This is my cherry tomato art print, cause it’s my fav tomato. You got a favorite tomato?

by able6art


  1. blue_merle_mom

    I’m growing a variety called spoon tomatoes, they’re very very tiny tomatoes. Absolutely adorable

  2. laughed-at

    I don’t know what they’re called in English but if I were to translate them from my language directly they’d be called Wolf’s Heart. Those tomatoes. Those are my favorite.

    Edit: apparently they’re called Oxheart

  3. Beefsteak tomatoes don’t need to be cooked, just a pinch of pepper and salt drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and feta cheese if you’re feeling Greek or shredded mozzarella if you wanna stick to Italian.

  4. GirlFromMoria

    The only tomato I don’t like is Roma, the texture is mealy to me. My fave is probably cherry tomatoes.

  5. mrxexon

    I like beefsteak cause I can make a sandwich out of just once slice.

    An old girlfriend taught me how to mayo your favorite bread, cover with a slice of beefsteak. Salt, and fresh cracked pepper. Nuke for 1 minute. Should be slightly steaming when it comes out. Top with a slice of American cheese and nuke another minute.

    Two of them make a meal.

  6. Navi1101

    Green Zebra! I hope the ones I planted actually produce this year. They’re delightfully citrusy.

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