Because i flamed everybody else posting a curry. Here is mine that looks like shit

by GhostDweller


  1. jokastar2020

    It looks OK if it’s a Thai curry rather than an Indian one?! 😂😂

  2. Embarrassed_Trade132

    Bahaha! Fair enough, that’s owning up to consequences and I respect it.

  3. SuspiciousChair7654

    My food looks way worse. Takes practice. Just make it better next time over and over again until satisfied.

  4. UnprofessionalCook

    I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard, but it did 😂

  5. Spritemystic

    I like the added touch of cauliflower.

  6. sunshine___riptide

    Id rather food be yummy than look impressive. So hopefully it was yummy!

  7. afterbirth_slime

    The key is leaving the curry in a bowl where the chicken bathes in the sauce. On a plate, the chicken sits on the sauce.

  8. conceptuallinkage

    Actually, Thai curry has that inherent quality – looks like shit, tastes like (good) bomb.

  9. jithization

    pls don’t add cauliflower to it lol

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