Imagine having this in your backyard, right next to the grill!

by Majestic_Bug_242


  1. sasquatchftw

    That’s so dumb. Reminds me of destroying my neck playing video game demos at wal-mart when I was a kid.

  2. jyrique

    lameeee… Hey quick turn on the game, we gonna miss the kick-off… 30mins later

  3. ellzray

    “Did you see the game yesterday?”

    “I caught the last 10 mins. I forgot to start the TV, so I missed most of it”

  4. Catfish_Mudcat

    Neighbors will be pretty pissed when I’m watching porn all day

  5. GingerAki

    Imagine living in a world where this is considered impressive and the wealth inequality it subtly represents doesn’t make you feel sick to your stomach.

  6. El_Kabongg

    For some reason something tells me this+ high winds = you’re gonna have a bad time

  7. josebolt

    You can show a picture of literally anything and say “Imagine having this in your backyard right next to the grill!”

    This shit has nothing to do with grilling.

  8. Mechanical failure ruining the whole plan coming soon

  9. SterileJohnson

    I’ll take a beer in one hand, nice cut meat on the grill in front of me, while my wife is giving it to me from underneath over this like any red blooded american

  10. HollywoodGreats

    I like going outdoors to get away from electronics.

  11. ninthchamber

    I don’t really wanna watch tv when I have nature to watch outside. I wouldn’t be opposed to one of my friends having this piece of shit tho.

  12. Liveez77

    I knew there was something missing in my life

  13. Earthsoundone

    That is so excessive, I would be embarrassed.

  14. MooMooBuckaroo713

    Does it come with an umbrella?

  15. AnalogJay

    Broadcast engineer here. I bet it lasts less than 5 years before it develops dead pixels, a motor fails, or it gets wind/bird/water damage.

  16. 2based2cringe

    Eh. Materials items don’t take the place of genuine interaction and memories for me. I’d rather go camping or swimming with da boyz

  17. tipustiger05

    Imagine your toddler finds the remote for that thing

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