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Mashed Potatoes Recipe:
2 lb Yukon gold potatoes
5 TBSP butter
7 oz double cream
6 oz whole milk
Salt to taste
Boil potatoes, remove from water, let dry. Use ricer or food mill for potatoes. Return to pot, add butter, double cream, and milk. Add salt to taste. If desired, add roasted garlic and/or herbs.

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Filmed and edited by Erica Yoder

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hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue I’m Jeremy oder and today we’re smoking a non-traditional barbecue item but I’ve always thought it would be great smoked today we are cooking beef osabo if you’ve never heard of osabo you may have heard about it through Italian food in Italian it means bone with a hole Oso Buco and this comes from Porter Ro I want to thank Porter Ro for sponsoring today’s video but I’ve had osuko twice in my life both times at Italian restaurants both times very disint pointing it was either complete mush and kind of flavorless or it was undercooked in the other experience and it just really left a lot to be desired but it comes from the beef shank so the lower leg of the cow and that means there’s a big bone in the middle that bone has marrow which is very special and it’s also got connective tissue now low and slow is great for cooking things with connective tissue because you break that connective tissue down you hydrolize it it’s a chemical process whereby collagen and other proteins are broken down to form gelatin now if you think meat Jell-O sounds gross just wait you got to try it it sounds gross but tastes absolutely amazing it’s just this unctuous texture in your mouth it’s really really good and I want to create some barbecue smoke flavor on the outside I want to taste the beef and I want to create a better version of the dish that I’ve had a couple times that I was disappointed by both times so the prep process on this is going to be very simple I’m going to season with kosher salt and black pepper because I want to taste that beef and then we’re going to put it on the smoker at about 200° for an hour then 250 for an hour then 275 until the bark sets firmly and then I’m going to wrap it in aluminum foil now normally for beef I’m wrapping in butcher paper but because I want to maintain the Integrity of this thing I don’t want to dry it out it doesn’t have a ton of marbling but it’s got a lot of connective tissue want to capture all that in the foil and I want to make sure that I don’t get rid of the marrow that’s in these bones because that is a key feature that you want to maintain when cooking osoo that’s the whole reason we’re doing osoo and not just chunks of beef from the lower leg so let me get these out of the package we’ll season them up we’ll get them on and we’ll start creating bark and then something I don’t commonly do I’m going to show you how I like to make another dish that I think goes along with this perfectly now typically you could do this with a risotto or a Penta or something like that but I’m not Italian I’m not pretending to be I’m going to do it with mashed potatoes I’m going to show you my favorite way to make mashed potatoes this is something I think some people in culinary school I I told about cuz they asked me about it but I haven’t shared this publicly this is the absolute best way I have ever found a make mashed potatoes no offense to my mom the way she makes it is great mom if you’re watching this I’m not saying this is better than your way it’s just my favorite way and I think if you guys try it you’ll like it too so let’s get these out of the package and get started so this is beef is a cow yeah it’s beef I didn’t know if it was ox or something I don’t know why I thought it was Ox Ox is just oxen are simply cattle that are used for draft animal purposes I think I mean I could be wrong on that but yeah oxen also also a very weird plural in the English language reminds me a lot more of German oxen the farmer took his oxen to the field and uh if anybody remembers Oregon Trail I remember we had oxen in Oregon Trail and I also remember whenever you go shoot Buffalo it’s like you shot 21,000 lb of meat you can carry 100 lb and it would never stop me from like shooting 800 Buffalo regardless uh if somebody can fact check me in the comments that would be cool cuz um I have to conf I’m not exactly sure on that oxen versus cattle distinction I think it’s the same thing cuz I think it’s from the same head of beef that you get oxtails for you know oxtail soup or whatever as a matter of fact I got some Porto Road oxtails in my freezer right now that I’m planning to cook next week and I don’t think they have specifically oxen it’s just a mystery of the universe but I’m sure somebody knows [Music] now I’m going to put them on the solution at about 200° for the first hour then 250 then [Music] 275 it’s going to rain [Music] it’s been about 90 minutes we’re cooking at 250 now so let’s take a look at these and see how we’re [Music] doing we’re at the stage of deep red color I want them to get just a little bit darker and then we can wrap them and get them tender [Music] I wonder how many of you guys out there have seen the Brian Regan Stupid in School bit which is one of my absolute favorites of all time he recounts a story probably fictional about when he was in school and his teacher asked him hey Brian how do you make a word of plural he’s like you put a you put a S at the end of it and the teacher apparently doesn’t like him and he like no let me show you Brian and ask this kid named Irwin she like Irwin what’s the plural of ox like oxen the farmer used his oxen and said then she says Brian what’s the plural for box he’s like boxing I ate two boxing of donuts that’s great he has the spelling be thing in there it’s like all right kids up against the wall time for public humiliation highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it go check it [Music] out as the osuko gets close to wrapping we’re going to let this water come up to a boil I’m going to peel these potatoes Cube them and then and then boil them so that they get tender usually it’s a temperature about 208 to 211 after I boil them and this is very important I’m going to take them out of the water and let them cool and begin to dry on a tray that drying process is going to concentrate the potato flavor one other important note is that when I boil those potatoes I’m going to use these parmesan rinds and going throw them in the water because I think it starts to infuse the potatoes with a little bit of umami I can’t prove that but experientially anecdotally that seems to be true and then we’re going to get some heavy cream we’re going to reduce it by half the three liquids we’re going to use are going to be that double cream we’re going to use milk and then we’re going to use some butter to get the consistency and richness just right so time to start peeling some potatoes [Music] [Music] while the potatoes are cooking and that cream is reducing we’re going to wrap the osabo in aluminum foil with a generous scoop of Tallow on top and then we’re going to take them to ton is probably about 205° [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] it’s time to Plate our osabo if I can get my wife to stop eating these mashed potatoes I’m telling you guys if you haven’t tried it try it they are really really good I’m literally fighting my wife away so first we’re going to start with the mashed potatoes we’re going to put some of those right in the middle of the plate ooo on top and Erica cooked some brussels sprouts and some carrots and so we’re going to add those then a little bit of parsley on top and then we’re going to taste this and I have a really good feeling about it I think it’s going to be awesome [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this smells incredible got our smoked do ofco then we have the delicious mash potatoes highly encourage you to try those we have the vegetables that my wife roasted carrots and brussel sprouts this beef I know is going to be super high quality it’s from Porter Road this video is sponsored by Porter Road and if you guys haven’t tried their meat you guys need to if you’re used to commodity beef you try this Porter Road beef it’s going to be significantly more flavorful commodity beef is going to taste like cardbo board in comparison to the real pasture raised beef that you’re going to get from Porter Ro they’re using the highest quality genetics and they’re using the highest quality raising practices and then they do individual seam Butchery so you get all kinds of cuts like this that you’re not going to find at the local grocery store so check them out I’ve been using their stuff for years it’s my absolute favorite and absolutely positively do not sleep on the pork they’re using a cross between two Heritage breeds and they are absolutely phenomenal like their pork ribs it’s just so good you actually get flavor from pork rather than being this flavorless thing that might be part of the ribs or part of the pork but it actually has genuine flavor and actually some marbling in there so check out the link in the description you’ll order from them and they’ll ship the meat directly to your house you don’t even have to go anywhere it’s just going to show up and guess what Bonanza you’re going to be really impressed with the meat and you’re going to be ordering from them again because it’s just so much better than what you’re getting at grocery stores all that being said it’s time to dig into this I am looking forward to it all right and know you’re supposed to eat this with a knife and fork so I didn’t cook it until fall apart but it is nice and tender I was actually concerned I wouldn’t be able to get it out of the wrap and put it on here without falling apart so close up to the camera mission accomplished oh I already got mashed potatoes all over this looks like I’m going to have to eat it and try again to show it to the camera W that is so good so rich taste beef you taste smoke that is exactly what I want to see got a nice smoke ring on both sides they’re actually almost touching cuz this is a thin cut and then we see this connected tissue it started to break down make that gelatin that I was talking about which makes every bite super succulent so good mashed [Music] potatoes this is so good I guarantee you I’m eating this whole [Music] thing no getting wrong excuse me I haven’t lunch I’m going to stay out God neither have I as my papy used to say you can’t beat that with a stick what do you think mhm was way better than that Italian restaurant no offense to the Italians but man this is so good it’s like a mix between pork and brisket yeah it’s got a different flavor but it’s just really are you going to steal that one too that for me yes of course I cut that for you I mean obviously I did creamy mashed potatoes and with theis swe brussels sprouts yeah it’s so [Music] good it’s freaking good I almost forgot the Maro I got to do one bite with tomaro really quick oh smokier and richer man that is good that was the best bite I’ve had so far this was absolutely amazing actually better than I hoped for I thought it was going to be good but this impressed me if you guys want to get your hands on some of this osoo click on that link in the description go check out Porter Road they make incredible stuff I actually have a video where I went to one of their farms and they’re raising their animals ethically which just so happens to have the benefit of it makes the meat taste better which is what I’m about so check out that link in the description if you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button down below don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and you can also follow me on Instagram Facebook Twitter patreon everything at mad scientist barbecue I’ll see you next time these mash potatoes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]


  1. A disturbing trend I keep seeing is all the cheaper cuts we are using for BBQ are going way up in price, more than just inflation. Beef shanks, ox tail, chuck, all getting super expensive. Eventually we will just be smoking water if prices continue to go up.

  2. Great techique on the mashed potatoes. Only two things I would encourage you to try. 1. Put the potatoes in the water before you apply much heat. Then the potato cooks more evenly, better texture. 2. Instead of melting the butter, add room temp butter to the hot potatoes and mix it in. That keeps the butter in emulsion. Basically mounting the mashed potatoes.

  3. Amish fellow playing Oregon Trail, not sure why but I love it! 😂 Awesome video. Maybe some plate ribs this summer?

  4. That Brian Regan skit is also one of my all time favorites!

    Brian, what's the plural for a Moose? …MOOSEN! I SAW A FLOCK OF MOOSEN, There were many of em, many much moosen! Out in the woods, the woodes, IN THE WOODSEN!

  5. The classic Osso Buco recipe calls for reducing the braising liquid and using it as a sauce. In your version, the meat looks very tender, but dry and lacking maximum flavor without the reduced braising liquid.

  6. Looks insane
    You’re getting much better at presentation of meals
    Looks like something a chef plated up

  7. Went to my local butcher and bought Ossobuco right after watching this. I enjoy beef shank, and this looks real good.

  8. My husband and I were talking about that Brian Regan comedy skit 2 minutes before you mentioned it😂 great

  9. Great job on the twist of this classic dish that typically is braised and uses veal.
    I have been smoking beef osso bucco at least 2 times a month for over 10 years. It is always a hit with guests.
    Sadly, your video will now raise the price of this cut.
    Another great cut to smoke is ox tail.
    I make a smoked oxtail Jamaican stew.
    Ox tail is the same as beef tail.
    I'm surprised you don't do much with lamb.
    Smoked Lamb Shoulder or lamb neck makes great pulled lamb. And smoked Lamb shank is wonderful.

  10. Back when I was a kid in the 1960’s when my parents where on budget my mom would get lamb shanks and I think ossobuco (and lamb chops and veal) because they were dirt cheap back then. Then sometime in then years later when these “star” and “celebrity” chefs got a hold of what was essentially cheap cuts of meat the prices skyrocketed. I guess the same can be said of brisket as well -right?

  11. I think I first tried Osso Bucco by adapting a Sam the Cooking Guy recipe. Very good cooked in an open Dutch oven on my Weber Kettle low and slow. I cooked for a couple hours before adding some braise to it. The result was wonderful. But just cooking it as you did would be great and really make the beef the star.

  12. Hola Jethro, mucho tiempo , to te vez………. I've cooked this up a couple of times, and it's like "GREAT" type of "Stew meat"…. specially, when it's "SMOKED".

  13. The full video of Brian Regan's "stupid in school" bit is so worth it.
    It's from his show "I walked on the moon". It's the one where he's in a blue shirt in front of a wall that has a big backdrop that says "improv"

  14. It may seem strange, but the first thing I would eat where the brussels sprouts! The char on them was legit!

  15. Oxen are commonly castrated adult male cattle; castration inhibits testosterone and aggression, which makes the males docile and safer to work with. Cows (adult females) or bulls (intact males) may also be used in some areas.
    What we call STEER's

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