I’m at a loss for words.

by Stunning_Meringue_53


  1. Dull_Ad8495

    BLT pizza fucking slaps soooo goddamn hard.

    Deep fried turds do not.


    Toss the cheese curds on the pizza with the marinara sauce and rebake until they all get to know each other.

  3. Jodies-9-inch-leg

    I got a chubby looking at them cheese curds

    Yes please

  4. O_Engelmannii

    I support people’s right to enjoy, but holy fuck that is heinous to my eyes at least

  5. Own_Machine_6007

    I bet its good. I had a clubhouse pizza once and it was good. I think I was high tho

  6. Coleslawholywar

    The pizza looks great. That other monstrosity is food for the trash can.

  7. Purple_Resolution_80

    Eating heated Lettuce = getting high… it’s the only way.

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