I have been seeing this chocolate sourdough for a while now, so now that I have consistent results I decided to give it a try.

I didn’t follow a specific recipe and more went from research and personal preference, but I used the following:

100g – Starter
250g – Water
200g – High protein flour (It was a generic brand from the store)
200g – Regular ‘baking’ flour (another generic brand)
50g – 100% Cacao powder
100g – Hot coffee (I used decaf)
1tsp – vanilla extract
50g – Brown Sugar
9g – Salt

Rice flour for scoring
Milk chocolate chips (as many as your heart desires)

You start by blooming the cacao powder with the hot coffee, let it sit for few minutes to cool down, add the sugar, vanilla extract, water and the starter and mix it in. Add the flour and the salt on top and mix it.

The dough needs few more stretch and folds than regular as the cacao powder adds fat and we have sugar. I did around 5 every 30 minutes. It took around 10 hours for it proof completely on the counter (for my kitchen). I included my chocolate chips in the shaping process and then I put it in the fridge for another 24h.

I preheated the oven to 270°C ~ 500°F with my dutch oven in, and lowered it to 230°C ~ 445°F when I placed the bread. Baked for 35 minutes with lid on and then lowered the temperature to 210°C ~ 410°F and baked for another 15 minutes without lid.

Overall it definitely has a unique taste and doesn’t taste like chocolate but it is quite delicious.

by bogeva


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  2. eternalh0pe

    Looks delicious!
    What would you change to make it taste more of chocolate? More sugar? Also, why did you mix the high protein with regular baking flour? and out of curiosity can you share what the protein is in each flour type?

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