getting all amped up. It’s not going to help anything at all, especially when your morale’s already down enough. Bret, calm down, man. You’re tweaking out. I’d rather be on a boat getting shitfaced. I’m sure we all would rather do that, but we’re not. But we are peeling 500 pounds of onions. I feel like people don’t know how to win on my team. It makes me crazy. Fuck! I’m gonna have a fucking ulcer. I can’t work with him in this competition. His attitude’s toxic to the team. I’m gonna have a fucking brain aneurysm now. ANNOUNCER: While today’s loss has clearly taken the wind out of Bret’s sails, the women have taken to the high seas. Oh, my god, I could eat that whole thing. I’ve had a lot of first times here at "Hell’s Kitchen," and this is definitely an experience of a lifetime. Grab a cocktail, ladies. I’m always in a need for a stiff drink, so, yes, thank you, baby Jesus. I need two actually. Cheers. Cheers. To our team. Grab a bag, start running them in. Breathe into your mouth when you’re cutting onions. It’ll help. And cue the tears. My hands stink. My eyes burn. This does, in fact, blow. These tears in my eyes, they’re not from onions. They’re from losing. Nobody came out here to peel onions and lose, yo. Oh, no, y’all think nobody wants to lose. Everybody pissed about that. My team better care as much as I do. Because if not, I’m going to start chopping them off real quick. And if I have to, I’ll play blue kitchen by myself. You know, maybe some of us accept losing better than others. Who says that? Yeah, which one of us? Which one of us? Point him out, please, so then that way we can know who we need to talk to about it. Who’s going home next? I guess none of us now. Ain’t nobody on this team want to lose. No, dude. We’re already down on ourselves. We’re already pissed. We don’t need anybody telling us we should have won. We know we should’ve won. Save that shit for your fucking pillow, man. ANNOUNCER: As the blue team dries their eyes and deals with Bret– If anybody needs a drink right now, it’s me. ANNOUNCER: –the red team is shedding no tears over their situation. Fire in the hole. Ah! Is that chef? [laughing] Yeah. [inaudible] EVERYONE: Hi, chef. Thought I’d join you for a cocktail. Chef Ramsay looks like 007 pulling up in his speedboat. Excellent. How are we, ladies? I don’t even like men like that. But like, no joke, I was definitely girling it out. You girls are on a roll, right? Yeah, chef, with butter and. [laughter] Clearly, you’re all talented individuals, but show unity and strength as a team. So you involve everybody– everybody. Any kind of wisdom, any kind of knowledge that I can take from him and absorb, I’m game. Bye, ladies. Bye, chef! FEMALE CONTESTANT: He’s so awesome. I can’t believe the girls are beating us. Why Why the fuck would you bring that up? I’m sorry. I meant nothing by it. It smells like onions as soon as you walk in. Oh, my god. You guys won’t believe what we did! We had drinks with Chef Ramsay. They had drinks with Chef Ramsay. It’s not that I feel good that the boys are doing the punishment. But you know, you win some, you lose some. And the boys just happen to lose all of them. It was an awesome day. Oh, my god, we still have all those onions over there. Aw, fuck. ANNOUNCER: With the women back from their day of sailing, they quickly change. Let’s do it. ANNOUNCER: And hurried to join the men as they prepare for tonight’s dinner service. All right, guys, game time. We’re going to get off to a great start. We just have to be a plucking hens, just constant communicating. Completing service, right? Yeah, that would be brilliant. Woo. Bret just slapped me on my ass. Things are turning around. Ladies, line up. Gentlemen, line up, please. Let’s go. Let’s be honest. Our last service has to be our worst service we’ve had yet so far here in "Hell’s Kitchen." And it cannot repeat tonight, let me tell you. You have a big chance to redeem yourselves tonight, because tonight in "Hell’s Kitchen" it is family night! knock Awesome. Awesome, chef. I love cooking for kids. I have two children of my own. So any time I cook for the kids and try to make that special time for a family, I will. Get on the stations, yes? Yes, chef. [inaudible] Yes, chef? Open Hell’s Kitchen for family night. Let’s go. – Perfect. Please. ANNOUNCER: It’s an exciting night in "Hell’s Kitchen," as Chef Ramsay has invited families to enjoy a fun-filled night with games. And he has added to the classic menu. There will be kid-friendly dishes, like burgers, mac and cheese, and chicken strips. The blue team is the boys, and the red team is the girls. (RAPIDLY) I want a [inaudible] at table 50, [inaudible] on burger, yes? Yes, chef. What’s going with the scallops? I definitely want to make sure that the red team gets off to a good start. Scallops, Sarah! They look fucked from here. I’m sorry, chef. I messed up. [inaudible] man. Guys, my risotto’s going to overcook if you don’t hurry up. ANNOUNCER: As Sarah struggles with her scallops– Get them on the fucking plate. Don’t use the flat top. This is direct heat. ANNOUNCER: –over in the blue kitchen, Chef Ramsay is hoping the men can get off to a better start. [speaking rapidly] I want a full cup of 722. Two risotto, fire, one burger, one mac and cheese. Yes, chef. CHEF RAMSAY: Thank you! [inaudible] risotto, six minutes. – Start the risotto, thank you. – Yes, chef. – Already working, chef. – Good. Let’s go. Hey, want me to take over, Bret? Thank you very much. I want to take charge of this station. I want to show chef that I can cook. Come on, two risotto. – Walking [inaudible]. – Good. Thank you. Fuck it now. Blue team? Yes, chef? I need all of you. First ticket, two risotto, and I’ve got barely one and a half portions. Dah! Working hard, chef. Working hard. Barely. Fan-fucking-tastic. Brendan, he might be making some pretty good risotto. But he’s not making enough for two people. First and last mistake of the night. – Yes, chef. – Work it out. Get it a grip now, huh? I’m fucking serious, because I’m getting a little bit fucking pissed off. Brendan fucked up. Now I have to grab him. I’m gonna throw him over my shoulders. And we’re gonna swim to safety. Working hard, chef. Four minutes. ANNOUNCER: While Bret comes to the rescue at the appetizers station, over in the red kitchen– Scallops. These are cooked nicely. ANNOUNCER: –Sarah has rebounded on the scallops. CHEF RAMSAY: Go please. ANNOUNCER: And families on the red side are happy with what they’re receiving. This is really good. ANNOUNCER: –at least for now. [inaudible], table 33, yes? One burger, one mac and cheese, two risotto. Yes, chef. OK, let’s do this. Let’s continue. Let’s try and see if we can keep the balls rolling. Mac and cheese is ready. Mac and cheese is ready. Oh, it needs to be seasoned. Moving. Moving. Yeah? Yeah? Here. Here. Here. Here. Chef, mac and cheese. [inaudible] [spitting] Oh, my god. Hey, all of you? Yes, chef. Come here. Yeah, hurry up! Taste that. We just– Taste that. Oh, my god, salty. That is disgusting! TOGETHER: Yes, chef. Who made that? Who fucking made that? I put the extra salt in at the end, chef. I’ll fix it, though. Michelle, they’re young children. Got it, chef. ANNOUNCER: Michelle’s extra seasoning has forced Alison to start again on her mac and cheese. Don’t worry. Two minutes. Two minutes. ANNOUNCER: While in the blue kitchen– Two minutes till risotto, chef. ANNOUNCER: –Bret is almost ready with the refire of the first risotto ticket. Nick, don’t let them [inaudible] the lobsters for that new risotto. – Ready? – One minute. – One minute, heard. I don’t mind taking control of situations, especially if I feel like I have a handle on it. I got this shit. I got this. CHEF RAMSAY: Two risotto. Stop. Stop. Come here. Bring that fucking pan and bring that pan there. All of you come here. Yes, chef. That’s the old risotto that’s gone three, four minutes ago, dumped into the fresh one. What in the fuck are we doing? Now we’re in trouble. Cut the bullshit. Come on, guys. Yes, chef. Bret used the old risotto into the new risotto. And you never do that. You can’t do that. My fault. My fault. My fault. My fault. – It’s all right. – How dare I do that? How the fuck dare I do that? He likes to think of himself as our quarterback. But a proper quarterback wins, you know? Walking with the risotto. CHEF RAMSAY: Very nice, that risotto. Yes, chef. CHEF RAMSAY: Service please. Let’s go. ANNOUNCER: Bret has now scored with his risotto, and appetizers are now moving out of the blue kitchen. BRET: All right, fellas, let’s regroup. ANNOUNCER: Meanwhile, in the red kitchen– Let’s go. ANNOUNCER: –with the appetizers nearly done, Chef Ramsay looks to Monique to deliver on– CHEF RAMSAY: Two Wellington. How long on two Wellington, guys? Walking up now, chef. I know what I’m doing. I’ve done this before. I’ve been on this station. I got this. Two Welly, chef. – All of you. – Yes, chef. Hurry up! Yes, chef. When you see white fat running through there, what is that? – Undercooked, chef. – Undercooked. Who cooked the Wellington? I did, chef. It’s like you don’t care. – We care, chef. – We do. CHEF RAMSAY: Really? – Yes, chef. Go. Go. Go grab another one! We have a refire on two Wellingtons. Great. Monique strikes, and I’m like, you’ve been on this station before. This cannot be happening. I need another– I need another one. Come on, ladies. Come on, Miek, just run it. On your left, chef. Please don’t let them be raw. CHEF RAMSAY: Good. Thank you, lord. ANNOUNCER: With Monique recovering on the Wellingtons– Go. Go Go. Go. ANNOUNCER: –the red kitchen begin sending out entrees to their tables. Yeah, it’s really good. ANNOUNCER: On the blue side– Two risotto, chef. That’s fine. Service, please. Behind. Go please. ANNOUNCER: Appetizers are now flying out of the kitchen. This is good! ANNOUNCER: And they’re ready to move on to entrees. [inaudible] table 11. Entree, one halibut, one Wellington. – Yes, chef. – Thank you. Let’s go. – How’s fish looking? How’s fish looking? I’ve got them panned right here. I got these hot ones. – Walking Wellington. – Heard. Walking halibut. Walking halibut. CHEF RAMSAY: Let’s go, come on. Speed up, you. Let’s go. You’re like a corpse. Chef Ramsay always telling me to move faster. Hey. Hey. A fucking– a big fucking Frankenstein. Move! – Yes, chef. I’m 6’6". I’m swift, but I’m smooth. I ain’t got to be one them down there all crazy. ANNOUNCER: While Milly tries to breathe life into his service, back in the red kitchen– Two burger, one New York strip, one Wellington. ANNOUNCER: –Chef Ramsay is once again looking to Monique and Mieka on the meat station to keep entrees moving. – Mieka, let’s go! Yes, chef! I’m walking to the pass with onion rings. Walk it! Walk it! Walk with the New York. Walk with this. I have the New York sauce. Come on, please, come on. Here you go, chef, sauce for the steak. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Stop. Stop! All of you come here. Look. Look. Oh my god. Raw, raw, people. Not rare, raw! Look. Look at that. Come on, really? Who cooked that? I cooked that steak, chef. [sigh] Gosh. [indistinct chatter] Mieka, no more fucking raw meat, please. ANNOUNCER: While Mieka refires her steak, back in the blue kitchen– On order, three salmon, one New York strip. Yes, chef! ANNOUNCER: –the men are still turning out entrees at an impressive rate. So you want to fire that one. Then you put it in the oven. Yes, sir, firing that one. I feel like I am the leader of this blue team. Play time is over. I got my eye on the prize. I’m here to win this competition. [inaudible] medium rare right now, bud. – I feel sex. – All right. Nick, how are we looking on those three salmons? Just pulled out. Whenever you’re ready. My garnish is ready to go! Walk now. New York up. On your right to the pass. Hey, all of you. All of you! Here we go. Salmon’s soft as shit. New York strip cooked to fuck. Do you want to serve it? – No, chef. No, chef. Fucking eat it. Hey, all of you, sit down. – I’m not eating it. Enjoy. Fucking eat it. No fucking way. Are you kidding me? That’s the one you said was sex? Come on, let’s go! I don’t see anybody cooking. Sorry, guys. A little Cabernet to enjoy with your steak, your salmon, it goes well. This is embarrassing. This is embarrassing. Look at him drinking wine. Come on, man. What’s up? ANNOUNCER: As the blue team works on digesting their impromptu snack– Let’s go, three salmon and one steak. 5 and 1/2, 6 minutes, yes. ANNOUNCER: –in the red kitchen– I’m waiting on the refire for the two burger, one New York strip. ANNOUNCER: –Mieka has a new strategy for making sure her steak is the right temperature. Alison, look, there’s– there’s juices. There’s blood. I really think it’s– – Ask Megs. Ask Megs. Meghan, right behind you, hot. I think this is good. Seriously? You have to figure it out. I want to win this competition, and I’m not here to fucking babysit. Right behind you. Un-fucking-believable. What did she say? She said figure it out for yourself. Where’s the Wellington? Two burger, one New York strip. Is anyone momentum? Yes, chef. I’m ready to walk the burger. CHEF RAMSAY: Let’s go then. New York strip, I need to slice. Yes, chef. Come on, Mieka. Yes, chef. Yes, chef. Behind. Here. All of you. All of you. There’s the last New York strip. Look how well done it is? It’s just so basic. You have an idiot and a clown on the meat station. And they’re just fucking everything up. Is anyone gonna step up and say anything? This is an embarrassment. Get out. Get out! – Go. Go. This is a complete epic shit show. – Is that raw? – Yeah. Yeah. Hey, ladies, come here. Who cooked the burger? The burger’s still raw. Whilst you stare at your raw burger and I refire that table myself, I suggest you come up with two nominees that you do not want on your brigade. Fuck off. There were little kids out there. It pisses me off completely. There were families out their, families, simply atrocious. Shame on the red team. I thought he was going to hit me. ANNOUNCER: While the women are ejected from the kitchen for the second service in a row, the men are on the verge of completing service, albeit a bumpy one. You got 10– 10 seconds. Salmon, how long? Right now, chef. New York strip walking. Service please. No matter whether red loses and we complete dinner service, it’s not a victory. That was pathetic. Definitely could have been a smoother night. You know, the team as a whole, we could’ve done significantly better. That was pretty terrible. I’m going to beat myself up about this for a little while. That was embarrassing and pathetic. Absolutely, chef. Whose raw burger was that? That was my bad. I thought it was ready. I’m not kidding. Sarah, it’s a rare burger. I understand. I don’t know how to cook burger. Oh, my! A burger, who in America does not know how to fucking cook a burger? Sarah, I need you to bring your confidence to the fucking party, you are a good chef. Stop fucking second guessing yourself. Yeah, that burger was a huge problem. But On the same token, are you fucking serious that you guys don’t know how to cook meat? I’ve been on that meat station. It’s so easy. Mieka is not good. But when Monique is a complete dead weight. She is just a body taking up space. Monique, straight up, it’s your second time on meat. And you tanked, second time. I mean, seriously. Yeah, I fucked up from the beginning. The second batch came out. They were under. But then I got my shit together. You never got your shit together, Monique! I did. Oh, my god. Listen, meat station failed. Right. And that’s going to be Monique and Mieka. If we put both of them up, Mieka’s going home. I don’t want Mieka to go home. To [groan] I think we should strategize in the elimination. I think we need to send Monique and Sarah up there. If you want to strategize, that’s strategy. Yup. Sarah, I’m sorry, but he’s not going to send you home. Nothing personal. I nominate you and Monique. That’s it. You guys want to put us up in front of chef, let’s do it. Because you guys know I’m not going to go up there and sit there like, yes, please, send me home, chef. I know we’re taking a risk. But hopefully our strategy works and gets Monique the fuck up out of here. Let the chips fall where they may. ANNOUNCER: After getting kicked out of the kitchen, the red team had to nominate two chefs for elimination. They’ve come up with a strategy that they believe will result in Monique being eliminated. What a fucking disaster. Michelle, red team’s first nominee, and why? Our first nominee is Monique, chef. We feel like she’s the weakest player on our team. She hasn’t helped us out in challenges or during service. Red team’s second nominee and why? Our second nominee is Sarah, chef. We feel that if you can’t cook hamburger, then you should be nominated. That’s crazy. What’s the matter? They thought that if I went up with Sarah instead of put Mieka up, because they all get along with Mieka, I would automatically leave. They’re fucking delusional. But I’m not going to argue with them because it’s about your opinion, not theirs. OK, Sarah, Monique, step forward, please. Monique, dreadful service. Tell me why you think you should stay in "Hell’s Kitchen." Because I know I’m not the weakest, chef. I’m progressing every day. And I hope that you see that. Like, I do want to be here. Sarah, why should you stay in "Hell’s Kitchen?" Chef, I had a shitty service tonight, but I bounced back. I am here to fight for it. I am not here to give up. Tonight’s performance was dreadful. Absolutely, chef. And the burger, shocking. My decision is Sarah. Holy shit. That’s what you guys get for putting her the fuck up there. Back in line. What? Oh, shit. Mieka. Give me your jacket. Monique, back in line. Young lady? Yes, chef. You have no confidence in yourself, and I could see that you were done. Give me your jacket. – Thank for the opportunity. – Goodnight. – Goodnight. Holy shit. I did not see that one coming. I don’t believe that what happened tonight was fair. Monique did deserve to go home. But you know, life isn’t fair. Some people just get lucky. My patience is running out. You are supposed to get better not worse. Fuck off, all of you. I’m livid. Monique is just dead, fucking weight on our team. We need her to pack her bags and go the fuck home now. It was a good try, girls. But you’re never going to get one past Chef Ramsay. If they want to play around and take their eye off the prize, it’ll just make it easier for us to send another one of them home. Yo, these bitches are delusional. Is this a game? Is this even fair? Fuck you, bitches. Not when it comes to me going on. I’m fucking tired of this shit. You’ve heard of the saying the meek shall inherit the earth. Well, the meeker shall not inherit the position as my next head chef.


  1. Where's The Lamb Sauce + You Donkey are two off my favourite sayings of Chef Gordon Ramsey.

    What is Bret's problem? As Abby Lee Miller says, "Keep Your Tears For The Pillow."

  2. I loooove how ALL the men stepped to Bret! "Who?", "Who likes to lose?" 😂😂😂 He talked a good game and got quiet quickly!

  3. Brett didn't come to the rescue😂 he started the two risottos and only made one and a half I left it on his homie shoulders to take the crime and the punishment

  4. MICHELLE is a SABOTUER as we can see when she add Extra Salt to ALISON'S Mac 'N' Cheese without even tasting it!

  5. Alison saying that the service was "a complete epic shitshow" was about the most accurate way to describe it. It was BRUTAL for the women.

  6. Who forgot to tell Gordan that pizza and Spaghetti are NOT American classics 😂

  7. Ah yes, american classic dishes. Mac & Cheese (originated in Italy, popularized by the brits), Burger (Germany), Pizza (Italy) and Spaghetti (Italy). Next 'classic american' will be apple pie or smth.

  8. Service Mistake By Individual
    Meghan: none
    T: none
    Michelle: 1(Added more seasoning into macaroni & cheese)
    Milly: none
    Nick: 1(Deliver overcooked salmon)
    Josh: none
    Allison: none
    Randy: none
    Christine: none
    Adam: none
    Bret: 1(Used recycled rice for the fresh portion)
    Sarah: 2(Burned her scallops, deliver raw burger)
    Brendan: 1(Sent an under portioned serving of risotto)
    Monique: 1(Sent undercooked Wellington)
    Mieka: 3(Deliver raw New York striploin, ask her teammates how her steak was to them, deliver raw steak)
    Service Mistake After 4 Dinner Services:
    1. Mieka – 13
    2. Cameron – 7(Eliminated in episode 2)
    3. Michael – 7(Eliminated in episode 3)
    4. Monique – 7
    5. Nick – 6
    6. Christine – 5
    7. Brendan – 3
    8. Chrissa – 2(Eliminated in episode 1)
    9. Alisson – 2
    10. Bret – 2
    11. Michelle – 2
    12. Sarah – 2
    13. Milly – 1
    14. Josh – 1
    15. Adam – 1
    16. Meghan – 0
    17. T – 0
    18. Randy – 0

  9. anyone saying those things aren’t american classics. countries integrate other cultures’ dishes into their cuisine all the time. especially a country like america which is a) relatively young and b) composed of many different immigrant populations. if it’s something americans enjoy eating and have incorporated into their culture then there’s no issue calling it an american classic even if it originated from somewhere else.

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