Today we are going to harvest the garlic that we planted back in the fall. We planted 76 cloves of garlic to grow a years worth plus extra for sharing with friends and family.

Here is a link to the focaccia bread recipe that turned out soooo good!

[Music] welcome back to Fuji’s Farmstead so it’s been a long day I spent the day painting our downstairs to try and make it a little bit more inviting and um we are long overdue to get this garlic out of the ground I planted this back in the fall and I just purchased the little garlic bulbs from Green Thumb Nursery and I don’t remember the varieties but I think one of them was definitely music um that’s one of the more common ones that I’ve seen um at the stores just like the regular stores that you don’t have to order online I did try and order some garlic online but every time I go to order it I’m too late and they’re already sold out so I wanted to plant a hard neck garlic a soft neck garlic and an elephant garlic but I think I didn’t actually plant a um uh I think it was a soft neck it’s either soft neck or hard neck garlic one of them creates a garlic scape which is really delicious and last year I used it to make a pesto and I ate it with a barbecued triy tip and it was so delicious but this year I didn’t see any Scapes so I think I messed up on that somehow which was kind of a bummer but that’s okay we have plenty of beautiful garlic and I’m so excited to use it in some recipes I’m actually making some fashion right now I’m on a little bit of a Sourdough kick so I would love to put some of this garlic in the fasha and see like fresh from the garden um so um I planted these back in the fall and I just used our normal garden bed and for this one I actually did invest in the espoma land and sea compost I just put a bag on top of it and I had to order it on Amazon because they don’t sell it in our local nurseries around here but I watched a really good Channel called Garden answer and she’s just so good at what she does and she always uses that product so I bought one bag but the problem is is I think they were like 20 or $30 for a bag and so I have one two three four five six I have like 10 beds in this area and I just can’t afford to spend that much money on every like on every single bed right now so um I do think made a difference this garlic looks a lot better than the garlic that I made or that I grew last year so I think it definitely helped with the nutrients and stuff like that but I mean we can only do what we can do and I can’t just do everything by the book all the time I have to take shortcuts because of the budget that I’m working with so I think that you’re supposed to pull this garlic when half of the leaves diey back and like I think that we’re we’re definitely long overd so let’s get it out of the ground because I need to get these Tomatoes these poor tomatoes in the ground um soon so um yeah I’m just going to start pulling them and see what we get oh my goodness look at this look how big that is I don’t even think this is the Elephant Garlic okay so actually maybe this row is the elephant garlic maybe this one is I think this is an elephant garlic so we’ll start with this row right here beautiful that that one’s a little smaller beautiful and the reason why I wanted to grow elephant garlic is because I hate peeling garlic um so uh I just thought this would make it easier to cook with and um I wanted to plant the soft neck garlic so I could braid it so I think that the hard neck garlic is the one with the Scapes because there was a reason why I planted each one um but yeah this is exciting Fuji where are you wow look at that oh my gosh look at that amazing this is amazing this thing is crazy look at that I want to try and get some of the dirt off of here Fuji fuie fi what are you doing baby I think you’re also supposed to turn the water off to your garlic like 3 weeks before you pull them so that it like helps with the curing process and I didn’t do that back there so these ones are pretty wet [Applause] so my goal when I planted this garlic was to try and plant a Year’s worth of garlic because I heard you can store it like you can cure it and then it’ll store for like months and months and like maybe even the whole year and when you go to the grocery store you’re usually purchasing like potentially really old garlic so I wanted to grow all of my own garlic because it grows over the winter so there’s not much going on out here in the winter so it’s not like it’s taking up up a lot of space in the beds and I don’t know just like fresh homegrown garlic that just sounds so fun and rewarding and so I planted 76 cloves so I the way I figured was like one garlic head per week um and then some extra obviously for when you want to make like things that are really high in garlic like pesto and stuff so I did like 52 plus like 20 just in case and then also to like give away to people so let’s see if this lasts us an entire year oh how fun okay so I should like rake the area look at that fi come look at this garlic come that’s a lot of garlic huh Fuji so the Sun is going down and I just want to get these tomato plants in the ground so that they can get going so I’ll fix the drip later and like rake some more compost on here but right now I just want to get these Tomatoes planted so they can get started and then we’ll come out here when we have more time for all right Fuji so to cure them you just want to dry them in like a I think you’re supposed to do it in a dark dry place with air flow so I see a lot of people like putting garlic and onions in their basement or their garage with like a fan but I don’t want to take up more space inside so I’m going to put them in the dark spots of this pergola and I’m going to hang them with a string so hopefully like the air flow will help with them drying out and they won’t take up space in my house so I’m going to go grab the garlic and get started on that [Music] just realized that was going to take a really long time so I’m going to bring one of the lounge chairs over and I’m just going to lay it flat on that and then it’s kind of shady over here so hopefully that will be good enough [Music] I so we just got done harvesting the garlic and I want to make some fasha with it and see how the garlic tastes so earlier today I started this beautiful fasha sourdough this is actually the first time I’ve made fukasha with sourdough um so it’s ready to go in the oven and I grabbed some Teragon from our raised bed that we started from seed which is so exciting because I’ve never been able to find find Teragon at the nursery I’ve seen Mexican Teragon but it doesn’t look like I think this is French um and so I’m just going to grab this beautiful we go beautiful teron and I’m going to top the fasha with it so pretty and then this is the Garlic that we just harvested so I’m going to tear into this guy this is part of the Wet Wet Side so the skin is not that easy to peel that beautiful garlic [Music] oh my gosh it smells amazing oh well you can just live there I guess we’re just going to put this whole clove on here because this is so fun okay it’s got the garlic on here beautiful and then I’m going to see if I have any flaky sea salt we go lighting here okay flaky sea salt and this is what I’m really excited about I’m excited to stick my fingers in here so I’m going to put a little bit more olive oil on the top and then do the little dimples how fun well whoa wow oh my gosh that’s so fun this is so pretty okay beautiful now I’m going to stick it in the oven I think the recipe said 25 to 30 minutes it smells heavenly in here there is our beautiful fasha I think it’s done it’s nice and crispy on the top the garlic so I’m going to let this cool and then I’m going to cut into it and eat it the fasha is out of the oven it looks so beautiful and it’s been cooling for a couple minutes and I can tell I needed to put more olive oil cuz this is sticking really bad to the pan so next time yeah we need to put more olive oil oh yeah this is sticking real bad no okay that’s unfortunate hot it’s still kind of hot well I am starving it’s almost 9:00 had put a lot of olive oil in here but yeah it’s still pretty hot so it probably could use a couple more minutes so but I’m hungry so I’m just going to cut this in half I’m trying and get this out of here it smells amazing what look at that beautiful I love the crust of Picasa so I want to get some of this hot crushed off okay and I want the end piece want to get some of that garlic for sure [Music] and I want to dip it in some olive oil and balsamic and that is my beautiful dinner fresh from the garden so let’s give it a try I want to get some of that garlic on there m that is delicious whoa the garlic is strong very good so thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a great evening [Music]

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