I cooked my first tomahawk on an open grill last week. Came out pretty perfect for my liking. Got a sear over the coals then moved away from the heat.

My only question is how I stop the meat kind of coming apart which you can see clearly from the cooked picture pre cut.

by Kindly_Pass_586


  1. unpluggedcord

    Not judging you but the separation comes from it being over cooked.

  2. Gadgets222

    It’s alright bro, you’ll get em next time.

  3. ganymede_boy

    Some folks tie em up. That might help – a string around the circumference.

    Next time, try a reverse sear.

  4. RealityTrashTVLover

    Tie it up, wrap the bone in foil. Season liberally. Hard sear. Finish in a hot oven. Couple pads of butter. Let rest. Slice. Finishing salt.

  5. Did you trim it before grilling? I learned that trimming any of it bumps the risk of unplanned separation.

  6. Reverse sear is going to be your best bet with a tomahawk. Get your grill set up in a two zone configuration. Put your steak on the indirect side, lid closed, until you get to an internal temp of about 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Get your direct heat side fired up and keep the lid open. Get a hard sear on both sides flipping the steak every couple of minutes until you get to an internal temp of about 125 degrees F if you want a nice medium rare.

  7. CycloCyanide

    I just salt it and braai it. Drop it on my plate and start eating. I cook it till there is a crust, any fat on the out side is soft and the meat is still soft to the touch, sort of the same feeling as the fleshy thumb part of the palm of your hand. And that gets me a good medium rare every time.

  8. Butcher’s twine, tie it up nice and tight, prevents the cap from separating and cooks more evenly, I do this for all my ribeyes.

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