A 2 pack of grass fed NY Strips from Aldi $15. 35 minutes in the oven at 250. Final sear for 90 seconds per side in a ripping hot cast iron pan. 6 mins rest time. Finished with sea salt and olive oil.
Served with garlic mash and broiled brussel sprouts (not pictured).

by lovable_asshole


  1. IntroducedSpecies

    Strongly recommend using a large spatula to push down the steak into your pan to make complete contact for the sear. They are prone to cupping away from the pan because of the heat and you end up getting weak sears over most of the cut.

    You also mentioned a “ripping hot pan” but anything 400F or more at 90 seconds should have produced significantly more color from the Maillard reaction than we’re seeing here. It’s possible your pan wasn’t fully preheated.

    The inside of the steak looks great and that’s most important for overall enjoyment. I think I see some finishing salt as well which is always a nice touch.

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