How often do you clean your grinder shoot? Hoffman says once a week.

by triplehelix-


  1. triplehelix-

    just wondering how often you guys do it. i can’t say i do it as often as that.

  2. MaximumDerpification

    I think I did it last year…

  3. flammkuchenaddict

    Typically full clean (including burr chamber) once a month or so? Chute and quick vacuum once a week probably. For some reason, one of my grinders start smelling of old beans much sooner than the other, not sure why, but that initiates a big clean!

  4. MyCatsNameIsBernie

    It depends on the grinder and beans.

    I clean my Niche (both burrs and chute) every 3 months. I don’t find much accumulation in the chute.

    My 078s shipped with both a brush and blower. Its instructions say to blow and brush out its chute after each use. I’ve actually been doing that, just to make Timemore happy. Only a few grinds of coffee come out, so it could probably be done much less often.

  5. He didn’t answer how to clean burrs though. Thought they’re not supposed to come into contact with water, so how to clean?

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