What are some non-refrigerated food combos I can turn into a meal? I don’t have a fridge at work but keep food in case. This is all I have so far and I’m getting tired of tuna and rice 😅

by kittyeatworld


  1. Beautiful-Event4402

    They make lunch boxes that plug in and will warm your food up, just being something from home and warm it up.

    Edit: food should stay good until lunch for you if you don’t have a fridge, or use a freezer pack if you’re anxious about spoiling

  2. Neanderthal_Bayou

    Tortillas, canned/pouched chicken, mayo and mustard packets.

    Crackers, peanut butter cups, Jelly packets

    Tortillas, canned refried beans, cheese sticks.

    Crackers, summer sausage, cheese.

    Summer sausage, canned mixed veggies.

    Shelf stable protien shakes.

  3. DrNinnuxx

    Smoked kipper snacks with spicy chili crisp on Ritz crackers. Your colleagues will love you.

    But in all seriousness, it’s delicious and a huge protein boost.

  4. MMQContrary

    They make many flavors of prepared beans in pouches. Beans & rice – yummy! and full of protein

  5. Chaos_Fever1208

    Peanut butter and honey sandwich with banana slices and granola inside.

    Trail mix with nuts, dried fruit, dark chocolate pieces

    There are shelf stable packets of cooked refried beans and the like we use in various quick meals at home.

    MREs… lol

  6. No-Tangelo-3220

    Hormel completes don’t have to be refrigerated just nuked.
    Microwave bacon
    Stand by ramen.
    Lentil and quinoa bowls are out now.
    That’s tough though
    Your Company should get you’all a fridge
    Cooler and frozen water bottles!!!!

  7. valley_lemon

    Ready Pasta and Ready Rice pouches

    Canned meats, not just tuna but sardines, chicken, spam (as a treat – it’s pretty salty).

    Bring proteins from home in an insulated lunch bag with an ice pack – diced chicken, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs (etc etc), meatballs, meatloaf, steamed fish.

    Rice, but put some vegetables in it from a can (there is something deeply umami-satisfying to me about brown rice and canned green beans).

    Maybe a game-changer for you – I learned about [this website](https://www.minimus.biz/) from backpackers, they sell all kinds of individual shelf-stable packets of things like condiments, jam, syrup, MRE components.

  8. PineTreeTops

    I used to eat these every once in a while when I worked without a fridge or microwave. [https://www.omeals.com/](https://www.omeals.com/)

    Mostly I just packed a huge salad in a cooler with a freezer pack.

  9. MySpace_Romancer

    Tasty Bite make vegetarian shelf, stable meals. You can eat them over rice, or I like to have the madras lentils with pita chips. Trader Joe’s also carries a house brand that’s made by the same company.

  10. matt211

    Watch some of those prison food YouTube videos. They get all kinds of cool stuff that’s shelf-stable that you might not think of; Roast Beef, Nacho cheese… Not the highest quality stuff but in a pinch it’ll make a tasty lunch.

  11. ladyxlucifer

    I like starkist chicken creations. The one that says “premium white chicken no draining”. It’s usually by the tuna. But they’re precooked, you can add it to anything or even alone. They have 13g of protein but the sodium is 360mg. So I don’t often add it to anything else high sodium.

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