Second year of canning green beans (pressure canner) last year we had a problem of losing water out of the jars. This year first batch went well Second was a disaster. All of the pics are from the American batch. First pic jar tuned out great. Second something went wrong (jar was in center position) and third pic dammit 😑

Why am I losing water out of jars? I am going to assume 3rd jar had a crack of some kind.

by yellowirenut


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  2. potatomeeple

    There was another post about this yesterday that mentioned that syphoning can happen if you don’t let the pressure normalise before you open the canner. I would go look for that post and see if that fits your scenario.

  3. BrorBlixen

    Were the cars pre-heated? Siphoning and the bottom blowing out are both issues that can be caused by too large of a temp difference between the jars and water in the canner.

  4. WildYeastWizard

    :v I just made a similar post. Everyone said after it’s done, leave the weight on top until it’s room temperature, probably like 12-24 hours. This only happened with my green beans too

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