Easy Breakfast Casserole

Easy Breakfast Casserole
• 1 pound Sausage
• 6 Eggs
• 2 cups Milk
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon pepper
• 1/2 package Frozen Hashbrowns 15oz
• 2 cups Cheddar Cheese shredded – I like cheddar but you can use your favorite
• Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
• Crumble sausage into a skillet on the stove and brown completely. Remove from heat.
• In a large bowl, mix eggs and milk together and whisk well.
• Add salt and pepper to this mixture and stir.
• To a 9×13 dish, add frozen hashbrowns, sausage, and cheese – stir together in the dish
• Pour the egg/milk mixture into the dish.
• Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes – covered with foil. Remove the foil and bake for about 10-15 minutes more until the dish is bubbly and cheese is melted.
• Serve and Enjoy!

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Calvin and Marie Towe
75 Tremont Dr. S.E.
SilverCreek, Ga. 30173

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[Music] some might say that I’m [Music] loner but I just call it being [Music] free I am my heart’s only owner or at least I used to [Music] be cuz now wild fire is Raging deep inside hey everyone I’m Calvin with Southern Country Living I hope everyone’s having a great day today uh Marie and I were both doing good but Marie did have to go this morning to the um Immediate Care Center and they checked her she does have bronchitis and she also had an ear infection that she did not know that she had and so anyway it’s in the evening now we’re getting ready for our Supper meal and this is something that Marie had requested that she was wanting it we hadn’t had in a while but we’re going to have a breakfast cassero and on this one we’re going to be using sausage we’re going to also be using a Hy of a bag of these Heist Browns and these are the ones that has the onions and peppers in it and if you hear some coughing in the background that’s Marie like I said she does have the bronchitis we’ll be using six eggs two cups of cheese two cups of uh milk and some salt and pepper you can add some more Peppers to this and more onions but I think this is going to have enough in it if it don’t when I cut it open I can cut up some more and add to it so first thing I’m going to do I’m going to go ahead and put my sausage in here I’ve already got it cut open and uh I’ll get this browned up first that’ll be the very first step okay and we just bought the mild sausage uh last time we made this we used hot sausage and it’s just a little hotter than what we really enjoy so for today’s meal we’re just going to be using mild sausage on it so this will probably probably take just a few minutes soon as I get it brown I’ll be back with you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I’m back this sausage is browned up there’s there’s not hardly any grease in here at all this is a pretty good sausage uh the way they make it okay there’s a lot of different ways to make your uh cassero for breakfast and uh this is just one of the ways we’ve got several videos on these cassero and this one here is just a it’s a real easy way and it’s not very expensive to make it this way okay I’m going to put half of this bag of heist grounds uh in my casso dish and it does have some peppers and onions in it so I think I’ll put just a little bit more okay put that mix in there we’ll save the rest of these for another recipe next I’m going to put the sausage in and the way I do it I’ll sort of scoop it so that I won’t put all that grease in there that might be a little big get in but not much okay I’m going to set this over here so that it’ll be out of my way I’m going to add about two cups of this shredded cheese to it you could use almost any kind of cheese you want to use but I prefer the teddy cheese myself and two cups is about height of this bag [Applause] okay then you just want to give it a little steer boy that sure does look good okay so next thing I’ll do I’m going toh slide this up out of the way and I’m going to mix up some eggs for it and like I said we’re going to put six eggs in here I should have already had these cracked open [Music] the okay that may just be a bad habit of mine but I always want to wash my hands after I crack eggs uh that’s something I’ve always been taught to be careful with eggs okay I’ve got my six eggs in I’m going to add two cups of milk and then I’m going to add this is one teaspoon of salt and a half of a teaspoon of black pepper go ahead add that into it and we’ll just whisk this up real good oh Marie just walked in here for a minute are you feeling any better maray um I feel okay except I just get those coughing spells you know right now yeah well hopefully some of the medicine that they gave you today will help you some they gave her an antibiotic today and they also gave her uh some cougher so hopefully that’ll help her when we were starting to leave up there we ran into one of our viewers that uh she said she watches us regular her name was Ruby and I won’t say her last name but she was a real nice lady and she spotted us and said hey Calvin and Marie and we just want to let you know we appreciate you coming up and speaking to us we love it when our viewers uh recognize us when we’re out shopping or going to the doctors or whatever yeah because they see us but we don’t know what they look like that’s true yeah okay I’ve got this mixed up let me pull this back over here where the camera will show it okay and all you got to do now is just pour this in on top of it Marie the U the he Browns that we bought they had quite a few peppers and onions in it so I’m not going to add any peppers and onions to it okay okay let me flatten this out good you have to be careful if you have a high spot sometimes your high spots will burn on you want they Marie yeah okay so what I’m going to do I’m going to cover this up with aluminum foil and I’m going to put in the oven for about 45 minutes and at the end of 45 minutes I’ll take the aluminum foil off and I may put just a little more cheese on top of it and put it back in there for about 10 to 15 minutes and I’ll let it finish cooking and whenever you cover with full I’m raught me this be sure and spray the F before you cover it so it don’t [Applause] stick okay so this is going in in the oven and U while it’s cooking we’re going to have I think we’re going to have some coue and some tomatoes to go with it and I’ll get them sliced up so when it gets done we’ll have a real good meal for tonight so we’ll be back with you in just a few minutes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] B [Music] he [Music] okay it’s been 45 minutes let’s take a look at and see what it’s going to look like wo sure does smell good looks nice too I’m going to put just a little bit of cheese on it not much I wish Marie was in here and could see this right now okay I’m going to put back in the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes without the aluminum boil on it this time [Music] okay and I went ahead and got the coup sliced up got the Tomato sliced up so as soon as this comes out of the oven we’ll be ready to put a su in a plate and enjoy a good meal tonight so I’ll be back with you in about 15 minutes okay everyone I’m back the breakfast casserole is done I’ve been letting it sit here and cool for just a few minutes and tonight what we’re having we’re going to have the sausage breakfast cassero we’ve got some toast orange juice a slice tomatoes and some Coupe and I think it’s going to be a fantastic mix I think I’m going to really enjoy it on this breakfast cassero uh it’s probably too hot to get out with a spatula but I will try it with a spatula first and if that don’t work then I will use the uh I’ll just use a big spoon to get out but I’ll give this a try first if you let it cool long enough you can get out real easy with a spatula but if it’s hot it’ll Fall Apart okay that came out pretty good there okay now let me get Maria slice okay okay it came out great with spatula it been cooling for about 10 minutes minutes so that worked out pretty good okay let me get I’m only going to get one slice of tomato I’m not big on tomatoes like Marie is and then I’ll give Maria a couple of slices of tomato and then on the uh cantaloup our cantaloupe we got that through uh a grocery pickup at Walmart and it’s not as ripe as it should be and so Marie may not like this Marie loves calou normally but she may not like this too good especially since it’s not quite as ripe as she likes it and I’m only going to put a couple pieces of cantaloupe on mine cuz I’m not big on cantaloupe either [Music] okay and then we’ll get us some toast okay now I’m going to do a quick taste test and see how I like this first bite’s good good just the right amount of salt let me get some sausage in this bite that’s perfect I like using the potatoes that’s already got the onions and pepper in it cuz it just really gives it the perfect taste and you don’t have to do the extra work of cutting up onions or uh potatoes either one okay I better quit eating now I fix and eat all of it up this is good Maria is in the other room I’m gonna take her plate to her I asked her if she felt like coming in do a taste test but she didn’t fill up to it this evening so y’all y’all say a prayer for Marie and hope that she gets feeling better real soon but until she gets to feeling better uh I will be taking care of the cooking and uh I’ll take care of both of us until she gets to feeling better so uh I’ll go ahead and close this video out here y’all have a great week we appreciate you watching all of our videos and like Marie would say do what you love and love what you do [Music] bye we were young and we were free and running never bed about what could be coming every day we danced and life was sming we were young and drunk and love a few years later I have started thinking if it’s just love in every glass I’m drinking we’re like one and without you I’m sinking I’m always shining next to you oh I got you there’s no reason to Chas in pavement my own cuz you’re here to stay every night and day I’m delighted cuz I got you I have always been afraid of changes but you shown me life is full of Faces Sometimes clouds got in our favorite places but we were young and


  1. Always so glad to see your smiling faces. Make a good day even better. So sorry Marie is feeling bad. Prayers for quick recovery. Debbie Yarham

  2. Calvin you did a fantastic job cooking and it looked yummy. And I will be praying for Marie to feel better with you taking care of her I'm sure she will be better before you know it. So have a great rest of the week.

  3. Nice video. Marie will get better. Thanks for your sharing. That was a desirable meal. I would have loved to have served it to my kids ( back when).

  4. Hello Marie & Calvin,Marie sending prayers your way!🙏That casserole looks VERY GOOD!I have never made this particular breakfast casserole but I sure will.Thank you!Blessing to you both & hope you are feeling better soon Marie.❤️🙏❤️

  5. Bless Marie's heart! So sorry to hear that she is sick. Praying that she gets well soon. Breakfast comfort food is always a good thing when you are sick!♥

  6. I was looking at some of your old videos and you have alot of good food can you make some food for diebes my sugar spikes alot goes to hight how did you like that cottage chesse and egg bread have not made yeat i eat to much bread

  7. 👋 kids,
    I'm late today.!

    I scrubbed my kitchen floor at 5 am today then did lots of Volunteer work so phone wasn't close by.

    This dish looks GREAT.

    Added to my growing list.

    Marie, please take it easy. NO to being sick or under the weather.

    Repeat that !

    Calvin, sending mega good thoughts your way for taking extra good care of Marie.
    🤗 🤗

  8. Hello Calvin and Marie
    I am sorry to hear about the bronchitis. My husband had that illness for the whole month of May. After he saw the doctor for medication it worked wonders. Hope that is the case for you Marie. I have made this casserole. It is very tasty. I love breakfast foods any time of day. It is a perfect meal for summer

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