The pictured pizza is #2, but pizza #1 had a hole that leaked sauce and cheese onto the stone. It is caked on now. I tried blasting it at 500F in the oven for 20 min and left it to cool over night but no success. It is the last picture in the series here.

by MyAltAccount157


  1. It’s fine, scrape off what you can and keep cooking. I’d heat it up and use a bench scraper

  2. Still_Tailor_9993

    the pizza stone is fine. A little discoloration is normal. Just clean a little and your’re good to go. Your Pizza looks amazing!!!

  3. __sjors__

    My stone have looked worse than that! Just keep using it and scrape of what you can. I used a wood spatula to scrape it

  4. SereneSnake1984

    Flip it over and burn that off, then scrub and reuse

  5. explosively_inert

    I use a wire grill brush with a scraper to clean my stone. Staining is normal, I just check to make sure it’s flat to avoid possibly catching the uncooked dough on anything that is stuck.

  6. dahadster

    Stone looks good. Adds flavor. Just scrape it with a spatula or grill brush between cooks so there are no raised bits.

    Did your pizza cook ok on both sides? Curious about the grill cook.

  7. Dukeronomy

    Mine is almost completely black now… i just send it

  8. unmannedchase

    People clean their stones? Mine is 10 years old and completely black. Makes great pizzas.

  9. Ice_Pirate_Zeno

    When my stone broke, I put my Blackstone griddle top in the oven. It works so good that it’s been in there for 5+ years. I only pull it when I need to use the Blackstone.

  10. LarvaLouca

    A pizza stone, worn with grace,

    Marks of meals in every trace.

    Each scorch, a story to embrace,

    In every line, a warm embrace.

    Cherish the signs of use so fine,

    For in them, your feasts entwine.

    A canvas of culinary art,

    A testament to every heart.

  11. MyAltAccount157

    Thank you everyone, I’m not concerned about the color more about the raised caked on bits that take away from a flat surface


    It’s fine, you can try scrubbing it but it’s gonna get messy again. In the future, using parchment under it for the first minute or two then sliding it out can help prevent this.

    And being careful to make sure no sauce or cheese leaks through or over the edges

  13. blahsplatter

    Don’t use water to clean your stone. It increases the chance it will crack when you heat it up. Scrape the hell out of it with a grill wire brush and wipe it down with a dry towel.

  14. BrokieTrader

    Seasoned. Not ruined. Scrape it and you’re good to go

  15. lets_go_packers

    It’s like patina on a beautiful old car, it’s meant to be there

  16. Todd2ReTodded

    My pizza stones always crack when I use them on the grill

  17. JakobVirgil

    My pizza stone has turned black and it has never worked better.

  18. TimeShareOnMars

    Stone, just scrape off with metal spatual and repeat.

  19. crutonic

    I can’t seem to make a pizza on the grill without burning the bottom and undercooking the top. I preheat, keep it closed, etc

  20. baconmethod

    to get shit off the stone, cook it at a high temperature

  21. InsertRadnamehere

    A little color doesn’t do anything. Scrape off the hard bits.

    You can wash it with a steel scrubby if you want to to take off the burnt carbon. But you won’t get all the stain off. That’s fine. Eventually the whole stone will look like that.

  22. diearzte2

    I use a plastic razor blade (not plastic handle, the blade itself is plastic) if I get sauce or cheese burned onto my stone. The blades are useful all over the house too.

  23. AlphaOhmega

    Looks fine to me. It shouldn’t be pristine.

  24. anonymousposterer

    Don’t worry too much about it. My stone looked like that after the first time I grilled pizzas on it. Just wipe it best you can and remember it’s a tool for cooking.

  25. MrMoonAstronaut

    Whatever you do, don’t use soap it will ruin the stone permanently. Just brush it off and it should be fine.

  26. fuuuuuckendoobs

    I just clean the ooni with very high heat for about 30mins and it comes up new

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