I liked this pizza but felt it had too much crust.

by KheetoDiet



    Looks good to me. The crust is such an essential part of a pizza, it should be allowed to have a little attention along the edges.

  2. goatboat

    My wife might think so but she leaves the crusts on her plate (ultimately for me, never leave a crust behind)

  3. just_forfunva

    Were you able to eat it all?? There’s your answer

  4. Thinkofthewallpaper

    Yes… Give it to me to dispose of…

  5. zole2112

    It looks delicious, I am a toppings to the edge guy but that looks excellent!!

  6. ChipMonster33

    Nope, that looks amazing. 🍕🍕

  7. buchoops37

    Maybe yes, if you don’t like crust. This seems subjective.

  8. solepureskillz

    It is for me, but that’s the beauty about pizza. If you like that much crust, have at it. The dough and the cook look like they came out flawlessly. Excellent work, mate. Enjoy your pie.

  9. Calride

    In my opinion, it depends on how the crust tastes on its own, if you’ve added something like oil, chilly flakes, or parmesan, and if you’re doing like a marinara to dip it in after.

    But I’m also someone who just likes to eat the crust.

  10. Jercooks

    It would take a lot for me to say too much crust, I purposefully leave a good amount of crust on our pies because it’s my favorite part.

  11. Lumpy_Branch_4835

    Personal preference. If you felt it needed a little less crust then try a little less next time. I’d go with just a little less, but what you’ve got looks pretty dam good.

  12. __Ocean__

    No…………let me dip that crust……………

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