[OC] Beef tartare

by Opening-Finger-4294


  1. NickolasLandry

    I’m a sucker for beef Tartare… although, that’s a lot of chives. How was it?

  2. PossibilityNo2419

    I love the way it’s chopped not ground!

  3. ZebraNurse73

    I called this “ Cow rolling in the grass”

  4. ZebraNurse73

    I had some delicious Wagyu tartare for my birthday. Hard boiled egg, shallots, capers Dijon mustard —— heavenly

  5. neglected_influx


  6. Watson349B

    I mean it’s def food porn because eating it would fuck
    me raw.

  7. Aggressive-Elk9576

    Replace 80% of those chives with a raw quail egg and we’re in business

  8. hernesson

    That one stubborn uncut chive is triggering my ocd

  9. lordofthedries

    This is hilarious and also hideous.

  10. cheekyb2

    Looks good, a tad too many chives personally but to each their own.

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