Steak + Eggs

by Fbeezy


  1. Maestro_de_gatos529

    My preferred side with a steak. Browned-butter fried eggs, cooked exactly like that.

    Down. The. Hatch.

  2. Embarrassed3266

    This looks divine the meat looks so juicy and the eggs perfect.

  3. DazzleBabeDelight

    i’m more curious how you perfectly fry those eggs.

  4. jkwarch-moose

    Solid medium steaks,
    I prefer rare, but add in those eggs and I’d chow down
    Excellent breakfast

  5. FringeFrolicFant

    just looking at it is making me hungry 🙁

  6. Thrashley86

    Steak and eggs and eggs and steak! That’s what we have for breakfast! Delicious!

  7. Tasty-Teach101

    Been so stressed out how to cook eggs like this

  8. JBwaterman

    That looks amazing, nice and simple plating well done

  9. Carlkingsnake1824

    Why did you leave those sticks in the eggs.

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