Recipe first, then an explanation of the title.

1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1 can kidney beans, drained and rinsed

1 tomato, chopped

12 oz bag of frozen California Blend, defrosted

1C brown rice, cooked slightly al dente

1/2 C red wine vinegar

1/2 C olive oil

Salt & pepper

Italian seasoning paste & garlic paste, 1 Tbsp each (see note)

Whisk the dressing together separately, pour over all other ingredients, mix well and chill. Note: I use Gourmet Garden herbs in a tube – they act like fresh, but stay good in the fridge for over a month.

This was originally supposed to be a 3-bean salad. But then I didn't have one of the bean types, decided to beef up the vegetable content, had to use the tomato or it was going to go bad, threw in some brown rice as filler and added seasoning to the dressing. So it's not at all even similar to what I was going for. Still pretty tasty.

by NorthernTransplant94


  1. bitchy-sprite

    I made something like this last night but pasta based. I called it clean out the fridge salad.

    Half a can of black beans
    Half a can of chick peas
    Half an onion
    One tomato
    One small head of broccoli
    Box of pasta
    One cucumber

  2. bronzshopper

    This looks really good! I know what you mean about things turning sideways. I made a soup recipe someone posted on here and it basically just became pasta with a bunch of vegetables. Still good but not at all what I planned lol

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