Beef Ribs. Looking for reviews, tips, comments, critiques. Smoked on my Weber Kettle



  1. ChugsMaJugs

    That looks delicious and I need to do this with my Weber too

  2. Ig_Met_Pet

    They look great! Can’t really give advice without details on your process though.

    My tip would be to buy plate ribs next time. They’ll blow your mind compared to the chuck ribs.

  3. Difficult_Pirate_782

    Beef smokes in less time than pork

  4. ketoLifestyleRecipes

    They look great!
    I have a couple of beef rib tips if you are interested.
    I always spend a little extra time cutting off the membrane and anything unpleasant on the back of the ribs. There’s a tendon and vein that grosses fussy people out. Some people don’t trim, but we do.
    I also find a time during the cook to add some moisture back in with a flavourful beef bone broth wrap.
    I hit it with a top-up rub and spritz before a quick sear to seal the deal. This method comes from my competition and judging days, I still play with the flavours on my cooks. I want my beef ribs to taste like beef but super moist with a little caramelized bark and proper smoke.
    Beef ribs rule at a get-together.

  5. Looks great! The only beef ribs I can find around here have almost no meat on the bones! (Aside from short ribs)

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