I bought 16ish pounds of ribeye meat for about 10$ a pound and sliced my own steaks. What do you guys think, I think these is pretty awesome considering ribeyes can usually be around 16-18 lbs

by pir8son


  1. Impossible_Maybe_162

    I cut them thicker but to each their own.

  2. Green-Cardiologist27

    Pretty good. I’d opt for a touch thicker (that’s what she said) and use a vacuum sealer.

  3. Son_of_Sophroniscus

    This is the only way I buy steaks now. It’s easy, it’s cheaper, and you make them as thin or as thick as you like. Please the rib roasts give you some beef ribs on the side.

  4. Vacuum sealer is only around $30 and makes a huge difference.

  5. trinite0

    If it were me I’d maybe go a little thicker (those look like they’re similar to the thickness of standard grocery store steaks, so why not just buy the pre-sliced ones?). But wow, looks like you’ve got some good cooking results! So you’re not doing anything wrong. 🙂

  6. Federal-Cherry-1545

    Gonna make for a lot of great meals! But if you’re spend that kinda money I would suggest a vacuum sealer, will keep the frozen ones in great condition a lot longer

  7. Federal_Pickles

    Agreed that I like mine thicker. But not a criticism, personal preference.

    When I do this I usually put a fun marinade on a couple of them. I prefer S&P only, but for a fun Friday night with friends it’s nice to have a teriyaki/mexican/etc steak in the freezer.

  8. scerbs13

    I’m the cook in our family so I cook what the kiddos want the most and these would be gone less then two weeks

  9. Realistic-Fact-2584

    You really need to be vacuum sealing those steaks

  10. LegalWarthog7736

    I know it’s cheap but if you can afford it buy pastured beef. Don’t support these factory cattle warehouses where the cows are living subpar lives

  11. johnnyribcage

    Those would keep much much better vacuum sealed.

  12. Alert-Championship66

    Looks like select. It’s one of the easiest sub primals to fabricate. Some of the bigger eyes are less desirable to me because I generally like my ribeyes pretty thick.
    Good job 👍

  13. ScorpioWaterSign

    I do the same thing and love this!!! Great job

  14. Given that pre-cut Costco meat is blade tenderized bacteria wasteland, your attempt is amazing, and the cook is spot on (maybe a bit over for personal preference but whatever)

  15. RexorGamerYt

    It’s just fine. You’re yourself and you should try out different slices, thicker, thinner, cook more, cook less and see what your favorite is.

  16. ToastetteEgg

    Great job! I do the same thing myself.

  17. 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿…

  18. No-Prompt3611

    Did you salt them before freezing . Makes a huge difference

  19. Inner-Ad-1308

    Use wax or parchment paper, then foil. Metal will cause discoloration & sometimes an off taste

  20. Tracker29

    I applaud you! It looks like a heck of a great investment.

  21. j40boy22

    You still have silverskin that needs removed on that first pic.

  22. BitterTooth4841

    Is there a trick slicing them so uniformly?

  23. Disrespectful_Cup

    IDK, I’m distracted by that dirty chair

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