Hello Everyone!

These Roast Beef Sliders are a favorite for gatherings of family and friends any time of the year. I hope you and your family enjoy them as much as my family does.

✨Link to my vlog Punch Bowl Cake

Garlic Aioli
1 Clove of Garlic minced
1/2 C. Mayonnaise
Pinch Kosher Salt, plus or minus depending on your taste
1/2 t. Fresh Lemon juice, plus or minus depending on your taste
1 T. Chopped Fresh Flat Leaf Parsley (or 1-2 t. dried parsley)

Garlic Butter Sauce
1 Clove of Garlic minced
2-3 T. Unsalted Butter, melted
1 T. Chopped Fresh Flat Leaf Parsley (or 1-2 t. dried parsley)

1- Pack Bakery Rolls, Hawaiian Rolls or Slider Buns (12 pieces)
14-16 oz (About 1 lb.) Roast Beef lunch meat, a good quality one or fresh sliced from the deli counter.
9-12 Slices White Cheddar Cheese, or whatever cheese you prefer

Bake sliders covered in foil in a lightly sprayed with (non-stick spray) 13×9 casserole dish, 15-20 minutes @350 degrees. Remove foil and bake additional 5 minutes.
Serve warm. Refrigerate any leftovers.

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to my channel cooking for the family I’m Devon and today I’m going to share with y’all how I make my Roose beef sliders I’m also going to share with you how to make a really quick garlic aoli as well these are the ingredients that I’m going to be using I’m going to share with you and show you how I put mine together you ready let’s get started first I go ahead and I mince up my garlic I’m going to be mincing two cloves of garlic but I’m going to put each clove of garlic in separate Bowls the first clove of garlic this is going to be for our nice butter sauce that we’re going to put on on top of our rolls and then the second clove of garlic is going to be for our garlic aoli and my garlic butter uh sauce is very easy it’s the one clove of minced garlic and then 2 tablespoon of unsalted butter I’m going to go ahead on microwaving that and while my butter it only takes a few seconds for the butter to melt and while those flavors are hanging out together I chop up my parsley and I’m using the Italian flat leaf parsley and I just go ahead and give it a nice chop if you don’t have any fresh parsley you can use dried parsley and you would need one teaspoon now with the fresh parsley I’m going to put in 1 tbspoon of fresh parsley so in my bowl I have the melted unsalted butter that was 2 tbspoon one clove of minced garlic and one tablespoon of the nice fresh parsley I chopped up then to my other Bowl the other bowl that I had the other one clove of garlic that I minced I went on and I added in a half half a cup of mayonnaise and then to that I’m also going to add a couple of pinches of kosher salt and this is about um just about an eighth of a teaspoon and you’re going to do this to your taste I like about a eighth of a teaspoon then I added in some nice fresh lemon juice and that was a half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and then I go ahead and I mix those together so I have my half a cup of mayonnaise that I put in there I also put in the one minced garlic I had in a couple of pinches of kosher salt you can also use table salt as well just a little bit and then I also added in a half a teaspoon of lemon juice and I also added in 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley and again if you don’t have fresh parsley you can use one teaspoon of dried parsley and I’ll have that information as well as a list of ingredients for you for your reference in the description box below now once I have my mayonnaise and my lemon juice are well Incorporated together I’m going to take our garlic aoli put it in the refrigerator and let it chill while we go ahead and get together our sliders now for my sliders I’m using these Bakery rolls you can use the bakery rolls the same kind that I’m using you can use the slider buns the little miniature hamburger buns you can use Hawaiian rolls it just kind of depends on you know what you can find in the store and what you what your preference is and so I go ahead I’m going to slice these you want to use a serated knife like I’m using this is my bread knife and you’re just going to take your time because the bread can sometimes not cooperate and so you just kind of want to take your time so I slice them in half and then I go ahead and I divide them in half like this then I’m using my 13 by9 casserole dish and in my casserole dish I’ve lightly sprayed it I like to lightly spray it so I’ve lightly sprayed it with some nonstick spray I’m going to put the bottom half down first and then I’m going to be using my roast beef lunch meat now this is a 14 oz package that I’m using and 14 oz is just shy of one lb cuz 16 oz is going to be a pound and this is a 14 oz pack so you want to have around 14 oz up to about a pound which is going to be 16 oz then I just go ahead and I layer it just like that in nice layers and try to be as even as possible so that way you don’t have more roast be beef on one side then you do on the other and you can always double this recipe and make two pans if you like next I’m going to use some medium cheddar cheese and I like to use the medium white cheddar cheese and I’m going to layer this and we’re going to overlap when we do our layers just like the roast beef you want to overlap your cheese as well now likewise if you want to make two pans you can always do the second pan and use the same method if you wanted to make ham and cheese sliders or turkey and cheese sliders you can definitely do that as well so once I’ve layered my cheddar cheese on top then I put the top bun on and then while I’m doing this I have my oven is preheating on 350° so I make sure that the buns are nice and even on and then that nice sauce that we had made with the butter the garlic and the fresh parsley I go ahead and I use my little brush and I’m brushing this all over the top and the reason why you want to brush this butter on top is this is going to help your sliders the top not to get too hard and crusty and not to dry out so you want to use all of your butter and just evenly all over just like this just like I’m doing and so and if you find that you need a little bit more butter you can always smelt another tablespoon if you need be and so this is how our sliders are looking then I’m going to cover it with some foil I’m going to put this in the oven at 350 and we’re going to let them go ahead and bake at 350 for about 15 15 to 20 minutes or until our sliders are warmed through and our cheese is nice and melty so it’s been 20 minutes I’m going to go ahead and take the foil off and I did check them earlier I checked them at 15 minutes to see how they’re doing my cheese was not quite as melted as I wanted it so I went on and I covered it and let it melt so it’s looking really good it’s looking great and so what I’m doing now is I’m going to put them back in the oven with the foil off for just 5 more minutes I like mine to be slightly um Brown around the sides just slightly Brown around the sides and so I found that I can just put them back in the oven for about 5 minutes and you see how it just kind of gets that nice like really pretty brown color around the sides with the cheese as well as with the meat well I’m going to go ahead and cut into these I’m going to give y’all the first bite I have our garlic aoli that I took out of the refrigerator and with the garlic aoli that’s something that I like to use but if you like horseradish you know like a horseradish um spread you can get that if you like to have mustard it’s just kind of depend with the condiments whatever that you know you like to get well this right here is our slider I’m going to put some of my garlic aolie right here on top and then you can always spread it on I keep it on the side and I just like to dip mine and this first bite right here this bite is for you go ahead and take your bite now I’m going to take my bite and see how we did M family these have come out so good oh my goodness you know what these sliders they do not disappoint well I hope you give this recipe a try we have 4th of July coming up summertime picnics and barbecues and this is definitely a must have on that table and if you are looking for a dessert to share at your barbecue or picnic I’ll put a link to my punch bowl cake at the end of this video well that is it for me today if you’re not subscribed I invite you to hit that subscribe button it’s free if you like this video don’t forget to show us some love give it a thumbs up and click share and share this video with a friend or family and remember it’s always good when Devon is cooking for the family I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye everybody [Applause] [Music]


  1. Dovonn loking good on this best roast beef sliders! Producing videos like this is what may need a subscriber channel! Great job! Please stay connected!

  2. LOVE SLIDERS! These look so delicious – and that SPREAD looks SO DELICIOUS! Have an amazing week and take care!

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