Tips? I don’t know how to decorate and I used a plate because I don’t have one of those spinning platforms. I made everything from scratch!
I think its really ugly 🙁

by AnnabelleLeeTheSea


  1. nihlus1122

    It looks really good!! Idk ik it looks a bit messy but that’s just the icing yk. Looked it up and it said powdered sugar could help the icing thicken

  2. houndedhound

    It looks very nice! Sure, a little messy, but we all start somewhere! I rarely decorate my cakes, and when I did, for a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, I hid everything under chocolate shavings haha. Bet the lemon with it’s refreshing taste was also very lovely in this weather.

    What kind of recipe did you use for this cake? Asking for a friend. (Me, I’m asking for me)

  3. Business-Break2597

    I think it’s a great first attempt! Can’t go wrong with fresh fruit, it’s always such a bright addition to a cake. I’d suggest just trying with your knife or a spatula to smooth the sides a bit more. You’ll get the hang of it. I’d eat this. 😋

  4. International-Rip970

    Good job. How did it taste?

  5. RubyDax

    I don’t care how ugly a baked good looks, if it’s Blueberry-Lemon, I’m devouring it!

  6. MD2JD77

    It’s a little messy but it looks delicious and I would definitely want to dig in! One pointer: the lemon slices on top look nice but no one is going to want to eat them. The next time you might consider zesting the lemons over the top of the frosting/blueberries which would give a beautiful sprinkling of yellow and would also kick up the lemon flavor a notch.

  7. geekonmuesli

    Looks tasty! Did you let the cake cool completely before frosting, and did you do a crumb coat? That might help to get the frosting smoother.

  8. EngineApprehensive24

    This looks delicious!!!! 🤤 I want a piece!!

  9. Additional-Advisor99

    Not bad for a first try. I think the biggest issue is the frosting. It’s looks too thin to give good solid coverage. A good buttercream is what I normally use. The other question is did you let it cool completely before frosting it? If you don’t, the heat can melt the frosting and cause problems.

    Of course, the most important question of all is, did it taste good? I’ve had some really ugly looking failures that tasted amazing. If you can get the taste and texture down, the form will come with practice. One thing that helped me was starting with putting icing on cupcakes. You do them over and over and you can see what works and what doesn’t.

    Just don’t get disheartened, keep persevering and you’ll get it. 😃

  10. Unplannedroute

    That’s an amazing first cake! If you want to get better you can practice on a foam block and scrape and reuse the icing.

  11. Ipickfights69

    Very rustic. Looks like every step was made with love. I’m sure it was delicious

  12. Puzzleheaded-Sail381

    You did an amazing job! 👏🏻 We all start from somewhere, and someday, you’ll look back and say you’ve come a long way. The important thing is taste! Blueberries and lemon, yum! My first cake was not this fancy.

  13. TeaMe06

    Lol this is how my first cake looked I thought adding blueberries would jazz it up lol I’m sure the taste was good 🫶🏾

  14. KelliCrackel

    I think you did a great job. It’s a little messy, but it looks yummy. I love blueberries and lemon together. Let me tell you, I make great cakes now, at almost 50, but my first from-scratch cake was an abomination of God. It came out like a brick and it tasted so bad that the dogs wouldn’t even eat it. This is leagues better than my first attempt. 

  15. JodyNoel

    But I bet it is delicious 🫐🫐🫐 make sure your layers are completely cold before frosting. Also do a crumb coat first.

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