Meals I made this half of the year at home and at uni

by SofDB5581


  1. Conscious_Low2451

    Ohh my!! The black beans made me cry of jealousy

  2. SofDB5581

    1. Some fried chicken and chickpeas with cous cous and greens.

    2. Nigerian ayamase stew with some goat meat and cow skin

    3. Goat meat pepper soup

    4. Fried chicken

    5. Pork meatballs

    6. Grilled fish, plantain swallow and seafood okro

    7. Close up shot of the seafood okro

    8. Open face wrap with chicken, peppers and cabbage

    9. Spaghetti and some meat

    10. Curry with some meat and potatoes

    11. Stewed lentils and fried gizzards

    12. Broccoli and beef sauce with some rice

  3. StonedSquid777

    Was def gonna ask what African country you’re from, haha. Nice work

  4. sookie896

    I’d order food from you all the time lol. Looks so good!

  5. CellyAllDay

    What’s cow skin like? I’ve never had it before. Love the variety of dishes here!

  6. RosLiving

    Nothing like cooking with pecan wood. You must be in Georgia.

  7. acloudcuckoolander

    I was just gonna ask if you’re African or Caribbean.

    That food is chef’s kiss

  8. PurchaseTight3150

    Looking great bud. If you’re looking for part time work I’d highly recommend applying to a restaurant as a dishwasher/kitchenhand or maybe even junior cook. You definitely have enough starting skill to just start cooking right out of the gate, and imo cooking jobs are the best college/student jobs out there. You get free food, you meet awesome people, you (often) get free drinks, and you get cash (called ‘tipout.’ which is a % of all servers’ tips split amongst the kitchen staff who worked during that time period) bi-weekly ontop of your pay cheque. Plus, you get to learn to cook even better. And as cheesy as it sounds, you really do learn a great unbreakable work ethic working in a busy restaurant.

    Regardless, looks good!

  9. bad_at_formatting

    Looks so good lol, remind me of our Pakistani home cooking too kind of lol! Yum

  10. CoolBluebabe

    Those look so delicious
    Got me so hungry now-lol:)

  11. Zealousideal_Mail12

    I’m definitely going to make gizzards tonight 😍

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