Our low carb lasagna roll ups with zucchini are a testament to how you can eat healthy and have what you like. We substitute the pasta with strips of zucchini and keep most all of what you would expect in traditional lasagna roll ups.

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Low Carb Lasagna Roll Ups with Zucchini

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#lowcarblasagnarollups #howtomakezucchinirollups #zucchinilasagnarollups #thebutteredhome

hey everybody it’s Brook with the buttered home and welcome to my messy kitchen today we have a very delicious and traditional recipe with you that we are putting our low carb spin on it is our low carb lasagna rollups that we make with zucchini now like we do a lot of our other recipes we’ve made some healthy substitutions here that you will not be able to tell the difference you can still get those lasagna roll P ups that comfort food like you’re used to and not have to worry about your old waistline so stay with [Music] us okay so it seems like a lot but it’s really not it’s it’s not any more labor intensive than regular lasagna so to a large Dutch oven we’re going to add in about 2 tablespoons of avocado oil you can use olive oil or a combination of both um I like using the avocado oil just simply because it has a higher smoke point uh which means that it can withstand hot high temperatures and it doesn’t have any flavor so to speak so to this we’re going to add a half a cup of diced onion that I’ve already just diced up and this is essentially going to be our Ragu or our meat sauce now this is great you can make this ahead of time and it’s just nice to have on hand for any night of the week really so to this we’re going to add in about two tablespoons of minced garlic and you just do that to suit your taste how you like it how much garlic or not and we’re just going to Brown those just to sweat those onions out and cook that garlic just a little bit this is going to be the base for our sauce and it won’t take long we’re just going to cook it just a minute or two now over here you’ll notice that I have a pound and a half of really lean ground beef and then I have a half a pound of uh Italian sausage I’m using turkey you can use chicken or you can use just regular Italian sausage that’s made um from pork or beef um but this is a low carb version so we’re going with the leaner of all of the above and we’re using turkey so once we get all of this nice and sweated through it just takes a minute or so we’re going to add in our Italian sausage and our ground beef and we’re just going to Brown These and I’m trying to break it up a little bit with my hands so that it doesn’t take as long to cook but that’s okay if it does cuz we can do some other steps while that is cooking to get us ready for our lasagna now we’re just going to Brown our meat along with our onions and our garlic until it’s nice and done and because it’s good and L mean it won’t cook off a lot of fat but it is a ragu so I normally whenever I make a meat sauce like this I don’t normally drain off much of the fat and you don’t have to either um so if you’re making this with traditional ingredients you can leave it be because fat equals flavor and fat is not a bad thing either we’re so predisposed as a society to think that fat is bad and it’s it’s not we need a little healthy fat in our diet all right so we’re going to get that browned off okay so now that we have that our uh sausage and our ground beef browned all nice it did not cook off a lot of fat because we’re using really lean ground beef and really lean turkey Italian sausage so to this we’re going to add 28 oz of diced tomatoes and for me that’s too two cans and I’m using these fire roasted ones I really like the flavor that they add and I’m just going to fold that in get that liquid nice and Incorporated I have lowered my heat to low because we’re going to allow this to simmer now to this I’m going to add one six or 8 O can of tomato paste and yes this recipe is one where you use the whole can a’t that nice this will add more tomato flavor as well as thicken our sauce which is what we want we’re going to get that folded in as well and kind of let it melt in and this is just simple basic pure flavors here that we’re adding uh you can dress this up but there’s just really no need we like recipes like these that just show you that sometimes it simple flavors are best and we like to use a lot of fresh ingredients and things with no additives in them so now to this we’re going to add just a little bit of salt because we’ll taste it later after it simmers and just a little bit of pepper and then I’m going to add in some parsley dried parsley and you just do this to your liking okay and then I’m also going to add in some dried basil really simple really simple nice Italian flavors and we’ll just get that all Incorporated in and we’ll just allow this to simmer on low for a about 20 minutes and we’ll probably taste it just make sure it’s what we want and this is a lot of sauce we’ll probably use most of it but this also freezes really well and you can take it out uh and make the rest of this dish by half or you can double it um so I always typically have some of this left over whenever I make this and that’s fine I’ll freeze it because it’s good for me and Big D it’s just the two of us here so this goes a long way we can also take these lasagna rollups and um just make a few and then freeze the rest of the sauce it’s just such a good versatile recipe so now we’re going to make our stuffing for our rollups and this is to me the best part so we’re using a cup and a half of ricotta cheese um um this is naturally part skim so I mean you know it’s already good for you so 8 oz is about a cup and then another 4 oz so about 12 oz so in a 15 oz tub you have a good you know you have some left so you can eyeball it like I just did all right let me keep this guy moving and lower that heat just a little bit more I have like a little simmer setting so I’m going to knock it down down to that now we’re going to add in one egg to our Ricotta and I’m just going to break that egg up and just kind of pull it into that ricotta just to get that sometimes the white can be kind of lumpy so we’re going to get it added in now I’m going to add in about a half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese and I got some of the fancier stuff that’s bagged but you can certainly use the kind that comes in a jar now I’m going to add just a little salt to this and just a little pepper salt and pepper the natural flavors of life right they add so much with just so little and now we’re going to add just a little bit more basil and a little more parsley we’re trying to keep our flavors kind of the same so I’ve got the same basil and parsley and we’re going to just add that in and I usually just eyeball this I’ll put some in then I’ll mix it up it’s probably going to be about a half a teaspoon or a little more of each I’ve added that in our Ricotta and I can see the flex of it and that’s always nice but I like I like to be a little heavy on that basil so and and let’s try something I saw something I’m putting one on top of the bottom of the other look at there and you just roll it around let’s see if it works with the part parsley parsley’s a little bit bigger oh yeah that works pretty good for the parsley it works better for the basil let me give this a stir and I’m going to get out a spoon and take a little out and set it over here to the side and let it be Cooling and I’m going to set my filling to the side and then get a pan and then ahead of a time I’ve taken about three medium to large zucchini and I have carefully sliced them on my mandolin slicer just so that they make these long strips I have sort of wet a paper towel and just laid it over the top so that they wouldn’t lose their moisture um and just popped them in the fridge so they’ve worked out really well so now we’re just going to assemble our lasagna roll up so I’m going to take one of those zucchini slices and just take a little bit of that Ricotta and put it down the center like that and then take it and just roll it up and look how pretty and now I take that seam side and just put it down in my pan so we’re going to take all this zucchini and do enough to fill up just this whole pan and you want to make sure that they stick really good so make sure you put plenty of that ricotta in there now an alternate way to do this you could put them in just like that with the the little end sticking up if you didn’t if you had a ton that you needed to get rid of you could do them that way and they don’t have to be perfect um they don’t all have to be the same size most times when you have zucchini like this it’s not going to be all the same size so you just do it the best you can and you roll them on up just like that and stick them in the bottom of the pan all right so let’s give our sauce a taste perfect it doesn’t need any salt any pepper none of the like we’re going to get the rest of these rolled up and get our pan full then we’ll come back and show you what we do before we put them in the oven so stay with us okay so now we have all of our zucchini rolled up and placed all pretty in our pan so now I’m just going to take this delicious Ragu and just pour it liberally over the top I mean liberally cuz this is the liquid that will cook the zucchini and so you want to make sure you really just pile it on so if you’re making the entire recipe I would use just about all of this sauce I’m using uh it’s a decorative pan so it’s a little smaller than a 9 by3 but um I really just kind of just fill it to the max here and just get it all nice and spread around so even filling it up like this I have you know a little bit left over but you can free let it cool come to room temperature and freeze that and use it for for another time you can also split this into multiple small pans like a loaf pan and make three two or three of these to have for later so now we want to take about two cups of shredded mozzarella and just liberally just put that all over the top I have my oven preheated to 375° and we’re just going to pop this in for about 20 20 minutes that literally is all that it’s going to take so I’m going to finish this cheese up and then I’ll bake it up in the oven let it cool a little bit cut some out and we’ll taste it and show you how pretty it is and how delicious it tastes so stay with us okay everybody we are back we finished our 20 minute cook time and it had baked up beautifully that top with all that cheese got nice and brown uh and locked in that moisture for everything to cook through on the inside I did have some um sauce left over so I want to talk to you about that a lot of times when you have red sauce and you put it in a freezer or refrigerator container it will dye the edges a real quick tip and you lots of you probably already know this is before you put your anything tomato base in your um containers is just to spray it with a little bit of spray I love you know I love this avocado spray and be sure before even if you refrigerate this that you let it cool down completely even before you put the top on that’s very very important so let’s take a look at how beautiful this cooked up I mean that top let’s see if you can hear it that top is nice and crispy and crunchy and cheesy and yes I have dipped out some already because I do not want to burn the inside of my mouth now because we are using the zucchini for in place of our noodles it does tend to weep a little bit but it’s okay cuz it mixes with all that sauce and it becomes just this beautiful thing but it is just gorgeous everything stayed intact it’s so nice and now we’re going to cut a little I’m going to try to get a little a little a little okay I did I got a little I got some of that sauce and it’s still pretty hot um but the longer you can let it sit and kind of set up the better um which I did I let it set up for about 20 to 30 minutes after I pulled it out of the oven and it’s still plenty hot this is perfect for Sundays or even a week night it really didn’t take that long to whip up and you will not miss the pasta let’s give it a taste so that ricotta mix that ricotta mix is so simple and it makes lasagna it just does and it also spread on those zucchini slices makes it one of the reasons why you don’t miss the pasta in here because that’s what you’re going for lasagna anyway is that cheese filling and you get it on here and that zucchini is cooked perfectly it’s almost outen just like pasta it’s delicious the cheese and if you do nothing else with this recipe but just use this meat sauce There are just dozens of applications in which you could use it alone it’s a very good meat sauce that can be used even just for spaghetti and it’s very little ingredients most of these are Pantry Staples that you already have on hand so it’s not any harder to cook from scratch like this than it is to open a can of something that’s got all this added sugar and uh chemicals that you don’t know anything about you can open a can of tomatoes just like we just did that on the ingredients it says tomatoes and water and that’s what you’re looking for and have a really good really fresh wholesome meal for you and your family and in the summer zucchini is plentiful so this is a good way to use up some Z some zucchini this also makes a great food gift as well this recipe like all of our others can be found over at the buttered home.com we would really love it if you would give us a visit over there and get your free printable recipe for this and so much more while you’re there also make sure if you’re not already that you’re following us on all of our social channels we have a really good time and you never know we’re going to pop in with tips and tricks or me just making a mess uh also if you want all of our videos in one convenient place head over to YouTube search for the buttered home and when you find us hit that subscribe button so that you can and ding the Bell so that you can be notified when we drop new videos like this one if I didn’t flub the dub I wouldn’t be me so I hope you’ve enjoyed this recipe and be sure and tag me if you make it and let me know how you liked it from all of us here at the buttered home to your home we sure love y’all bye


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