Breeo firepits:
Grill shrimp to perfection on the Breeo firepit, served with a grilled apple and bacon salad and creamy goat cheese fondue. Enjoy delicious in-shell oysters with a savory whole grain mustard and butter mix. This meal comes together in a flash and is perfect for outdoor cooking enthusiasts!
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hello my cookies and welcome welcome to Russell Cooks thanks so much for tuning in today I have a fantastic grilled recipe for you we’re going to be doing some grilled shrimp and we’re going to do some grilled oysters now I love raw oysters not everybody does I’m going to present you this recipe where you can Grill them up and eat them a different way so if you don’t like raw maybe give these a chance I’m going to be cooking it over my Brio Woodfired stove also going to be making a goat cheese kind of fondue and an bacon apple salad to go with our Seafood it’s going to be fantastic so now that we know what we’re doing let’s gather our ingredients I got some buttermilk whole grain mustard some parsley I also have some chives these are optional I think they add to the recipe otherwise I wouldn’t include them some cultured salted butter I really want a prominent butter flavor I have some garlic cloves just about two big ones or four small ones two different apples I got a honey crisp for a little sweetness and crunch and I got some Granny Smith for a little tartness got a lemon got my goat cheese got some olive oil salt bacon and then of course I have some peeled and devain shrimp as well as some whole inshell oysters now that we know what we’re doing and we’ve gathered our ingredients let’s get cooking first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to get the bacon cooking cuz that’s going to take the longest I’m actually going to cook my bacon in a pan on the grill I just don’t want all that Bacon Fat dripping down into it going to get my pan on all right let’s get our bacon in here we’re going to be chopping up this bacon so don’t worry about keeping it looking real nice just don’t burn it let’s just cook all of this I don’t need this much bacon I almost always cook bacon in an oven I think it’s the best way to cook bacon but if I cook in a skillet I add some water to the pan so I put in about a/ thir cup of water and you’re saying Russell why are you adding water to the pan because it helps the fat render let’s do the shrimp I got extra large it’s big you can get 16 to 20s 20 to 25s are fine anything smaller you’re going to have trouble grilling might fall through the grill grates those numbers simply mean 20 to a pound 16 to a pound 25 to a pound they come in ranges 16 to 20 20 to 25 doesn’t matter try and get as close to 16s and 20s as you can you want some big shrimp so I’m going to do about half a pound these are probably closer to 25 so I’ll do like 12 shrimp I’m just going to take off the tails all right it’s a little olive oil little salt 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt shrimp are already pretty salty so I don’t feel the need to add a little bit more let’s get our garlic clothes in there again one too large at most all right so I’m just going to set this aside let’s go ahead and flip some bacon all right that might be too hot I am going to adjust all right next up fondue this one is super duper easy it’s one part goat cheese one part butter one part buttermilk so I got 8 oz of goat cheese let’s do half a pound of butter here all right and now for the buttermilk I’m not going to add it all let’s add about a cup 8 oz now I’m just going to sit this over in a warm place and let the kind of butter and goat cheese melt and soften if it is too hot it won’t come together it’ll look broken not great you want it just in little bit warmer than room temp I’m going to put it over in the sun right over here all right let’s go back over and check on our bacon let’s also get to our apples I’m going to start with the Granny Smith going to have it take out the core you know what let’s quarter it take out the core this way I get some more grill marks on it just going to stick these apples on my grill grate Grill them up I just want a little bit of char kind of want to go get one of my weights let’s make our mustard butter sauce we got about 4 tablespoons of butter in there let’s put about a tablespoon mustard in here and we’re just going to let that sit and soften as well I’m going to put that over here all right let’s check on these apples not quite I’m going to lower this again let’s check on this bacon few more minutes on the bacon I think the apples are done so let’s get those off little Char on the Apple Bacon’s done too so let’s get this off you don’t have to do all this outside you can just do this inside and come out and cook up your shrimp and oysters but hey when it’s nice out why not I’m just going to cube up these apples once they cool a little bit but until then let’s get a little fresh parsley in here a little maybe about a tablespoon minced here just want a little bit of green a little pop of freshness parsley’s pretty mild but it definitely adds a little bit of freshness I’m going to be cutting up this apple I’m just going to make little cubes I got my honey crisp which will add a bunch of sweetness and then I have my Granny Smith which are a little bit more tart I leave the skin on you don’t have to Granny Smiths are fine for the skin I’m actually going to cleave it in half just to make the cubes a teeny bit smaller so we’ll do half in cubes here we got our apples there it’s time to add our bacon to this got my bacon here again I’m just going to use a little bit of the bacon crunchy bacon bits yes please let me mix it around a little bit you know what I’ll add a little bit more Apple to it just so I can finish off this little bacon here I’m also going to give a squeeze of lemon over top that will keep the apples from turning brown now the Bacon’s salty but not salty enough let’s just put maybe a/4 teaspoon salt in here and a teeny drizzle maybe a teaspoon of olive oil remember the Bacon’s going to add some fatty richness so we don’t need too much of it this fondue doesn’t look warm enough so I’m going to set it someplace a little bit hotter and that’s going to be right near this wood fire oven let’s do some red bell pepper here just doing about qu inch pieces I want them pretty small here my knife cuts are probably a little bit bigger than I’d want well let’s go ahead and give this a nice little taste here I actually think it needs a little bit more Apple so I’m going to add these Granny Smiths which are a little bit more tar I love the Char that comes through really adds to the complexity little bit more lemon and just a teeny bit more salt here get another log on this fire let’s check in with our fondue here nice this is a really good consistency it hasn’t broken it’s perfect look this is what you want to do whisk it around get all those lumps out let’s give it a taste maybe it needs a teeny bit more goat cheese but instead we’re going to add a little bit of lemon and a little bit of salt4 teaspoon to half a teaspoon kosher salt here oh this is perfect consistency let me show you I have some chives here let me just cut the tips off I like chives in the fondue not necessary completely optional so I’m going to put the shrimp on a skewer just to make it easier to get them on flip them get them off so when I do this I like to do through kind of like the middle thick area right slide it on down and now I like to have have this guy facing the other way feet to head type thing skew them all like this also packing them pretty tightly together will help prevent them from overcooking I am going to grease up my grill again I’m also going to get my oysters they should be closed they should be sealed up and I’m going to put them on as well the oysters are going to take 3 to 5 minutes the shrimp will probably take 3 minutes flipping halfway through don’t try this at home let’s do the oysters so putting the oysters on I’m going to do curv side down the oysters are on 3 to 5 minutes some will open it’s okay if they don’t open that’s fine we’re going to take them off get the top shell off put a little bit of that mustard butter in and we can always put it back on just to help that mustard butter melt a little bit now it’s time for the shrimp oh yeah some of these oysters are opening up try and position them so they don’t drip out into the fire if you can let’s get this lower here we go let’s flip the shrimp yeah look at that we got some nice Char on top oysters are starting to crack let’s get them off they’re done let’s get the shrimp off we’re good so I am going to open up a few of these oysters just pry them open with a spoon scrape the oyster cuz it will be stuck to the top scrape the oyster off the top into the bottom you’re going to have something that that looks like this hopefully you got a little bit more juice in it then you’re going to take a little bit of your mustard butter mixture and you’re going to put it right on top hopefully that carry over cooking will melt this butter look at that it just melted that butter you can put parsley in this I put a little bit of lemon juice we got our goat cheese fondue so what we used to do in the restaurant was we’d make a nice little ring just like that maybe a little bit bigger let’s make it a little bit bigger if you went out to a restaurant and you paid and you got this I think you’d be happy so let’s try this cooked oyster remember we grilled these oysters got a little butter a little grain mustard on them a little bit of lemon it’s tender juicy you get the richness from the butter you get a little bit of that flavor depth from the mustard and then the Briney Sea comes through with that sweet oyster if you don’t like raw oysters give these a try let’s get in here cut the shrimp Cuts easily you get a little bit of the fondu a little bit of this apple mm tender shrimp very sweet comes through crunchy crisp apple little bit of char on there you get a balance of the sweet and the tart with the honey crisp and the Granny Smith and then just the lemon brings the brightness the creaminess from this fondue oh a nice salty bite of bacon I feel good eating this meal too like you put so much butter in it Russell I’m like I know that’s why it tastes so good so that was grilled shrimp grilled oysters with an apple bacon SLO and a goat cheese fondue the best way to support this Channel for free is just subscribe to me on YouTube you can also follow me on Twitch Twitter Tik Tok and Instagram if you like any of the stuff I use I have a whole bunch of affiliate links Down Below in the description I get a little Kickback but I only put up stuff that I use or enjoy myself thanks so much for tuning in and I hope to see you next time take care

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