cursed stuffed shells

by sleepyandsad


  1. SirOatOfMeal

    You’re not going to feed this to a person, are you?

  2. triple7freak1

    All that work for literally nothing lmao😂😂

    This is r/shittyfoodporn forreal

  3. vermiciousknidlet

    It looks like an infection. I bet it tastes better than it looks, though!

  4. Glen-Runciter

    What, you’ve never had Jizz Barnacles before?

  5. littleliongirless

    May I offer your shells some Monistat in these trying times?

  6. EmploymentAbject4019

    Throw some black pepper on there man!!

  7. Historical_Koala5530

    This is painful to look at as a Sicilian.

  8. Soulbossanova9

    Congratulations- this is officially the worst thing I have ever seen in this sub Reddit

  9. Luka_Dunks_on_Bums

    I looked at this for 5 minutes before I read that it is supposed to be stuffed shells

  10. cultish_alibi

    Genuine horror, good job. I bet the Halloween party loved it.

  11. MiaCaralyn

    I feel like this should be marked nsfw

  12. Kindlypatrick

    That looks like a pic in a medical textbook

  13. Solumne

    Dyslexia at its finest.. shells should be under the sauce not on too

  14. ofthedappersort

    I mean – they don’t look good but I can’t imagine that lighting and angle helps.

  15. Snoo_u_lose

    Am I crazy? This looks pretty damn tasty to me

    Need some herbs maybe as the sauce looks a little weak, but the noodles look properly cooked and there’s lots of cheese… once you plate it I don’t think many people would turn their nose up at

  16. geeneepeegs

    Why is it on top of a layer of burnt spaghetti?

  17. _Cistern

    Most appropriate shittyfoodporn in weeks. Bravo

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