Greek Shrimp Grain Bowls with Lemon-Garlic Yogurt**

In this 1-minute culinary adventure, we’re diving into the vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean with our Greek Shrimp Grain Bowls. These wholesome and nutritious bowls feature marinated shrimp, colorful veggies, and a zesty lemon-garlic yogurt drizzle. Whether you’re meal prepping or craving an easy weeknight dinner, these bowls have you covered!

**Recipe Highlights:**

1. **Marinated Shrimp and Veggies:**
– Our shrimp soak up a delightful blend of olive oil, fresh garlic, herbs, and smoked paprika. The veggies—zucchini and bell peppers—join the party, creating a symphony of colors and textures.

2. **Versatility Rules:**
– Don’t worry if you’re missing an ingredient! Swap zucchini for mushrooms or bell peppers for poblanos—these bowls are all about using what you have on hand.

3. **Grains Galore:**
– Choose between farro or rice (both reheat beautifully), or amp up the protein with quinoa. The choice is yours!

4. **Lemony Yogurt Drizzle:**
– A dollop of Greek yogurt infused with garlic and lemon juice adds a refreshing tang to each bite.@tasteconner

5. **Garnish and Customize:**
– Top your bowls with briny capers, olives, fresh herbs, or even a sprinkle of feta cheese. Get creative!


1. **Marinate the Shrimp and Veggies:**
– Whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, smoked paprika, oregano, salt, and pepper.
– Marinate shrimp and veggies separately in this flavorful mixture.

2. **Cook the Grains:**
– Choose your grain (farro, rice, or quinoa) and cook according to package instructions.

3. **Assemble Your Bowls:**
– Divide cooked grains among bowls.
– Top with marinated shrimp, grilled veggies, olives, and tomatoes.
– Drizzle reserved marinade over the bowls.

4. **Lemon-Garlic Yogurt Finish:**
– Add a generous spoonful of garlic-y lemon yogurt to each bowl.@tasteconner
– Garnish with fresh herbs and enjoy!

**Remember, these Greek Shrimp Grain Bowls are more than a meal—they’re a celebration of Mediterranean goodness! Share your culinary journey with your viewers, and let the flavors transport them to sun-kissed shores. 🌞🍤**

if you’re looking for a nutritious Mediterranean inspired meal try these Greek shrimp bowls with lemon garlic yogurt you’ll start by chopping your veggies and prepare the simple marinade which is a mix of olive oil lemon juice garlic spices and parsley divide the marinade evenly between the veggies in the shrimp and give them a good toss cook the shrimp until they have a nice golden C and then use the same pan to saute the veggies assemble all of this goodness on some white rice with a dollop of the lemony garlic yogurt fresh parsley and a squeeze of lemon juice


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