Third batch of dough, I think I’m getting the hang of this thing.

by beatskeeeet


  1. Still_Tailor_9993

    Looks good. Amazing. Just keep on baking and walking on your pizza journey 😉

  2. TheGhost206

    I mean if that’s not perfect, I don’t know what is. Great job.

  3. imscaredalot

    Pretty good. I think it depends how people like it. Personally I would say it needs more fluff but my wife would say it is perfect. Just really depends on taste

  4. AdeptnessAmbitious44

    That looks absolutely fire!

  5. Pineapplefrooddude

    My high ass though the pizza on the first picture is levitating.

  6. DookieToe2

    That’s a good lookin’ crumb structure.

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