Well, don’t fall for the hype like I did. I’ve never been more disappointed in my entire life. No wonder it was so easy to get a reservation a week before my trip to Paris. The food was almost tasteless and the sauces felt so repetitive. I kid you not NO FLAVOR IN MOST OF THESE DISHES. And this Bruno guy is an absolute joke, sitting outside, smoking cigs, scrolling through his phone at the bar, and drinking wine with his buddies who are also eating. I did get to shake his hand which was cool I guess. He also kept the entrance wide open and it was incredibly hot inside. I was sweating all through out my meal. I guess that’s how he runs his place but it felt pretty off. He didn’t do any cooking but the servers were doing a nice job explaining the dishes and gave me lots of smiles which I loved, considering most waiters and waitresses never smile at these types of restaurants.

Just super dissatisfied and underwhelmed. I was a solo diner here and I’m happy that I decided not to take my friends who lived in Paris out this restaurant. Definitely not worth the 400 pp. Schloss Schaunstein clears this out of the water and it’s ranked #45 on the list, just as a reference. I visited Schloss last week which was an amazing experience, Table underwhelmed me.

by Vast_Tip8225


  1. orionus

    We skipped Verjus last time we were in Paris because we heard very similar things to what you posted. Sorry for the shit experience, but thanks for validating me avoiding it!

  2. Ok_Cell8749

    Thanks for the review, i have been pouring over every review to pick the perfect restaurant for my wife’s 50th birthday. Leaning towards Epicure

  3. kytran40

    Glad I canceled my res after seeing mixed reviews. Is that caviar on the chocolate tart?

  4. Firm_Interaction_816

    Yet another reason not to take the top 50 seriously, and even more so in terms of the actual rankings on there. 

    Sorry it was a dud, OP. Nowhere near the best Paris has to offer.

  5. Snacks_N_KnickKnacks

    Crap I reserved this for a day trip to Paris. I don’t think we can cancel cuz I’ve already paid 😞

  6. vertderp

    If you go to google reviews and sort from lowest it will tell you what you need to know from the restaurant reply ..

    I always go to google reviews and read lowest first to get a feel.. all restaurants will have bad reviews but some are more “structural” than others

  7. Sad-Vacation4406

    I love reviews like this . It’s one of my fav restaurants in the world and these “mixed” reviews keep making it easy to book . Many thanks !

    Great produce , cerebral flavour combinations, terrific cuisson, a case study of refined simplicity , and the sauces are phenomenal !

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