2in Ribeyes cooked at 135F for 3.5 hours from frozen followed by a 5min ice bath, paper towel dried and 15min fan dry.

Finished on a cast iron pan with ghee, 1min per side and then basted in butter with garlic, rosemary and thyme for 1.5min.

by 1ib3r7yr3igns


  1. trinite0

    Damn near perfect. I might call sous vide cheating, but it sure as hell gets results.

  2. Necroking695


    I’d pay $50 for one of these steaks

  3. zizzLLL

    That’s a 10/10! Nice crust, even cook throughout. Perfect. I’d prefer it to be a little more under but that’s personal preference. Well done!

  4. Space_Montage_77

    freaked me out a little until I realized you rubbed Ghee all over them.

  5. TheInternetIsTrue

    Over cooked, but probably tasted okay. Considering you seared, I’d go to about 117 in the water and let the sear finish off the cooking. But, that would bring them to about 125 and it seems like them closer to well done.

  6. Negative_Advantage28

    Throw the garlic in the trash, otherwise good

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