First time making onion burgers top with cheddar cheese.

by mlong14


  1. mainesmatthew01

    I’ve seen you pack 15 cheeseburgers into that gut

  2. Ok-Film-229

    Like… 6. For sure.. my doctor told me I need to stop eating red meat though 😭

  3. jermster

    Dats a lotta bread but I could scarf two tree a dem prolly

  4. Aggravating_Drink817

    2 maybe 3 if there aren’t sides.

  5. typer84C2

    I could eat 3 but I would only eat 1 assuming I worked out hard that day.

  6. Urbanwolft64

    Probably 3, but I’m on a strict Drs order diet for a few health concerns so I would have to keep it to one on my cheat day (Sundays). But damn they look 😋

  7. GeddyVedder

    One, with an angioplasty on the side please.

  8. Spudman14

    I could do 4, maybe….. 5. Would need some fries to go with it and maybe a milkshake.

  9. Nikablah1884

    I’m gonna eat…..

    Who am I kidding I’m gonna order 3 and eat 1 and take a bite of another and feel awful for 6 hours then eat the other, then wake up and eat the next one.

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