L’osier lunch menu wink to spring

One of my favourite French restaurants in Tokyo. Owned by shiseido since 1973. Extremely large course volume. I was stuffed by end of dessert trolley.

Exception wine pairings as well for price and they offer DRCs by the glass. I had the 50,000 yen lunch pairing and paid 20,000 yen for half a glass of the CD meursault 2016.

I went for lunch this time but they have a 300,000 yen dinner wine pairing which includes salon, CD, DRC, A. Rousseau.

by balldem824


  1. Firm_Interaction_816

    That lobster dish looks gorgeous, the sauce next to it almost looks like the surface of Jupiter…would be very eager to try that. 

    I’m not surprised you were stuffed by the end, that’s a lot of great food. Definitely visiting the next time I’m in Tokyo.

  2. Sea-Analysis6997

    Looks so good! And also what a nice wine pairing!

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