WELCOME BACK EVERYONE TO COOK WITH ME SHRIMP SCAMPI PASTA #Recipe #Pasta #Shrimp #Scampi #itsmewanstonyesshunni #seafooddishes #seafood #shrimps #pastarecipe #cookingchannel #cookingtutorials #howtocook #howto #shrimpscampi

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody hey what’s up everybody what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up peop coming to you live House of X entertainment presents it’s me wanton yes honey coming to you now live what’s up Twitter family what’s up YouTube family what’s up Facebook family and my Instagram peoples what you guys doing out there what’s up hey you guys welcome back everyone welcome back welcome back happy summer happy June it’s almost July so you guys know what that means yes my birthday month is coming soon so today we’re going to be making a very simple and easy dish all right so we’re going to be making some scampy so before we get into it I’m going to go ahead and wash my [Music] hands all [Music] right okay so now um I already have my water for my pasta over here that is boiling so what I’m going to do first is just add a little bit of um just a little bit of seasoning to it just a dab okay just a dab all right um cuz you don’t some people normally they put um they put butter and oil after I strained my pasta I nor this do all of that okay so now what we’re going to do is just open this bag for our [Music] all right and what you want to do is run some cold water you also want to put some vinegar in there as much as you can all right to clean your your Seafood all right you want to make sure that you get all in there um so make sure that in it very well all right so these ones already cooked I mean cleaned from the store um you can buy the on that um not clean and everything and you can do it yourself however it’ll just take some more time so I like to wash them twice guys just to be on the safe side um so just to be on the safe side I like to wash On’s place it all depends on how you are wash your [Music] stuff so I’m going to put a little more vinegar all [Music] right cuz you never make sure that your your meat is always clean because you don’t need food for all right okay so that’s good now what we’re going to do is guys in this Skillet pan right here we’re going to put it on a medium he all right and I have some oil you can use olive oil you can use um Regular vegetable oil so you’re going to use about a cup full and a half of the oil all right make sure that it covers the hand okay so you make sure that it covers the hand all right so let me show you guys it’s about that much right there mhm just make sure it col to hand now um our pasta is ready to go in our pot as you guys can see so the recipe asks that we break the pasta I don’t like to break pasta I just like the P fall in however but I’m going to go with what they said to do okay and this is very quick and easy fastor to cook as you can tell lini is very thin fetuccini if you’re doing fetuccini is thicker than this and also um spaghetti is a little thinner so um just giving you um some insight on when it comes to Pasta Oh [Music] shot okay just giveing me some insight on when it comes to pasta okay all right and you just throw it up in there and you go to go all right [Music] okay all [Music] right almost done guys okay all right so let me move you guys over here so you can see all right so as you can see my little pot here has some water in it but over here we have some old day seasoning not too much CU it’s high in sodium okay um whatever SE se you prefer you can use that whatever SE se you prefer um I’m going to put a little bit of um red pepper flakes in our pot over here so I’m not going to put them in the actual um here so let’s mix this all right so we’re going to go ahead and mix this okay okay all right sometimes SK pant like these they get very very quick so as you can see this is very much heaten up very fast so um turn it [Music] down okay all right you guys can see yes so you should start to smell the aroma of the pepper and the aroma of the onions so you just want the onions and everything to simmer okay to simmer before you actually and then we’re going to put in some about two um full spoons about two a half a cup I half a spoon of minced garlic [Music] okay put that in all right we’re going to mix this around in there okay so once that’s mixed in now the time to put in our shrimp okay and you just let the shrimp cook but you don’t want it to be where [Music] it all right [Music] [Music] there we go and the shink in there [Music] [Music] as you can C [Music] okay you should start to smell the aroma of the um the garlic all right also shout out to sh fer she made me these lovely oven mitts yes thank you sis thank you thank you thank you I love them so what we’re GNA do is and um we’re just going to all you need to do is just keep turning your strength until you start to see that air turning pink once once you know they’re turning pink they are cooking all right so you want to make sure that it’s cooking very nice and well all right add a little more of the oil just a half off pretty right something like this you know you just dab it in there all right okay and then that’s it [Music] and you know you can just shake up your pot just like so all right [Music] okay our trength is looking lovely [Music] see how nice it’s looking [Music] guys done now time to strain our pasta all right so that’s what we’re going to do okay BR here all right let get my oven MI [Music] okay now I train my POS the oldfashioned r if you have a strainer you can strain it with a strainer [Music] so that’s done all right now what we’re going to do is put our shrimps back over here our fire is still low and this is our Costa so I’m not going to do too much to this because we have to put our pasta into the um the shrimp so I’m just going to add a little bit of seasoning okay and you just want to mix it just a little bit okay not too much all right now for your shrimps over here we’re going to add some [Music] but okay all right I about a nice cut of the butter okay and then um we’re just going to dump our P into [Music] you have to use a different pot all [Music] right so you just want to make sure you get all the juice and everything out of your hand here okay make sure allice and [Music] everything add more butter [Music] [Music] sprinkle a little bit of oil and we’re going to [Music] need I need the garlic okay [Music] so now it’s time to mix [Music] okay and then the last [Music] [Music] ingredient and you’re going to get some lemon and you’re going to squeeze it [Music] okay all right so you’re going to need about two lemons [Music] okay here we go [Music] [Music] okay okay there we have it guys we have for our shrimps Andy the gamy pasta okay all right and if you just want a little more flavor little bit of extra pepper if you want you can add that or some seafood sea you can add that as well okay there you go he you have it [Music] okay there you go [Music] guys all right now it’s time good wa [Music] [Music] all right guys there you go there you have it we have shrimp scampy remember to always like comment subscribe and share don’t forget to hit that notification Bell each time I go live each time I upload a video remember to prank for those that you see and pray for those that you don’t see love you guys family what’s up YouTube family what’s up


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